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"So, how was-" Simeon stopped when you and him both turned around to see Lucifer completely changed out from the normal clothes that he would wear at Devildom

"So, how was-" Simeon stopped when you and him both turned around to see Lucifer completely changed out from the normal clothes that he would wear at Devildom

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"This is just too embarrassing.." Lucifer mumbled

"How? Don't you need a permit to look this good?" You asked as you inspected him from all over

"Such a flirt" Simeon laughed

"So.. this is what Michael put you into during the trial?" He continued as Lucifer gave a nod

"Not something I would wear normally but it'll do for a week" Lucifer stated

"Or more, depending" you added

"Don't ruin it" Lucifer warned

"I was just saying" you protested

"Well now that we've gotten that out of the way, where to now?" Simeon asked

"As much as I would appreciate staying with you two, this is my chance to be with my mother for a while since I'm here" Lucifer started

"I'll pass on that" you spoke crossing your arms

"I'd prefer you do, you always make things embarrassing" Lucifer commented

"Not my fault" you replied

"I'll see you tonight," Lucifer said as he ruffled your hair and walked away

"W-wait! Don't you need a tour or something?!" You shouted

"Why? I've been here before" Lucifer answered as he turned to face you

"Well yeah but it's been so long, thought you'd forget or something" you responded

"I don't forget that easily" Lucifer replied

"Hug before you go?" You asked holding out your arms as Lucifer just stared at you silently

"I suppose so" he mumbled as you walked over to him and gave him a hug

"I do hope you like it here, even if it's for a week" you spoke softly into the hug

"We'll see, this place brings back too many memories" Lucifer spoke as he pulled away

"See you tonight" He added before walking away once more leaving you standing there

"As much as I wouldn't mind hanging out with you, I have to head back to the Purgatory Hall and check up on Luke" Simeon announced as he walked up to you

"You're busy too?" You asked

"Well, I'm not busy, I have no plans, Just wanted to check up with Luke for a while" Simeon spoke

"Can I come with you?" You asked as you gave Simeon the puppy eyes

"I wasn't going to say no anyways" Simeon laughed as you just joined in

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now