Being Open (Mira x Erza)

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            Erza stretched her sore muscles when she got off the train in Magnolia. She had been gone for nearly a week on a job, and she was glad to have finally made it home. She had missed everyone at the guild, but there was one person she had missed most. Mirajane.

            She sighed as her thoughts drifted to the silver-haired wizard. Erza had argued with her all the time when they were younger, but it was never because she didn’t like Mira. Actually, she liked her a lot. She had always secretly admired the way Mira went to any lengths to protect her younger siblings, and how powerful she had grown in order to do so.

            Once home, Erza took off her clothes and took a hot shower. She was covered in dirt, and didn’t want to return to the guildhall in such a state. Be honest, Erza. You just don’t want Mirajane to see you in such a state.

            She knew having those kinds of feelings for the other woman was foolish—and that they would never be returned—but they still crept up on her every time she was around Mira. Her heart would beat unusually fast, yet, she would feel calm at the same time. It was a strange sensation, being nervous and calm all at once.

            After getting dressed, she went to Fairy Tail, a smile pulling up the corners of her mouth when she saw Mirajane.

            “Welcome back, Erza,” Mira smiled as Erza took a seat at the bar.

            “Thank you,” she nodded.

            “Did your job go well?” Mira asked.

            “It did,” Erza said, proudly. She had completed the presumably month-long job in less than a week. “The creatures weren’t as hard to beat as the description led on.”

            “I’m glad you made it home safe,” Mira told her, still smiling.

            “How were things at the guild? Natsu and Gray didn’t give you too much trouble, I hope.”

            Mira giggled, “not at all. They’ve been on a job with Lucy for the last two days, so I haven’t really seen them all that much.”

            “That’s good to hear,” Erza smiled. With a nod, Mira returned to her duties in the back, leaving Erza alone at the bar. She sighed, wishing there had been more to talk about. But, that’s it always was between them. They chatted about work and how each of their days went, but that was it. Erza could never figure out how to deepen the conversation.

            We have lived in Fairy Hills—two doors from each other—for ten years now, so why can’t I talk to her? She knew why, deep down. It was because she was nervous. Sure, they had been friends for a long time, but ever since Erza had realized her things for the woman, things had been awkward. Whenever they spoke, that was all Erza thought about, so she couldn’t bring herself to say anything other than the usual pleasantries they exchanged.


            Her face began turning the color of her hair when she realized she had been grumbling to herself. Mira was frowning at her, a concerned look in her blue eyes. “Is everything alright?”

            “Just fine,” Erza told her, clearing her throat as she stood up. “Well, I need to go—“

            “Are you busy?” Mira asked, suddenly,


            “Well, now,” Mira chuckled.

            “No,” Erza said, shaking her head.

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