Gratsu: Jealous

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WARNING: Just...too much fluff. XD If you vomit, I'm so sorry. BAHAHA!!  

          “Okay, Gray,” I told myself as I walked to Fairy Tail, “it’s now or never.”

            With everything that had happened recently, I had started seriously thinking about some things. Life, mostly, and how short it was. So, I decided that I shouldn’t keep my feelings to myself anymore, and just get them out in the open. Even if those feelings were for another man.

            “Maybe I shouldn’t tell him,” I sighed, thinking of the pink-haired flame brain. “It’ll probably go completely over his head, anyways.”

            Natsu had always been dense when it came to his feelings, so I doubted he would even know what to say if I confessed. Why did I have to fall in love with such an idiot? Of course, the next obstacle would be Juvia. Mavis only knew how she would react to finding out I loved Natsu.

            “Good morning, Gray,” Mirajane smiled as soon as I sat down at the bar.

            “Morning,” I replied, accepting my regular smoothie.

            “You seem to have something on your mind,” she frowned. “Is everything alright?”

            “Yeah,” I nodded. “Everything’s fine.”

            “Is it Juvia?” She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

            “Lay off it,” I snapped, causing her to giggle. Mira will also be let down, finding out one of her “ships” aren’t going to happen. Well, two, if Natsu feels the same.

            “Mira!” Natsu shouted, making an entrance as always. “I’m starving!”

            “Give me a few minutes,” she chuckled. “I’ll bring your food out when it’s ready.”

            “Fine,” he huffed, sitting beside me.

            “You’re as loud as ever,” I commented.

            “You picking a fight?” he snapped.

            “No,” I shrugged. I wasn’t really in the mood to fight with him. I was more concerned with figuring out when the hell I was going to tell him—or how.

            “Hmph,” he frowned, looking almost disappointed that I had turned down a fight with him.

            “Hey, Natsu,” I said, telling myself now was as good a time as any, “I—“

            “Natsu!” Lucy called, drawing Natsu’s attention away from me. “Are you coming, or what?”

            “Aw, can’t we wait?” He complained. “I haven’t even gotten to eat yet.”

            “Aye,” Happy whined.

            She sighed loudly, sitting on the other side of him. “Fine. But we’re leaving as soon as you two are done.”

            “Yay!” They cheered.

            I couldn’t help but feel a little envious as I watched Natsu chat happily with Lucy. He was always smiling around her, which was part of the reason I had kept quiet about my feelings for so long. I suspected that he probably liked Lucy, and that he didn’t even know it. Of course he probably likes Lucy. Practically every man with a pair of working eyes likes her. Hell, even I can agree that she’s beautiful.

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