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"Okay (y/n) just wait right here" Lucifer spoke as he walked away leaving you to cover your eyes

"Okay open it" he continued a moment later when you removed your hands from your face

"Okay open it" he continued a moment later when you removed your hands from your face

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"Woah.. Did you take me on the roof of the hotel?" You asked when he rubbed the back of his neck nervously

"I had permission.." He drifted off

"You did all of this?" You asked when he nodded

"I was gonna take you here the day of the festival but then.." He drifted off when you looked at him silently

"Oh.. Forget about that, i'm here now" you said touching his cheek when he sighed

"You're right.." He sighed when he smiled and removed your hands

"I still can't believe that you did this for me" you exclaimed looking around the area

"I'd do anything for you" he replied

"Even the view is amazing.." You spoke in awe as you overlook the view when Lucifer walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist

"Just like you" Lucifer spoke softly when you unwrapped his hands around you

"Wanna know what's funny?" You asked

"I don't find nothing funny outsides torture.. Well maybe making mammon mad or desperate is" Lucifer said rethinking what makes something funny

"Well no it doesn't involve torture.. Or mammon but what I think is funny is how a week ago I completely hated you and here we are..dating" you spoke turning towards him

"That didn't sound so confident" Lucifer replied

"It's just weird" you answered while thinking

"I guess but it is to just you since you just don't remember your past life" Lucifer responded

"I guess.." You drifted off creating silence when your C.C.C rang

*C.C.C call*

"Hey beel what's up?"

"The human world, why?"

"Oh.. I didn't mean literally.."


"So uh.. Why ya called?"

"Oh right! I'm hungry.."

"Then eat?"

"There is nothing"

"Have you checked the fridge?"

"Yes and there is nothing"


"...I ate it.."

"Beel.. You big baby"

"I'm hungry.."

"Just go out to eat beel, i'm sure one of your brother's wouldn't mind going with you too"

"Alright.. Tell Lucifer I said hi for me"

"I will, talk to you later"


*hangs up*

"Out of food again huh?" Lucifer sighed

"Uh yeah.. And wanted me to tell you hi" you responded

"I'm surprised we don't have a food shortage in devildom with the way he eats" Lucifer mumbled

"Don't talk about beel like that you big meanie, it's the way he is, I don't say how you do things with you and your thirst to torture people for your entertainment" you remarked making Lucifer glare at you that silenced you almost immediately

"Sorry.." You whispered silently taking a step back

"You know.. You scared me.. I haven't felt scared ever since I lost lilith.." Lucifer spoke up looking out towards the city

"I'm sorry about that.. Both that is" you said walking beside him to outlook the city too

"It doesn't matter.. Without lilith you wouldn't be here so i'd rather have you than nothing at all" Lucifer spoke

"I find that weird though" you said turning around away from the city and leaned your back against the railings

"If i'm a descendant of lilith then aren't we family?" You asked

"No, we aren't even near blood related" Lucifer answered

"How if she is your sister and i'm a descendant?"

"You may be a descendant but that was thousands of years ago meaning there were at least seven thousand people who were descendants before you and over time the bloodline for our family becomes thinner until there is nothing at all which is what you are considered as" Lucifer answered

"So basically even though i'm a descendant I have no blood relation to either your sister nor you and your brothers?" You asked

"Precisely" Lucifer nodded

"...do you miss her?"

"Everyday, but as long as I know she's okay then I can deal with it"

"And how do you know?" You asked

"Diavolo and besides you're here aren't you? I can tell she had a good life when she were a human" Lucifer said

"Yeah.." You faded off when he looked at you

"Hey.. I don't know why you look so down but cheer up, I mean every word to it and i'm happy you're here, i've never felt like this for a long time" Lucifer spoke up turning to face you

"You mean it?" You asked when he gave you a nod and grabbed your hand

"I mean it, besides don't think about it, I brung you here for a reason so enjoy it" Lucifer said when he pulled you into a hug as you just gave in and listened

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now