Gruvia: A Date With Gray-sama

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I looked up at the sound of my name. I knew without having to look who it was. There was only one person who called me that. “Hey, Juvia,” I nodded. “What is it?” I noticed she looked fidgety, and her face was flushed slightly.

She tucked a piece of blue hair behind her ear, then brought her dark blue eyes up to meet mine. “I-Is Gray-sama busy tonight?”

“No,” I said, wondering why she wanted to know.

“Would,” she grabbed my hands, the blush on her face darkening, “would Gray-sama go on a date with Juvia tonight?” She had practically shouted the last part, and nearly everyone in the guildhall had turned to look at us.

Clearing my throat in embarrassment, I pulled my hands from hers. “No—“

“Gray!” Suddenly, I was being pulled from the guildhall.

“What the hell, Mira?” I asked when the silver-haired wizard finally released me. She put her hands on her hips, and was glaring furiously at me. What did I do?!

“Were you just about to turn down Juvia?” She asked. I had to admit, she was a little frightening when she got angry.


“No, you weren't,” she snapped. Her lips slowly pulled up in a devilish smile. “Now,” she said, grabbing my shoulder and pushing me back towards the guildhall, “you are going to go in there, and tell Juvia you would love to go on a date with her. I know you like her, so stop being such an idiot!”

“I don't like—“

“And if you don't,” her aura turned black as she continued smiling evilly at me, “I'll tell everyone about that little thing I found at your house last week.”

My eyes narrowed as I stared at her. “You wouldn't.”

She giggled, patting me on the back. “I would.”

Cursing under my breath, I stormed back into the guildhall. Juvia was where I had left her. She stood by the bar, her head hung slightly in disappointment. With a sigh, I walked over to her, trying to ignore the snickering of a few annoying on-lookers. “Fine,” I grumbled.

“What?” She breathed, her eyes wide in surprise.

Again, I cleared my throat. “I'd love to go on a date with you,” I said.

“R-Really?!” She asked, clasping her hands together as her eyes shined brightly.

“I'll pick you up at eight,” I told her, figuring three hours would be plenty of time to pick out a place and let her get ready.

“O-Okay!” She beamed. I found myself smiling as she ran off to get ready for our date.

“Gray's in loooooooove,” Happy giggled, flying above me.

“It's about time,” Lucy said, grinning.

“Hey, Gray, what'd Mira do to get you to say yes?” Natsu smirked.

“Shut up, flame brain,” I snapped, leaving the guild and heading into Magnolia. I don't have time to screw around with Natsu. I wanted to find the perfect place to take Juvia. Although I had pushed her away countless times, and acted annoyed by her affections, honestly, I cared for Juvia. “Now I sound like a sap,” I sighed.

I walked around Magnolia for over an hour before an idea hit me. “That might be kind of fun,” I murmured to myself, going to make arrangements.


“There,” I smiled, looking at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a white, knee-length skirt, a dark blue shirt which tied behind my neck, and dipped low in the front—with a cute, light blue bow at the end of the dip—and my favorite blue hat. I fixed my hair, nodding in approval as the waves framed my pale face. After slipping on a pair of black sandals, I went outside to wait for Gray.

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