Gruvia: Little Blue Rabbit

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 “I can't believe this,” Gray grumbled, walking beside me into the amusement park. I gave the worker our tickets, and eagerly led him inside, ignoring his continued grumbling. Juvia gets to spend the entire day at the amusement park with Gray-sama!! I could have died from excitement. It was almost like a—dare I say—date!

“What does Gray-sama think the training exercise is?” I asked, smiling at him as I tried to lighten the mood.

“This was obviously a trap,” Gray sighed, angrily.

“What do you mean?”

“Come on, you had to have noticed,” he frowned. “Lucy and Natsu, Levy and Gajeel, and then you and I. She split us up based on those stupid couple things she's always going on about.”

“Juvia believes she calls them 'ships',” I said.

Annoying is more like it,” he mumbled. “Anyways, she brought us here claiming to have some training exercise for us to do, but it was all so she could get her stupid 'ships' to spend the day together at an amusement park.”

“So, Mirajane set us all up on d-dates?” I asked, excitedly.

“Looks like it,” he sighed. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his black pants. “There's no way she'll let us leave, so we're stuck here.”

“Then Gray-sama should try to have fun!” I grinned, hooking my arm in his. I led him towards a small couples' ride, hoping he wouldn't object. To my delight, he didn't. He merely sighed again and followed me.

I fidgeted nervously as we waited in line, wanting to hurry onto the ride. It was a small roller-coaster, and carried two people per car. It seemed to have a love theme, with hearts and a “tunnel of love” that the coaster traveled through.

When it was finally our turn, I climbed into the car next to Gray, and fastened my seat-belt.

“Alright, you're all set,” the worker said after checking our belts. She smiled at me. “You and your boyfriend have fun!”

I felt my face turn scarlet, and immediately looked over at Gray. I noticed his face was also a little pink, and he was grumbling something under his breath while looking away from me.

D-Do Gray-sama and I look like a couple?! I mean, we are on a couple ride...but she called Gray-sama Juvia's b-boyfriend! I was too busy swooning to notice the small hill as our car approached it. When it plummeted downward, I screamed and clutched onto Gray.

Our hair was blowing everywhere, and I noticed Gray laughing a little at my reaction. As the ride continued, I scooted closer to him on the seat. After the first hill, the ride was relatively calm. There was a curve which went through a field of roses, a Gray reached out of the car and snatched one.

“Juvia doesn't think—“

“Here,” he said, handing it to me.

“Gray-sama picked this for Juvia?” I asked, taking it with wide eyes.

“Don't—don't get any ideas,” he snapped, looking away from me. “You just looked like you wanted one, and I didn't figure you could reach them.”

“Th-thank you,” I giggled, wrapping my arms around his chest.

Just then, we reached the “tunnel of love”, so I snuggled closer to Gray. Again, he grumbled but didn't push me away. My heart was beating so fast that I was sure he could feel it through our clothes, but I didn't care. I'm on a love ride with Gray-sama!!

Through the darkness, there was a sudden quick flash of light, and I heard the sound of a camera. I had forgotten that rides like these take pictures of the people. I'll have to get a copy of that picture before we leave. I wanted to remember this forever.


When the ride was over, Juvia released her hold on me and climbed out of the car. I tried not to sigh in disappointment.

I frowned, shaking myself. Get it together, Gray. Sure, I liked Juvia, but I'd never tell anyone that. Especially not now, when I knew Mira was probably spying on all of us.

“Where does Gray-sama want to go now?” She asked, smiling at me.

“Let's just walk around to see what they have,” I said, shoving my hands in my pockets and walking towards the vendors area. Once again, she wrapped her arms around mine, and looked up at me, almost as if she were asking for permission to hold onto me. As an answer, I just kept walking. I couldn't help but grin a little at the wide smile that lit up her entire face.

We continued walking, and I couldn't help but notice how large her eyes grew as she looked at all of the prizes in the different booths. When we passed a small booth that had little blue rabbit stuffed animals, her pace slowed. She gazed at it longingly, and sighed a little.

“Wait here,” I told her, prying her arms from mine.

“Where is Gray-sama going?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Just wait here,” I said, going back through the crowd. I found the small booth, and paid for a turn. The game was almost too easy. You had to throw darts at a target with differently sized circles. The smallest circle was maybe about an inch around, and was bright gold. That was the one to hit for the rabbit toy. Being a wizard, I probably had an unfair advantage, but I didn't really care. I hit the gold circle on my first try, astonishing the vendor.

“I'll take that one,” I said, pointing to the blue rabbit Juvia had been staring at.

“Here,” he said, looking a little frustrated that I had gotten it on my first turn.

Smiling, I went back to Juvia. “Uh, here,” I told her, feeling suddenly embarrassed as I held up the rabbit.

She gasped, taking it from me slowly. She stared down at it for a long time without saying anything before she finally turned her beautiful blue eyes up to meet mine. “How did Gray-sama know that Juvia wanted one?“

“You were staring at it pretty openly,” I mumbled.

“Thank you, Gray-sama!” She squealed, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a small kiss on the cheek.

“So,” I said, clearing my throat when she pulled away blushing, “should we go get on another ride?”

She beamed at me, and took my hand when I held it out to her. With a small blush still on her cheeks, she nodded. “Juvia would love to.”

Here's the second part of the amusement park one-shots! ^_^ Thanks for reading! <3 Next is Gale! :D

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