Nalu: That Tree

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 I chuckled as I watched Lucy run around in excitement with the rest of the guild. The Sakura Festival was the next day, and she had been looking forward to it all week. Since she was sick the year before and couldn't go, she had been doing all sorts of crazy things to make sure she was in perfect health for this year's festival. Much to my dislike, she had even stopped going on missions until it was over.

“What's wrong, Natsu?” Happy asked, hopping onto the table beside me.

“Lucy has been so busy this week that I've barely gotten to see her. Even when I go over to her house she's always too tired to really talk, and she falls asleep.” I couldn't help but sigh. It was boring without Lucy around.

“Why don't you ask her to go to the festival with you?” Happy suggested. “Then you would get to hang out and you could make sure she has a really fun time tomorrow.”

“That's a great idea!” I smiled. “Thanks, little buddy.”

I immediately went in search of Lucy. I found her sitting outside on the grass with Lisanna, the two of them arranging flowers. My old friend nudged Lucy in the side when she saw me, and said something that made Lucy blush.

“Hey, Luce,” I said, sitting beside her. “Hey, Lisanna.”

“Morning, Natsu,” Lisanna greeted me. “So, do you have a date to the Sakura Festival yet?”

Lucy gasped a little and gave Lisanna an embarrassed look. I frowned between them, having no idea what was going on. “Not yet,” I told her, shaking my head. I then turned to Lucy, who was still blushing for some reason. “Want to go with me, Luce?”

She completely dropped the bouquet of flowers she was holding, and looked up at me with large eyes. “M-Me?”

I grinned and gave her a nod. “Yes, you.”

“Oh,” she said, looking at a loss for words. “I, well, that would be—I'd—“

Lisanna put her hand on Lucy's shoulder. “What my friend here is trying to say is: she would love to. Pick her up at two.”

“Great,” I smiled, earning an even darker blush from Lucy, “see you tomorrow!”


“I'm hideous,” I moaned, looking at myself in the mirror on my wall.

“You're nervous, not hideous,” Lisanna giggled. After setting me up with Natsu the day before, she had offered to help me get ready for our date. “Besides, Natsu won't care what you wear.”

“I know, but this is our first date,” I sighed. “I want to look good for it.” A thought then occurred to me. I turned to Lisanna, frowning, “what if Natsu doesn't think this is a date? What if he thinks we're just going as teammates?”

“Trust me,” Lisanna smirked, “he knows it's a date.”

“Are you sure?” I asked. “Because I don't want to spend the day thinking it's a date, and then have my hopes crushed at the end of the night when I find out all this time he was just being a good friend.”

“Lucy, trust me,” Lisanna said, giving my arm a reassuring rub, “it's a date. Natsu's a dim-wit, but he's not completely oblivious. I can tell he likes you.”


“Really,” she smiled. I gave her a hug and let out a long breath.

“Okay, let's figure out what to do with my hair.”

Lisanna expertly did my hair, and was finished with ten minutes to spare. I looked at myself in the mirror, still feeling nervous. I guess I don't look as bad as I thought, I smiled to myself.

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