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(Just wanted to know if there was any questions in general that anyone wants to ask, doesn't matter if it's story related, life related, story suggestion, story confusion, maybe a little add on/ side story to this story? If so then just ask, I'll clearly answer them as long as it's nothing very personal, have fun reading)

"we need to talk" You said aloud as you walked straight into Lucifer's room early the next morning waking him up

"(Y/n), it's too early for this, go back to sleep, we'll talk later" he mumbled tiredly

"No, this is important to me" you protested as you walked over to him as he looked up at you while laying down before turning away to ignore you

"Don't be acting like a child"

"I'm not, you're the one coming into the room so suddenly demanding to talk early in the morning" Lucifer managed to say a little louder

"I need xiya's number" you blurted aloud as Lucifer stayed silent, back still facing you before he turned on his back and looked at you questionably

"What makes you think that I know it?" He asked

"C'mon Lucifer, she's your ex"

"Yeah, that I don't ever talk to no more" Lucifer said

"So you're telling me, ever since you got here, you never once got her number?" You asked

"Not in a million years" Lucifer answered

"You have to be lying" you argued as Lucifer just looked at you sternly before sitting up showing his bare chest

"Are you calling me a liar?" Lucifer asked looking back over at you as you held out your hand

"Let me see your D.D.D" you said ignoring his words as he just looked at you silently with an expressionless face before sighing and turning to get his D.D.D before handing it to you

"You have no trust in me at all" He sighed as he closed his eyes looking down at the sheets as ran his fingers through his messy bed hair while you went through his D.D.D checking the contacts, phone history and messages

"You.. really don't have it?" You asked aloud after checking everything you could find

"Why would I?" He asked looking over at you while you just stood there silently holding his D.D.D

"You don't have any females on here" you spoke

"Except you" Lucifer replied as you just looked down at his D.D.D in your hands

"But.. but what about Arisa? And- and-"

"I stopped talking to her since the time we were at the park in Paris" Lucifer answered

"Katie was only for the mission, Lilly was over five thousand years ago, I wouldn't keep that number if she's not even living no more, plus she was an exchange student living with us, so what's the point?"

"Why are you asking if I had her number anyways?" Lucifer finally asked as you just sat down beside him while placing the D.D.D on the bed

"I need it.." you answered

"Why am I surprised?" Lucifer questioned himself as you looked over at him

"What do you mean?"

"Every female that talks to me you always get jealous of, but the moment you meet my ex for the first time, you're okay with her and asking me for her number? I think I lost a few brain cells"

"It's not that, I just need more information" you admitted

"Information on what?" He asked as he leaned closer to you

"On all of this, the Celestial war, the break up, Lilith, your brothers, you, everything" You gave in

"I told you everything" Lucifer stated

"Yes, and now I need her side of it" you said looked over at him as you two made eye contact causing you two to go silent

"I'm not seeing why" he finally spoke

"Because, Lucifer, based on what you've told me, she was a horrible person but it seems like she completely changed, and no, i'm not fine with her, I am jealous over her, extremely jealous over her than any other female in all the existing worlds" you rambled on truthfully

"And you're jealous because? I don't like her nor do I ever want to talk to her, there's nothing to be jealous about" Lucifer replied

"I'm jealous because even though you say that you don't like her like you did, or at all in this matter, she's become alot like you, very mature, cool, awesome, fun, everything"

"That is not like me at all" Lucifer stated as he raised one of his eyebrows thinking

"Not to you" you managed to say as he just stayed silent creating awkwardness in the room before you felt his arms wrap around you pulling you up towards him making you lean against his chest while he gave you a hug from behind

"There's nothing to worry about, doesn't matter how much she changed, I've seen her true colors, and I will never fall for it again" Lucifer said softly as he kissed your shoulder before placing his chin on it while you just sat there in thought

"Does Simeon have her number?" You asked aloud making Lucifer go silent before immediately letting go of you and moving back

"I don't know.." Lucifer answered

"I have to ask" you replied when you hopped up on your feet from the bed as you turned to peck Lucifer on the forehead before you turned to take out your C.C.P to dial Simeon when you stopped in the doorway before you turned back around to face Lucifer as he looked over at you questionably

"Just wanted you to know that I love you" you spoke up before turning back around to leave as you closed the door

"I love you too, Little troublemaker"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now