Nalu AU: Make a Bet

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"Natsu!" I turned, hearing the familiar, sweet voice calling my name.

"Morning, Luce," I smiled. "What's up?"

"Don't act so casual!" She scolded, smacking me on the arm.

I frowned, rubbing the sore spot. "I just said hello," I frowned.

"The big game is in two hours! Why aren't you at the court yet with the others?" She put her hands on her hips as she frowned at me. I noticed she had already put on her cheerleading uniform, and one of her pompoms stuck out of her duffel bag slightly.

"I was waiting for you," I said.

At this, her anger diffused and she blushed. "O-Oh," she said. Before I could comment on her red face, she grabbed my hand and led me to the basketball court where our game would take place that night. "Well, you still should have gone with the others. This is the biggest game of the year, so we have to win."

"It's going to be a tough one," I admitted, though I looked forward to the challenge. Fairy Tail's rival school, Sabertooth, hadn't lost a game yet-just like us-so they would be a fun match.

"You can do it," she smiled, stopping as we reached the gymnasium doors, "you always manage to bring everyone to together and win."

"Lucy! We're going to start without you!" Lucy turned when her vice-captain, Levy, waved at her.

"I've got to go," she told me. "Good luck!" She called as she ran off, pulling her blonde hair into low pigtails as she went.

"Hey man," Gray grinned, slapping me on the back as I finally reached our locker room to meet up with the rest of the team, "about time you showed up."

"I walked with Lucy," was the only explanation I offered. I noticed him exchange a look with Gajeel, so I frowned up at the two of them. "What?" I snapped.

"Nothin'," Gajeel shrugged.

I turned to Gray, waiting. Finally, he sighed. "We made a bet on where you were. Gajeel owes me twenty bucks now."

"Why were you making bets on where I was?"

"Because you're always with Lucy," Gray smirked. "We all know you have a thing for her. Why don't you just ask her out?"

"W-What?!" I sputtered, shaking my head. "N-No way. I don't have a thing for Lucy. We've been friends since first grade, that's all."

"A real man would own up to his feelings!" Elfman announced, loudly.

"There aren't any feelings to own up to!" It was a total lie, and they all knew it. I'd been in love with Lucy since middle school, and I wasn't surprised that everyone knew by now. Everyone, it seemed, except Lucy.

"Let's make a bet," Gray said, grinning. "If I score more points than you tonight, you have to kiss Lucy-right in front of the entire damned stadium."

"And if I score more?" I asked, not liking this bet.

"If you win, the stripper will buy you dinner after the game," Gajeel said.

I raised an eyebrow at Gray, silently asking if he accepted. Part of me was relieved, because I knew he'd never agree to that.

"I agree."

"What?!" I gaped at him, shocked.

He held out his hand. "We have a deal?"

Nodding, I grabbed his hand. "Fine. But there's no way in hell you're going to score more points that me."

"We'll see," he chuckled.

Over an hour later, Gray shot his thirteenth 2-point basket of the night, making us the winners of the game-and him the winner of our bet. "Time to pay up!" Gray laughed as the buzzer sounded, ending the game. As cheers broke out among our team and our supporters, Gray shoved me towards the group of cheerleaders rushing towards us.

"We won!" Lucy shouted, a grin spreading across her entire face.

Knowing I couldn't back out with Gray and the rest of the team watching me, I met Lucy just outside the main crowd and pulled her into my arms. She looked startled, but I didn't give her a chance to question me as I kissed her.

"W-What was that for?" She asked, breathless, when I pulled away.

I was very aware of everyone's eyes on us, but for some reason, I wasn't nervous. "I like you, Lucy," I told her. "I have for a while, but I've always been to chicken to say it. So, now I am."

Her shock only lasted a couple of seconds. As it faded, her face turned scarlet, and I noticed she glanced around at the staring on-lookers. "You had to do this here?" She whispered.

I nodded, pointing back to Gray. "We bet that if he scored more points than me that I would tell you. He did, so I am."

She sighed, shaking her head as a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "You're such an idiot, Natsu."

"Me?" I asked. "What'd I do?"

"You shouldn't have waited until you lost a bet to tell me! I would have accepted even if you-" She cut off with a gasp, her blush spreading down her neck and to her chest.

"You would have?" I asked, stupidly.

"Just kiss him already!" Mira called from the crowd, invoking another round of cheers.

With a chuckle, I pulled Lucy against me once more, meeting her eyes. This time, she met me halfway, her hands gently cupping the back of my neck as she kissed me deeply.

When she pulled away, she smiled at me. "You lost that bet on purpose, didn't you?"

Laughing, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and joined our celebrating team in the crowd. "I guess you'll never know."

Here's the Nalu AU (finally)! :D I wrote this instead of working on my case study last night...because I suck. So, here you go! I'm on break right now, so I'll tag whoever requested this one when I get home later this evening. ^_^

Up next is Gralu! (:

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