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"I'm sorry guys.." Xiya then spoke softly as you looked over and seen Xiya standing across from you, obviously sad, tired, yet scared

"Michael.. it isn't what it seems.." She then said looking over at him

"It seems exactly what I think I see" he then said, examining the group

"Out of all people, why did we have to see you?" Mammon scoffed, crossing his arms, acting tough

"I could say so myself, Mammon.." Michael then said

"Look, right now isn't the time, please! We need to get them back to Devildom before Lucifer comes! I promise I'll tell you everything after, if not, on the way there!" Xiya pleaded

"Then I guess it's too late to do so.." Lucifer then said behind the group making everyone yelp and run behind Michael as he stood there motionless

"Get out the way" Lucifer then said, glaring at Michael, still in his demon form

"That form suits you, but unfortunately that form doesn't belong here and so do you all" he then said towards the other demon brothers

"W-we only came here because we thought t-that he liked it here and didn't want to come back.." Beel then said, a little scared, sad and disappointed

"Still had no rights to break the rules across our realms alongside bringing my angels involved into-"

"Oh just shut up!" Lucifer then shouted towards Michael, making him look back over at him

"..excuse me?"

"You heard me correctly the first time! I'm exhausted of your constant neglecting about us and our worlds! You were the one who turned against Lilith! You were the one who banished her! You were the one who caused us to turn against you! you were the one who killed Lilith! IT'S ALL YOU!" Lucifer shouted

"You were the one listening to other peoples suggestions about taking over this realm! You were the one who decided to turn against me first! You were the one who ended up causing the war because of the situation! Don't blame me for your mistakes! You are just like your mother! You can't deal with your mistakes, and I was foolish enough to even think about letting you stay here once again!" Michael then shouted back

"Wow.. did.. Michael just.. yell?" Satan asked from beside Beel

"You should've been here during the Celestial War, before it happened, of course" Asmo then said

"But guess what? He wasn't, he didn't come along until our big bro lost his marbles and-" Mammon stopped when Satan smacked him across the head from behind

"Shut it dirtbag! I don't want to ever think about being born because of this loser" Satan scolded coldly, crossing his arms while Mammon just rubbed the back of his head silently

"Do I smell.. alcohol?" Michael then asked when you and Xiya tensed up

"I-uh.." you started when Satan putted a hand onto your shoulder stopping you

"I may or may not have had a drink or two before we came here, what's it to you?" He then said sternly

Before Michael could say anything else, Belphie spoke up

"So.. are we going back to the portals or what?.. Lucifer's here.."

"No, you all aren't" Michael then said, glaring at the group as he crossed his arms

"Fuck.." Satan then muttered under his breath

"Profanity isn't allowed here" Michael then said

"Oh?" Satan then said, tilting his head

"Fuck? Why can't we say fuck?" He questioned

"It's just a law here.. stop saying it now" Michael warned




"One more time and I'll-"

"Fuck you"

"Excuse me?"

"You didn't hear me? Let me spell it out for you, I said FUCK YOU, F-U-C-K-Y-O-U, wanna know what that spells? FUCK YOU"

"Satan, enough!" Lucifer then shouted as Satan just scoffed and rolled his eyes

"You all shouldn't be here, and you shouldn't be in your demon form" Michael then said, changing the subject as he looked over at Lucifer

"I'm a demon, I don't care what you think, I got bring here by force, so you have to deal with it" Lucifer then said back

"Uhm.. can you not make him more mad than he already is?.." Xiya said softly towards Michael as he just ignored her

"You all are banned come coming here ever again, except my people of course, no demons are allowed to be here at all to begin with, and I now regret giving you another chance" Michael spoke before looking over at Lucifer

"I will be telling Diavolo about this monstrosity and hope it will never happen again, now if you all don't mind, please leave here immediately and go back to where you belong down there, I have important business to attend to" He continued before turning to walk off when he suddenly stopped

"Oh, and lastly, this relationship between you two are over, I do not allow my angels to be in any relationship to a demon like you- or any demon of that matter"

"What?!" You shouted aloud

"You have no say in my life nor my relationships anymore" Lucifer then said, glaring at him

"I do when it comes to my angels" he said back sternly


"..I agree" Satan then said aloud from the group

"..Me too.. Angel or not, we all still love her, we count her as a part of our family and that will never change.." Beel added on

"I-I have a say in this to! B-but I won't say it here.." Mammon stuttered nervously

"I might be a weird otaku but I have a say in this as well, she's a good friend to have around and you c-cant take that away from us.." Levi said after Mammon when one by one the others added onto each other

"She even puts up with us like whenever I want to go shopping and drag her along"

"And a good pillow and cuddle buddy" Belphie added

"It doesn't matter what you all think, leave now and never come back, all connections between our kind and yours will be no more" Michael sternly said aloud

"Then let us take her with us" Lucifer retorted, crossing his arms

"Lucifer.." you spoke softly, a bit surprised about what he had just said

"That is not going to happen" Michael retorted back

"Then we aren't leaving" Satan remarked, now glaring at Michael also

"We won't leave until we get what we want" he continued as everyone nodded


And with that, the Celestial War had started once again..

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now