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"CHEERS!" You, Simeon and Luke shouted together at the festival later that night by the Ferris Wheel celebrating a mission well completed

"Michael will be pleased" Simeon spoke leaning back in the chair at the outdoor restaurant

"It was my first real major mission on my own, minus Lucifer" you stated happily

"Shhh, we must be careful with what we say or people are going to figure out what we really are" Luke shushed

"We'll be careful, Luke" you laughed

"Can we hurry up? I wanna go on the Ferris wheel" Luke groaned

"We'll get there soon, the later it is, the better, you don't wanna go on there yet and miss the view at night all lit up" Simeon

"But it's already sunset, and there's a long line! About time we on, it'll be already dark" Luke protested

"Patience, we're here for (y/n)"

"It's fine, I agree with Luke, if we wait until later then we would have to wait even longer until we even get a chance to ride" you spoke up

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel like we only came for our entertainment" Simeon asked showing a bit of a disappointment on his face

"I'm sure, besides, I know Luke isn't here just for his entertainment, he just wants to have fun with the three of us together since it's my last day here" you answered happily

"In that case, let's head off then" Simeon announced as he stood up from his seat being followed along by you and Luke as you three headed off towards the crowded line of tourists and pedestrians waiting for their turn to ride on the Ferris Wheel


*Knock knock*

"WE'RE HOME~!" Mammon shouted the moment Lucifer opened the door making his way into the hotel room

"For today" Satan said now walking in from behind

"Where are all the flowers? Aren't hotel rooms supposed to look pretty for their gues- OOOH I LOVE THE BALCONY!" Asmo shouted running into the room and out into the balcony admiring the flowers placed out their along with the view as he gripped the railings and closed his eyes as if he was doing a scene for the movie Titanic

"What are you all doing here?" Lucifer asked in a bit of a surprised while looking a bit ticked off

"We came here for (y/n)" Belphie answered dragging himself into the room as he made his way to the beds to lay down

"And the food" Beel added beside Belphie as he started raiding the fridge

"Yeah, where is she? I didn't miss out on my new comic collection for nothing" Levi spoke

"How did you all know where we are at?" Lucifer asked now closing the door

"Easy, we all knew y'all were in Paris" Levi responded

"And knowing you, everything has to be in your standards or not at all" Mammon scoffed as he crossed his arms

"Shut up, dirt bag, money has to be in your hands or not at all" Satan commented rolling his eyes as he scrolled down on his D.D.D

"Ay?! Who ya callin' a dirt bag! You half-wit dingbat!" Mammon shouted

"A what now?" Satan asked now in a deep threatening voice as he looked over at Mammon

"Here we go again" Levi sighed

"For your information, Bonehead, I'm not stupid or should I say half stupid compared to your wording, within' all things at least I can study compared to someone who doesn't know how to read a single sentence" Satan insulted causing Luficer to pinch the bridge of his nose as he sighed

"I can too read a sentence!"

"Can not"


"If either of you say one more insulting sentence or even a word I will promise you both that none of you two will be making it back alive before we get to devildom!" Lucifer shouted throwing his fist into the wall causing a loud banging sound silencing the two men as they both silenced and just gave each other glares

"Now answer the damn question" Lucifer stated now showing signs of pure annoyance

"Well, since we knew y'all were in Paris, and like Mammon said, you have to have things in your standards, we searched up five stars hotels in Paris and called every single one of them and asked for your name until we found out and from there we took the portals here" Belphie answered as he stretched across the bed before sitting up

"Why did you all come here when we are leaving tomorrow?" Lucifer asked crossing his arms now serious

"We wanted to hang out with (y/n) in Paris too" Levi responded

"Yeah, she agreed to go visit some places with me" Satan added

"That's such a shame, she's already booked for today" Lucifer commented

"How long?" Beel asked as Asmo came back into the room from the balcony

"Where?" Satan questioned

"With whom? Is he or she cute? No one can be as cute as her, outsides me" Asmo spoke

"Or did is she booked with herself? She can be booked with herself, right?" Mammon asked

"When did she leave?" Belphie wondered aloud

"Is she coming back?" Levi asked

"When is she coming back?!" Mammon shouted

"Enough.." Lucifer spoke

"Only thing you're going to do is hog her" Asmo retorted at Mammon

"Who said?!" Mammon exclaimed

"We all know how you are, Mammon" Belphie replied

"I said enough!" Lucifer shouted once more causing everyone to stare at him silently

"No one here is hanging out with her, she is spending time with Simeon and Luke, and if either of you all try to intervene then you will be facing me" Lucifer said sternly as he gave the death stare

"So we came here for nothin'?" Mammon asked

"Basically" Satan answered

"Aww man, I missed out on a perfectly good comic collection for this" Levi whined

"At least there's food here.." Beel spoke softly staring back at the fridge

"And a bed" Belphie pointed out

"Hey, Lucifer, i'm back!"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now