Nalu: Fire? Or Ice?

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Okay Natsu, today's the day! I told myself as I entered the guildhall. Happy immediately ran off to find Carla, and I made my way to the bar.

“Good morning, Natsu,” Lucy smiled when I took a seat next to her.

“Morning,” I mumbled, trying to work up the nerve to ask her out. I had liked Lucy since the day I met her, but had only just realized it. Since then, I had been trying to get the courage to tell her how I felt.

“Is something wrong?” She asked, frowning worriedly at me.

“Are you busy tonight?”

“No, why?”

“Meet me in the park at five. I need to talk to you about something.” With that, I got up and left before she could ask me why. Way to go, coward.

I would tell her at the park. No going back, and no chickening out.


“What was that about?” I mumbled, turning back to my lunch. Natsu had been flustered. He's never flustered. I wonder what he wanted to talk to me about?

“What did flame brain want?” Gray asked, sitting in the seat Natsu had just vacated.

“I don't know,” I shrugged. I took a bite of my sandwich, wondering why he had been acting like that.

“Hey,” Gray began, getting my attention.

“Yeah?” I asked after I swallowed.

“Can I talk to you?”

“You're talking to me now,” I smirked.

“Out-Outside,” he said, looking a little red in the face.

Frowning, I nodded and followed him outside. What's going on with everyone today? First Natsu was acting flustered, and now Gray's blushing?

“So,” I said once we were outside, “what did you want to talk to me about?”

“I...” he trailed off, frowning down at the ground as if he were trying to decide on what words to use.


“I like you,” he said, leaving me completely speechless. “I just wanted to tell you. I don't expect a reply or anything right now, because I know it was kind of sudden, but I wanted you to know.”

“You—You like me?” I asked, stupidly. That's what he just said, Lucy. Gray Fullbuster. Likes you.

“That's what I said,” he mumbled, looking a little embarrassed. I had never seen him like that, and it caused my face to turn bright pink.


“Anyways, that's all I wanted to say,” he said, walking passed me.

I didn't say anything as he left, still too shocked to really respond. Gray likes me? Thinking about it made my heart hammer furiously against my chest. Was I...happy? I had never thought about Gray in that way before, but I suppose I could like him. He was handsome—although naked most of the time—loyal to his friends, and dependable. Maybe...maybe I do like him.

I returned to the guildhall and went back to my lunch, picking at the sandwich as I thought long and hard about my feelings. I had had a crush on Natsu for a while, but he was too oblivious to notice. He probably only sees me as a friend. I couldn't ever really imagine Natsu with a girlfriend, anyways. He was so focused on his magic and getting stronger that I assumed he hadn't ever spared dating a second thought.

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