Rowen: A Year's Worth of Courage

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AH! I'm so out of practice with Rowen! O_O But I love these cuties, so I definitely need to write more of them! X3
This one was requested by @Anime_Life123! (Again, it won't let me tag you, so if you see this please let me know if you changed your name or something that way I can properly tag you! Thank you!)

This is following the storyline of the newest arc in the MANGA! So, if you aren't caught up (at least to just a few chapters behind) and don't want to read spoilers, skip this one! There WILL be spoilers!

Ok, you've been warned. Now, onto the cuties! :D

"Dad! Dad, look! We got a letter!" I ran into the small pub, handing my father the envelope.

"Calm down, Romeo," he chuckled, opening it up.

"What's it say?"

His mouth fell open when he read it, and he didn't answer. Wanting to know for myself, I took the letter and read it, feeling my own mouth fall open. "Fairy Tail is...Fairy Tail is coming back together!"

After receiving the letter, asking everyone to return to Magnolia, I had practically dragged my dad from the pub and onto a train.

"It's nostalgic, isn't it?" He asked, smiling at me from the seat across the aisle.

"What is?"

"Thinking about Fairy Tail being all together again. It's going to take a lot of work to rebuild the guildhall and sort everything out with the council to reinstate the guild, but we'll do it. If anyone can come back even stronger than they were before, it's Fairy Tail."

"Right," I nodded. "We're all Nakama, after all, so of course we will." Although, I was secretly afraid that some members would decide not to come back to Fairy Tail. Some had joined new guilds, so would they leave their new family to rejoin their old one?

There was one wizard in particular who crossed my mind at this thought. A certain blue-haired dragon slayer who had made a new home in Lamia Scale. Wendy.

After the battle with Tartaros, I hadn't really gotten the chance to speak with her. I'd heard about her achieving her dragon force, and I had wanted to congratulate her on it, but the opportunity never arose. And when the guild disbanded, and everyone went their separate ways, I didn't see her again after that.

It's already been an entire year since I've seen her or anyone else from the guild.

After several more grueling hours on the train, we finally arrived in Magnolia. "There they are!" I shouted, towards the large group standing where our old guildhall used to be.

"Romeo, Macao!" Mirajane smile. "Welcome back. Hopefully the trip wasn't too bad."

"Long as hell," dad complained, "but not bad. Worth it, I'd say," he grinned.

"Are Natsu and the others here yet?" I asked, searching the crowd for them, but not seeing them anywhere.

"Not yet. They'll be coming soon," Lisanna reassured me.

And they did. It was a tearful reunion with everyone, and we all immediately went to work on rebuilding the guildhall. Everyone was in high spirits, telling each other what they had been up to in their year away from Fairy Tail.

"Hi, Romeo." I froze, my hammer raised above a nail, at the sound of a familiar voice. Wendy was smiling at me, and waved a little when I turned to face her. "How are you?"

"I-I'm alright." Stop stuttering, you idiot! She's going to think you're a giant dork!

"You've gotten taller in the last year," she giggled, and I noticed for the first time that I was a few inches taller than her now.

"Of course I'm taller," I said, trying to recover, "I'm almost fifteen now."


"Wendy, come on!" Lucy said, grabbing the girl's arm and dragging her off. She was following Natsu, Gray, and Happy, and the four of them looked pretty suspicious, sneaking around.

"Where are they going?" I wondered aloud, going back to my hammering. I vowed to myself that I next time I spoke to Wendy, I'd say something cool and congratulate her on her new magic. And maybe I'll even work up the nerve to ask her out.

"Yeah right," I scoffed, pounding on a nail a little harder than I needed to.

"Break time!" Mirajane called as she and Lisanna brought drinks to everyone working.

As I drank my water, I spotted the group from before—with Carla, Erza, and Mest as well—sneaking off somewhere. Now's my time to tell her, or I may never get a chance.

"Hey, Wendy!" I ran after her.

She told Carla and the others to go on ahead when she stopped, looking at me with a questioning frown. "What is it, Romeo?"

"I never got to tell you congratulations," I said.

"For what?"

"For learning your dragon force. The others told me about it after the battle with Tartaros, but I didn't get a chance to tell you since the guild disbanded right after."

Her cheeks turned pink as she stared at me. "O-Oh. Thank you, Romeo. It's not really that great, though. All the other dragon slayers can already use theirs, and I haven't gotten to train much with mine."

"It is great, though," I said. "It would take a lot to do that, and you were really awesome. Actually," I mustered up all the courage I had been storing up over the last year, and used it all at once, "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me. Once the guildhall is rebuilt and all."

"Go o-out with you?" She looked stunned. "L-Like a d-d-date?" The pink on her cheeks darkened and traveled down her neck as she said it.

I nodded, feeling heat burn my cheeks, too, despite my best efforts to not act embarrassed.

"I," she looked behind her where the group had disappeared into Magnolia, "I'm actually going to be leaving Magnolia for a little while."

"But you just got back," I frowned.

"I know, but this is really important." She paused, seeming to be thinking something over. "But, as soon as I get back, I would love to go on a date with you, Romeo."

"You would?"

She nodded, smiling sweetly at me. "So, just wait for me a little longer, 'kay?"

"Okay," I grinned. "And by the time you get back, we'll have the guildhall back up, and looking better than ever!"

She waved as she ran off after the others. "I look forward to it!"

Not as romantic as some, but still cute, I thought! :3

Up next is StingKino (Sting x Yukino)! (P.S. If anyone knows a better name for the ship, please let me know! I suck at knowing all the ship names. X'D)

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