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Here it's been eighteen hours and still haven't gotten a single clue..

Here it is nine fourty five PM..it's getting late..

But i'm not gonna stop searching here..

I've already been to the crime scene where nothing but police tapes were there, i've runned into Kate and Adrien who hasn't had a clue about her, I just recently went back to the Hotel where we were at to see if she came back...nothing

"I'm fucked" I sighed as I leaned against the stone wall full of abstract art and slid to the cold moist ground

What am I going to do?..

The first time this happened was a tragedy, yet I knew I was going to see her again soon..

But this?.. I think not..

"I Hate you" I muttered to myself  aloud

"You left me"

"You fucking promised me!"

"That you'll be okay.."

"Such a Liar.."

"I know what happened wasn't planned.."

"And I can't exactly be mad at you for that.."

"But I can't let you leave.."

"You can't just leave me.."

"Not without me.."

"I've always had something for you.."

"Wether you knew it or not.."

"You always pushed me away thinking that what we had wasn't right.."

"As if I fucking care what others thought about it"

"I don't think I could ever let you go.."

"Lilith...is a different story..."

"She ended up with the love of her life"

"But you?"

"You left without me..."

"And I fucking hate you for that"

"I hate that I love you..."

"And I don't know why.."

                           "I Promise You"

"Augh I can't find him no where!"  You groaned in the middle of Devildom when you decided to call it a day and go back to the Celestrial Realm

I miss him...

I never thought I would..

Funny huh?

I'm fighting myself over a demon..


I would contact him...

But I left my C.C.P back into the hotel room...

And Lucifer left the hotel...

Did he leave it there?..

Did he take it with him..

I wish there was a way I can find him..

I don't think he'll be in Devildom though.. Kate and Adrien still haven't decided to adopt Hailey yet.. Today is supposed to be the day they make up their mind..maybe he's still there.. But why did he check out of the hotel?

You were thinking of places to look when you reached the portal to the Celestrial Realm


You were standing in your room in front of the mirror looking at the huge scar across your back

I wonder how it looks in my angel form...

I can't really take a shower either.. It stings too much..

You just decided to wash up anyways but around the scar

Afterwards you went to sleep to get ready for the second day of searching

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now