ZeVis: No Matter What (Part 1)

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Part One: The Boy in the Forest

It was three years after the creation of Fairy Tail the day we met. I remember taking a walk in the forest near our little guildhall to get some fresh air. Growing up on the island with only Zeira as company, I still sometimes needed a break from all of the crowds and noise. And that was when I first saw him.


“This forest is kind of dangerous, you know,” I said, staring down at the sleeping man. His face was quite handsome, all relaxed from sleep. After I spoke, his red eyes shot open and he jumped to his feet. I held up my hands, smiling. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. My name is Mavis Vermillion. May I ask yours?”

“That doesn’t matter,” he said, turning and walking quickly away from me.

“Where are you going?” I asked running after him.

“Don’t follow me!” He snapped.

“If you would tell me where you’re going, I wouldn’t be so curious,” I grinned. “And if I were no longer curious, I would no longer have to follow you to find out.”

“I’m going…away,” he said.

“Why not stay instead?” I asked. “Perhaps you could join Fairy Tail.”

“A wizard guild?” He looked almost shocked as he stopped walking.

“I can sense a powerful magic energy coming from you,” I said, “and it doesn’t appear that you have a guild mark. So, how about it? We’re still relatively small, but the wizards are all kind.”

“I don’t think your master would want me,” he said, sadly.

I frowned. “And why is that?”

“You’re too young to know of the evils in this world.”

To that, I glared at him, pointing my finger in his face. “My entire village was murdered at the hands of a dark guild, and before that I was an orphan working as nothing more than a slave. I know plenty about the evils of this world.”

“That isn’t evil,” he said, darkly, looking as though he were off in his own world, “that is just the result of power. The more power someone has, the more terrible things they do.”

“That isn’t true,” I smiled. “I’m the first master of the Fairy Tail guild, and I haven’t done anything so bad.”

“Give it time.”

I frowned as he continued walking. This man is unbelievable. Why is he so focused on good and evil?

Figuring I would only know if he told me, I followed him. “What type of magic do you use?”

He stopped again, staring down at his hands, looking as though he were remembering something bad. “My magic can only take lives.”

“Only if that’s what you choose to use if for,” I told him.

His red eyes met mine, and I swore I saw him smile a little. “That’s the only thing I’ve ever been able to do.” I tried to reach out to him, but he backed away. “Don’t touch me.”

“Why?” I asked.

“If a living thing touches me, it will die,” he said. “That is my curse, my magic.”

“That must be so lonely.”

He met my eyes again, this time looking slightly startled. “Most people run when they learn of my magic.”

I smiled. “You aren’t trying to hurt me, right? So, why should I run away? I believe that if you don’t want to hurt me, you won’t. No matter what your magic does.”

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