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"it's complicated" you answered as you, Luke and Simeon were walking out of the Purgatory Hall

"Oh? Relationships can be complicated" Simeon spoke

"Have you ever been in a relationship and had to experience this?" You asked when Simeon fell silent beside you before responding


"Then what makes you say that?"

"I've seen a lot of things happen in other people's relationships" he answered

"You're too nice to be single" you joked nudging Simeon's arm

"You think so?" He asked with a little nervous laugh

"Heck yeah, you're one of my best friends, I always get to know you a lot more everyday" you replied

"Not compared to me" Luke spoke up playfully

"No one knows him more compared to you, Luke" you said laughing

"You seem a lot better" you continued

"A little, as long as I'm here, I don't want to go back down there" Luke said as his smile faded

"You're okay, we're all here where no one wants to hurt you" Simeon spoke

"Yeah.." Luke answered softly in thought

"Anyways, any plans for today?" You asked

"Nope, not at all" Simeon answered

"Dang it, I don't either" you admitted

"I was kinda hoping you'd have something in mind" you added as Simeon looked away in thought before getting an idea

"I have an idea, but unfortunately you can't come" Simeon started

"What? Why?" You asked

"It's.. personal" Simeon answered rubbing the back of his neck

"It's okay, (y/n), we can hang out while Simeon is busy" Luke spoke up

"Aww, thanks, luke"

"Before I leave" Simeon started before he bent down to Luke's level and whispered something to him as Luke then nodded

"Alright, I'll send some to you" he spoke as Simeon nodded

"Have fun you two" Simeon announced as he waved goodbye before heading back to the Purgatory Hall


"What are you doing here?" You asked as you and Luke walked up to Xiya

"Wow, didn't expect to run into you so soon, we're preparing for an outdoor movie later on" Xiya explained

"That seems cool" you spoke

"Is anyone invited?" Luke asked

"Everyone is welcome to watch" Xiya answered

"Ooh! (Y/n)! We should watch another movie together tonight!" Luke exclaimed

"I mean, we have nothing else to do, why not?"

"Do y'all need any help?" Luke asked

"We can take any help that we can get" Xiya spoke as Luke grabbed your arm

"Can we help? It would pass the time a whole lot quicker" Luke replied excitedly

"I guess so, looks like they just started too"

"Yay!" Luke exclaimed happily as he clapped his hands


"Can you hold it up a little higher?" A man shouted from the ground as you forcefully stretched your arms up more than they could go as the man motioned you to stop

"Okay, good! Keep it right there for a second!" He shouted as he motioned for Xiya to get another ladder and climb up on it to nail it to the tree

Once she got to your level on the ladder, she then took out a nail and placed it right above your hand

"If you miss and get my hand, I will promise you that you won't be on this ladder right after" you warned as she just looked over at you

"Don't panic, I've done this far too many times to count" she simply spoke as she brought out the hammer from her waist that was tied with a belt of all the nails in a pouch along with a handle for the hammer to be placed at as she steadily aimed the hammer above the nail

She gently tapped the nail enough to where it wouldn't come out of the tree as she brushed your hand away

"Geez, could've just asked me to move it" you muttered as she started hitting the nail harder until it fully went into the tree

"One down, three more to go" she said as she slid the hammer into the holder on the belt before she started climbing back down along with you

"So uh, how long have you been here?" You asked following her to the other tree trying to make conversation

"Hmm? Oh, about five or six hundred thousand years?" Xiya answered as she thought about the question

"I honestly don't know, I stopped counting after a couple hundred thousands" She said before she started climbing up the second later leaving you at the ground

"A couple hundred thousand?! Even I'm not that old!" You exclaimed

"You've been asleep for five thousand years, plus your age from when you died as a human, you're not that young" Xiya commented as she took out a nail and studied the spot where she wants to place it at

"I don't even know my age, nor the age I was when I died" you replied

"Well I do know that you weren't fully an adult then like you are now" She said before taking out the hammer and gently tapping the nail before hitting it repeatedly into the tree

"Like I am now?" You repeated questionably as Xiya putted away the hammer and started climbing down

Once she got to the ground she turned and look straight at you with a serious face

"You are fully an adult, if you remember from your human life, your looks completely changed into a mature look from when Simeon first brung you here"

"Wait, how do you even know about my human life, looks, story and everything about me?"

"Simeon, he told me yesterday" Xiya simply answered with a little shrug before walking over to a table they placed out there for the projector and tools for the outdoor movie when she removed the belt from her waist and placed it there

"My volunteering is done, I'll see you all tonight, tell Lucifer I hope he comes, catch up a little" Xiya said before walking away leaving you standing there silently

"Wait, what?"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now