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*Lucifer's POV*

"Why do you keep doing this to me?"

"I don't see what you are remotely talking about"

"Everyone, everything I love, you just keep taking away"

"Because she belongs here, if it weren't for Diavolo's and I's deal, then she would've stayed dead to begin with"

"You don't deserve ruling this Realm"

"And neither do you my son"

"All I want here now is just her, you can keep everything and everyone else"

"Not even your mother?"

"Don't bring her into this"

"I will admit, you are a very good distracting Demon, Lucifer, but that will not keep me from keeping her here" Michael then said before he nodded to one of the angels on standby as they got the gist and went off

"What is one measly angel going to do? Skin someone alive?"

"No, this" Michael remarked when suddenly a large group of angels, either with shields, swords or bow and arrows came running past, towards the portals"

"You are the most worthless- careless beings here in this realm" I then said, glaring at him

"Honestly, I should've known that you wouldn't change, you're a demon now, what did I ever expect from you?" Michael spoke, sighing afterwards

"Just so you know, I'm proud of being who I am, I belong down there alongside everyone else of my brothers, your Realm is just like us, just higher, stuck up and lighter"

"Why you little-" Michael growl when a sudden shout was being heard


Asmodeus.. Of course..

I facepalm to the thought, shaking my head when Michael gave a little cough

"Seems like your army is not in the mood for any of this"

"I'm not in the mood for any of this" I clarified

"Neither am I, but I'm just being nice here" He stated calmly

"Nice? Nice? Michael, you call this nice?" A voice then spoke when Simeon walked up beside me and stopped

"Ah Simeon, my boy, why don't you go grab yourself a weapon and join your friends?" Michael asked

"I don't have many friends here, and If they were to be my friends, they wouldn't be attacking any of my other friends" Simeon commented, staring at the ground

"I'm not saying that I'm against you, Father, nor am I with you, I just want to be neutral and not fight.. I cannot bare doing this to them"

Yeah, sure...

I scoffed to myself as I just crossed my arms and listened silently, hoping they at least made it halfway to the portal by now, if Michael were to stop talking and join in, then we all would lose, just like how we all lost one last time, and I cannot afford to do this all again, not now

"You've always been so kind my son, but surely one day-"

"One day Father.." Simeon cut him off, still staring at the ground

"Also, there's something I need to tell you" Simeon then continued, finally looking up at Michael, looking more serious then ever

"But- this has to be only between us- if that's okay with you, brother" he added, looking at me when he gave little wink giving the most noticeable hint as I took it and made my leave

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now