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You three walked in the park, got ice cream, took pictures and everything, from there you all went to the bay where they had a mini concert band going on

"Hey Simeon can we stay and watch the band?" Luke begged

"Yeah, pleaseeeee" you pleaded as you and Luke putted on a sad face

"I wasn't going to say no anyways" he laughed as you and Luke started laughing along with him and high fived each other

"Hey (y/n), now since we are finally here, I've been wanting to know what Hailey is like" Simeon finally spoke

"Hailey? She's sweet and adorable, I wish you two could meet her" you answered as you three made your way over to the little concert

"I can't believe you finished the mission that fast" he spoke

"It was a bit.. complicated.. at first" you admitted

"Well at least you completed the mission, and with luck, got permission to stay until the end of the week is up" Simeon announced

"You say that as if we still have alot of time left, tomorrow is the last day, we leave Saturday" you spoke up

"It's a good thing we're all hanging out all day today then!" Luke exclaimed balling his fist happily throwing them in the air causing you and Simeon to laugh

"It is, although I feel kinda bad since Lucifer didn't want to come with us" you added drifting away from your laughter

"I-uh kinda know why.. but why think about that just right now? You two spent more time together then we have, let's just relax and have fun, besides I can't tell you anyways since I know the things Lucifer can do.. and trust me, if you knew, you wouldn't be asking" Simeon spoke nervously sweatdropping

"Uh.. I rather not.." you drifted off when you shuddered from all kinds of thoughts that he just gave you

"Shh! The band is about to play their next song!"


After the band played their last song, you, Luke and Simeon went to buy ice cream from the trollies out on the dock along with buying bread from the nearby bakeries to toss at the birds since you really can't feed the fishes only because it's a rule not to

You three sat at the benches breaking little pieces and crumbs off the bread and tossing them at pigeons only for them to fly away and come back once they realize that you meant no harm

"Hey (y/n), I always wondered why they called them pigeons for" Luke spoke

"I actually have no idea" you answered honestly

"Pigeons and simeon name is almost spelled the same but yet sounds completely different, how?"

"I..also don't..know" you added now in thought and in confusion

"Comparing my name to pigeons? How thoughtful" Simeon joked laughing

"It does makes no sense now that I think about it" you replied

"English, it's so complicated" Simeon stated now making you and Luke laugh


"Hey Luke, are you sure you want to go to the Museum? You might not be able to understand anything, not everyone speaks english" you spoke

"I'm sure" Luke reassured as you and Simeon made your way to Musée Du Louvre

"Bonjour à tous, je suis le guide du jour, si vous me suivez je peux tout vous dire sur l'histoire de Paris" The tour guide spoke walking up to the group of tourist's

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now