Bixanna: Cold

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“Bixlow,” Mirajane grinned when she found me sitting at a table alone in the guildhall, “just the man I wanted to see.”

“Really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow underneath my helmet.

“Yes,” she chuckled. “I have a favor to ask you.”

I shrugged, figuring I had nothing better to do since the Thunder Legion was taking the weekend off from jobs.

“I need you to go into town with Lisanna. She’s getting a few things from the store, and I want you to help her.”

“Yeah, fine,” I shrugged, knowing if I refused to go she’d immediately know why. Mirajane doesn’t miss anything, so she’ll definitely know that I like Lisanna if I tell her no.

“Great,” she beamed. “You can pick her up from Fairy Hills now if you’d like. She should be getting ready to leave soon.”

“Got it,” I nodded.

I grumbled to myself as I walked to Fairy Hills. Mirajane always managed to rope me into doing things with Lisanna, and I couldn’t even reuse her. Not like you would, anyways. I sighed. It was true. I wouldn’t say no even if I could. To be honest, I liked spending time with Lisanna. Other than the errands Mirajane sent me on with her, I didn’t really get a chance to see her much, so I was a little thankful for the small opportunities to be with her.

Ever since she had returned to Fairy Tail, I had begun to realize how I felt about her. When we thought she died two years before, I shoved my feels away, telling myself it wouldn’t hurt as much if I believed I didn’t like her. Now that she was back, it was getting harder and harder to fight how I felt.

Face it, Bixlow, you’re in deep. I thought about Lisanna pretty much all the time, and I got a weird feeling in my chest whenever I was around her. Careful. Thoughts like that may fool myself into thinking I love her or somethin’.

“Bixlow, what are you doing here?” Lisanna asked, standing on the other side of Fairy Hills’ gate. “I thought Elfman was helping me in town today.”

“Mira asked me if I could,” I shrugged. “So, here I am. If you don’t want me to, then—“

“N-No,” she said, closing the gate behind her as she met me on the other side, “I’d love your help.”

I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the way my heart sped up when she smiled at me. “Let’s go, then,” I snapped, walking towards Magnolia. She walked beside me, and I noticed her dark blue dress was blowing around her knees because of the wind.

“Aren’t you cold?” I asked, noticing it was sleeveless as well as being short, so it probably offered little protection against the cool breeze.

She shrugged. “Not really. Bixlow,” she smirked, looking up at me, “are you worried about me?”

“I was just noticing that you’ve got a lot of skin showing there, and figured it might be kind of chilly,” I grinned.

Lisanna frowned, angrily. “I’m fine.”

I cursed myself for being an idiot when she walked ahead. Why do I always do that? Whenever I actually had the chance to show her I cared about her, I always said something stupid to make her think I didn’t. It’s like I was afraid of her finding out the truth. Why should I be afraid? I’m a member of the Thunder Legion, right? Something like my feelings shouldn’t be anything to be afraid of!

“Lisanna, wait,” I said, grabbing her arm. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean, Bixlow?” She snapped, pulling her arm away. “You always say things like that right after saying something so sweet. One minute I think maybe you care, and then you go an say something stupid. So, which is it?”

“I’m sorry,” I sighed, scratching my head. I wished I had my helmet on so she wouldn’t see the pink that I was sure was beginning to stain my cheeks. “I’m an ass.”

“You’re not,” she told me. “That’s why I’m so frustrated with you. You were so sweet when we were children, and you were just as sweet when I came back. I can tell you’re trying to cover it up, and it just confuses me. Why would you—“

“Because I like you, Lisanna,” I admitted. Her blue eyes widened in shock. “I liked you before, and when you came back alive, I realized that I still do. I don’t know I tried to hide it; I guess I’m just a coward. But I’m not anymore. Even if you laugh at me, I want you to know how I feel.” It felt like a knife through the heart when she actually did laugh. Dejected, I turned, intent on leaving now that I had made a fool of myself.

“I like you, too, Bixlow,” she giggled, causing me to stop dead in my track and spin around. She was smiling at me, pink coloring her beautiful face. “I was so worried that maybe you thought I was annoying or something, so I never told you. But now I see that I was way off. I’m actually really relieved.”

“Sorry,” I told her again, knowing it was my fault she thought that.

Without thinking it through, I wrapped my arm around her waist and cupped the back of her neck with my other hand as I brought my lips down to meet hers. She stiffened at first—probably just as shocked as I was that I actually kissed her—but then relaxed and wrapped her arms around my neck as she kissed me back.

When we broke apart to breathe, she giggled again. “To be honest, I am a little cold.”

I laughed, wrapping my arm around her and pulling her against my side. “I guess you’ll just have to stick close to me all day, then.”

This one was for my beloved SIL(sister-in-law) @jediknightchick!!! :D I hope you liked it, SIL! And there are Miraxus and Elfgreen one-shots coming up next for her, too! (:

*****(I'm just full of announcements tonight...XD) I WILL BE MOVING MY LEMONS TO A DIFFERENT ONE-SHOT COLLECTION. I want to kind of separate them from the normal one-shots for those who don't want to read lemons. And, that will put them all together in the same collection for those who are looking for the lemons (you know who you are...naughty naughty. ;P) Anyways, that's all. I'll have another announcement (lol) when I actually move them, and I'll probably post a link in here so you know where to fnd them if you still want to read them. ^_^

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