Gale: Sunsets and Smiles

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(I know I said gratsu was next....I lied.)

This one is for BambooGreen, since she was in need of some Gale/Gajevy fluff. Here you go, wifey! ^_^

I had been through this same day in my mind over a hundred times. I had rehearsed every line I'd say, every smile I'd make, every flirtatious invite. Everything. Over and over again, just so I was sure it'd be perfect.

And then Gajeel had gone and done that.


"You comin' Shrimp?" Gajeel chuckled, casting a backwards glance at me as he hiked up the hill like a pro.

"My legs aren't as long as yours!" I huffed, several paces behind him, and struggling to keep up. I was pretty sure that hill should have been considered a mountain. After almost four months of being a couple, he finally takes me on a date, and we go hiking up a mountain! Had I had any breath to spare, I would have laughed. That was so like Gajeel.

With another chuckle, Gajeel scooped me off my feet and began running up the hill, eliciting a squeal from me as I grabbed his shoulders. Once at the top, he returned me to my feet, snorting in amusement as I attempted to fix the headband that had slipped nearly all the way out of my hair at the jostling.

"Next time I'll just piggy back you up the hill," he smirked, "since you're so slow."

"So, why did you bring me all the way up here?" I asked, rolling my eyes at him as I tried not to smile.

"This." He turned me around. There was a small blanket spread across the grass, with a picnic basket on top of it.

"A mountain top picnic?" I asked, following him over to the blanket and taking a seat.

"Not exactly," he murmured, pulling a bottle of wine from the basket and a container of chocolate covered strawberries.

"Even better," I grinned, accepting a strawberry. As daintily as I could, I ate it without making a mess of the melting chocolate. After handing me a glass of wine, he downed his own and laid back. He stared up at the sky for a long time, not saying anything as I ate strawberries and sipped at my wine.

"So," I said, unsure of what else to say as I finished my glass. Instead of answering, he grabbed my arm and tugged, pulling me down beside him. I sighed contently, snuggling close to his side as I joined in his sky-staring. "It's so peaceful up here," I murmured, breaking the silence after a long time.

He grunted in agreement. "It gets better."

"How so?" I asked.

He sat up, pulling me with him. "This spot has the best view," he said, pointing towards the horizon where the sun had begun to sink. The sky was a vibrant mixture of reds, pinks, and oranges, and a faint hue of blue still clung in the air, fading as the sunk sank even further.

"Wow," I breathed. "It's so beautiful!"

"Thought you might like it," he chuckled.

"Say, Gajeel?"

"Yeah, Shrimp?" He looked down at me, questioningly.

"You're really sweet, you know that?"

"Tch," he frowned, turning his eyes back to the sunset as the tips of his ears turned red.

I giggled, turning his head towards me and kissing him softly. "Even if you won't admit it."

As I pulled my hand away, he grabbed it, bringing it up to his mouth. Softly, he pressed his lips against the palm of my hand, letting them linger there. I felt my face do as much color-changing as the sunset below us when he finally pulled away and smiled at me.

Not a smirk or a little grin. An actual smile. One that brightened his features, somehow softening them.

I was so dazzled by it for a moment that I feared I would have forgotten my own name if asked. Needless to say, all of my tireless preparations had been completely forgotten. Even if I had been expecting that, how could I have prepared for it?

Instead, I kissed him again, wrapping my arms around his neck as he fell back. I laughed when he cursed in surprise. "I love you, Gajeel," I told him.

Once again, he gave me that smile. "I love you too, Shrimp."

I pouted, poking him in the cheek. "I hate that nickname."

Chuckling, he gave me another kiss. "No you don't."

Hope you liked it (and that it didn't suck too badly)! Up NEXT will be Gratsu! (probably)

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