Jerza: Shut Up and Kiss Me

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 “Erza!” Lucy exclaimed, excitedly, as she sat next to me in the guildhall. “Did you hear?”

“Hear what?” I asked, finishing a slice of strawberry cake.

“Crime Sorciere was spotted in the next town,” she grinned.

I tried to act uninterested. “Is that so?”

“Come on, I know you know what that means,” Lucy smirked, nudging me in the side.

“I'm afraid I don't,” I said, flatly.

“It means that Jellal will be in Magnolia by this evening!” When I didn't respond, she frowned. “Aren't you excited?”

“Should I be?”

“Oh, stop pretending you don't care,” she said, “I know that you like Jellal. And even if you didn't, he's your childhood friend, so I know you're excited to get to see him again. It's been almost a month since you saw him last.”

“Jellal is smart enough to stay far away from Fairy Tail,” I told her. “He knows it's too dangerous in Magnolia, so I'm sure he and the others are just passing through.”

Lucy pursed her lips as she continued to frown at me. Wanting to get away from her disappointed staring, I excused myself and left the guildhall. Before I knew it, I had gone all the way to my home in Fairy Hills.

I stared at myself in my vanity's mirror for several minutes after I pulled my hair up in a sleek bun. “What are you doing, Erza?” I sighed to myself. As soon as I had heard that Jellal would be in Magnolia, I had rushed home to get all dressed up. I didn't even know why I was. It's not like he's going to show up at the guildhall or anything. He's still a fugitive, after all. He has to be careful.

Still, I didn't change out of the fitted, black, knee-length dress I wore which tied around my neck and dipped low in the front. Nor did I take off the matching black heels. “Everyone is going to think you're a fool,” I scolded, tying my sword around my waist and walking back to Fairy Tail. I knew I should have just changed back into my armor, but I didn't...just in case.

“I don't even know why I'm trying to impress Jellal by getting so dressed up,” I sighed, quietly, “he has already made his feelings clear.” Pushing me away and then making up some fiance proves that he didn't really want to kiss me. I shook myself. It shouldn't matter if he wanted to kiss me or not. We were childhood friends. Nothing more.

Unfortunately. The thought kept sneaking up on me, reminding me how hopeless I was when it came to Jellal.

“Maybe I'm an idiot for loving him.”


Startled, I drew my sword and spun around, pointing it at whomever had been foolish enough to surprise me. “J-Jellal?” I gasped, hurriedly putting my weapon away. “What are you doing here?”

“Meredy, Ultear, and I were passing through Magnolia on our way South, so I decided to stop and see you. Now I'm glad I did,” he smiled as he spoke, and I remembered my ridiculous get-up.

“I—this was—“ I paused, willing my face not to change colors as a blush crept up my neck. “How long will you be staying?”

“That depends,” he said, smile faltering a little.

“On what?” I asked.

“Well,” he met my eyes, “on you.”

“Me?” I couldn't imagine what I had to do with anything. “What about me?”

“I wanted to...clarify a few things,” he told me, “about the kiss.”

There was no fighting the blush now. It turned my entire face the same color as my hair. I tried to keep my voice steady as I said, “there isn't anything you need to clarify.”

“But there is,” he sighed. “I lied to you, Erza. Though, I'm sure you already know that. I never was so good at lying to you.”


“I didn't make all that up because I didn't want to kiss you, and I wanted you to know that,” he said, meeting my eyes with a determination that made me turn a deeper shade of scarlet. “Actually, since you've returned from your seven-year absence, I've wanted nothing more than to kiss you. However, I didn't feel I deserved you—honestly, I still don't. But I came here today despite all of that.”

“Jellal,” I breathed, a little in shock, “what are you saying?”

“I'm asking you to forgive me, Erza,” he said, taking both of my hands in his. “I haven't been able to atone for the lifetime of grief I have caused you, and I know I will never be able to, but, if you'll let me, I'll do what I can to ease your pain as well as I can.”

“I've already forgiven you,” I smiled.

“You have?”

I nodded. “We cannot let our pasts control our futures, and I have come to realize that recently. You weren't well all those years ago, so it wouldn't be fair for me to remain angry about it. And you are here now,” I smiled, “doing what you can to make up for your past.”

“I must say I'm relieved to hear you say that,” he sighed, giving me a smile. My chest ached at the sight of it. I always had loved his smile.

“Erza,” he said, looking suddenly determined again.


“I love you.”

“What?” My eyes widened as I gaped at him.

“I have since we were children. I know this isn't the right time to tell you, but I fear there will never be a right time. I have caused you so much pain, but I—“


“But I wanted you to know how I felt.”


“I don't expect you to answer me right away—or ever, if you choose not to, but I needed you to know—“


“I'm sorry if this was all so sudden, but—“

“Jellal,” I snapped, grabbing the front of his jacket and pulling him towards me.

“Yes, Erza?” He asked, startled, as he finally let me speak.

“Shut up and kiss me.” I gave his jacket another hard tug, and his lips were on mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I sighed against his lips as he pulled me closer. It was a long time before he pulled away, and when he did, I noticed his face was just as red as mine.

“That was unexpected,” he chuckled.

“You didn't run away this time,” I smirked, causing him to scowl. “We certainly have been through a lot in this short lifetime, haven't we?”

He pulled me in for another kiss, before sighing. “That we have, but we still have a long future to look forward to.”

“Together,” I smiled.

“Together,” he agreed, mirroring my smile.

I silently cursed tears as they filled my eyes. “I love you, Jellal.”

“And I love you, Erza Scarlet.”

This one was for @Tenryuu!! Hope you liked it! X3  

Next up is Gale! And after that is Gruvia! ^_^

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