StingKino: Fighting Dirty

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This one was requested by @hopefulworld!(Same deal as the others, it won't let me tag you for some reason. DX)

"Number seven," Yukino said as she threw her seventh sparring partner to the floor. "Anymore challengers?"

"I'll have a go," I grinned, stepping over to the small circle we had drawn behind the guildhall to use for hand-to-hand combat practice.

"Sting?" Yukino looked surprised. "I thought you had to visit the council to complete your status as Sabertooth's new guild master."

"I did," I said, "but I got finished early. Lector and I got back just a little while ago. When Rogue told me you were kicking everyone's asses back here, I had to come and see. Anyways, you gonna fight me or what?"

"In this exercise, we aren't using magic," she informed me, taking a fighting stance with her arms raised in front of her. "Just combat."

"Fine by me," I smirked, taking the same stance.

"The match will be decided when one member knocks their opponent to the floor or out of the circle a total of three times," Rufus told us. "Begin!"

Yukino wasted no time in striking out with one of her legs. I dodged it, retaliating with a kick of my own. It caught the back of her ankle and sent her stumbling, but she caught herself before she fell.

"I was hoping you'd go down," I smirked.

"I've been trained better than that," she said, kicking out again. This time, her foot met my gut and sent me backwards.

"Point to Yukino," Rufus announced.

"I didn't go down!" I snapped.

He pointed to the ground. "You're out of the circle. A wizard must always be aware of their surroundings, even while training like this."

I muttered profanities at him under my breath, returning to the circle as Yukino smiled sweetly at me. My heart fluttered annoyingly when I saw it, which just made me mad. I shouldn't be getting distracted, I'm training!

But I did. Yukino moved through her attacks like nothing I'd ever seen. Each strike was smooth and landed exactly where she wanted them to, and she always recovered gracefully from all of my attacks in return. She was stunning to watch, even as glittering beads of sweat dripped down her face, falling onto her chest which was moving up and down with her heavy breathing.

I shook myself. You're tied now, two for two, so stay focused. The next point determines the winner.

"You look nervous, Sting" Yukino said, her smile almost mocking.

"Of course I'm not," I scoffed. "I'm the guild master of Sabertooth, so I'm going to win. My reputation relies on it, after all."

"Reputation isn't everything," she told me, kicking my feet out from under me. I caught myself with my hands before I could hit the ground, and quickly righted myself.

"That was dirty," I frowned.

She giggled, the sound lingering in my ears far longer than it should have, causing that annoying flutter in my chest again. "This is a fight, anything is fair."

"Is that so?" I smirked, grabbing her arm.


I pulled her against me, kissing her. She seemed stunned as she fell against me, her entire body stiff. When I pulled away, I grinned at her, laughing at the shocked look on her face. "Anything is fair, right?"

A blush slowly crept up her neck, spreading over her entire face until she was a deep red. "St-Sting!" She gasped, punching me. As I fell, I grabbed her hand, bringing her down with me.

I chuckled when we both hit the ground, Yukino's face barely an inch from mine. "Looks like we both lose."

She giggled, giving me a quick peck on the lips before getting to her feet. "You hit the ground first, so technically I won, master."

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