Graylu: You're Not Alone

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So...I had a lot of feels from the newest manga chapter, and I had a graylu on the list, so here you go. XD


"Stop it!" Lucy shouted, her handing moving of its own accord as she struck Gray. He stared at her, just as shocked as she was that she had slapped him. "Don't," she said, tears filling her eyes, "don't say things like that. We're still a guild, Gray. We-We're still a family!"

He didn't know what to say. He had expected Natsu to charge in full-force and try to forcefully drag him back, but he hadn't been expecting this.

He hadn't been expecting Lucy.

As he watched the tears stream down her cheeks, a strange throbbing began in his chest. He had always hated seeing any of his guild mates hurt, but he thought he had moved passed that. He thought he had broken all of his ties. But he was wrong. Standing there, watching as Lucy cried for him-spilling tears for their broken bond, for his betrayal, for her love of their guild-he could feel his anger dissolving.

No, he told himself, shoving her away from him, I won't let them break my resolve! I must kill END! I can't stop until I have destroyed it!

"I know you better than that," Lucy told him, not backing down. "You aren't someone who would throw away their friends for a personal vendetta! We all want to destroy END, Gray! We all want to defeat Zeref! You aren't alone in this, so stop pushing us away!"

"You don't understand anything!" Gray shouted, throwing a barrage of icicles at her.

"Virgo!" Lucy instructed, and her spirit knocked away all of the ice. Immediately, she rushed forward.

Gray readied himself to attack her again, waiting for her to summon another spirit or to instruct Virgo to attack him. But she didn't. Instead, she threw her arms around him, holding onto him tightly. His body felt as rigid as the ice he controlled as she hugged him, her body trembling as she cried into his shoulder.

"Gray, please," she whispered, "come back to me."


"NO!" His inner voice cried out, fighting against his urge to wrap his arms around Lucy. "We have worked too hard for this! Remember your father! Remember what you promised him! If you don't defeat END, you will never fulfil his final wish! These wizards are a distraction. Get rid of them-kill them!"

"Stay out of my way!" Gray snarled, his vision darkening as the anger he had harbored for a year took over. It had been growing, slowly consuming him, but he didn't stop it. The power it granted him-along with the promise of defeating END-had led him to turn to it. Just as he did in that instant.

Before he was aware of what he had done, Lucy was rolling across the floor, an ice spear going through her shoulder. She screamed, the sound tearing at his chest. Natsu caught her before she could hit the wall. As gently as he could, he pulled the spear from her shoulder and then left her in Virgo's care as he turned to Gray.

"Alright, Gray, I've had about enough of this! Attacking me is one thing, but going after Lucy is where I draw the line! You're being controlled by a demon, so let us help you!"

"I don't want your help!" He snarled, sending another attack at Natsu.

Before the dragon slayer could counter, Lucy threw herself between them. "Stop this!" Her large brown eyes stared into Gray, unflinching, even as blood ran down her arm and tears soaked her cheeks. "Gray...stop. You're our friend. I know you can't see it because of that demon, but we still care for you-and we aren't going to give up on you, no matter what you say or do." She stepped towards him, a small smile on her face. "I am not going to give up on you."

The darkness within him stirred, uneasy as she grew closer to him. He wanted to move, but he was rooted to the spot. She was finally standing directly in front of him, that sad little smile still pulling at the corners of her mouth.

"Come with us. We'll fight together."


"Your father wouldn't have wanted this," Lucy said, gently, as she placed her hands on his cheeks. "He would have wanted you to be happy. So please, come with us."

His hands, previously raised to attack, fell to his sides. What am I doing? His eyes fell to her bloody shoulder, and he suddenly felt sick. I'm hurting my friends. They came to help, and I-

"NOO!!" The darkness suddenly tried taking control of him, holding onto him so tightly it was difficult to breathe.

"Gray!" Lucy gasped as he fell to his knees, cursing.

"No," he said, covering the mark on his chest-the one that used to be a Fairy Tail guildmark, one he wore with pride. "This isn't right." I hurt Lucy. That thought tore at his chest, burning into him until not even the darkness could fight against it.

"You can't defeat END without me!" The demon snarled, trying to fight against the sudden force that was pushing it back.

I can! Gray snapped back in his head, crying out as more pain coursed through his body. I have them; I have my friends!I have...Lucy.

After what felt like an eternity, the demon's voice faded, as well as the pain.

"Gray!" Lucy gasped, holding his against her. "The marks on your body!" He looked down, sighing in relief when he saw only tanned skin. The darkness that had slowly been devouring him was gone.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked, staring into his eyes with concern.

"I'm fine," he breathed, sitting up. "Lucy, I-"

"Don't apologize," she snapped, her face suddenly inches from his. "You don't get to apologize until you help us bring the guild back together. I'm not going to forgive you until then."

With a sigh, he put an arm around her, pulling her against him. "Thank you, Lucy," he murmured. "I-" He had to stop, fighting back tears of shame and guilt over how he had acted.

"I know," she said, putting her arms around him. "You're not alone, alright? I'm right here with you."

Hopefully that made sense, and my feels-warbled brain didn't muck it up too badly! XD

That was for @MetalOtaku12 !!! :D I hope you liked it!

Up next is gratsu!!

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