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A/N: Should I change the story cover and shorten "I promise you into "I.P.U"? I have gotten some suggestions and don't know if I should or not, if so, title will still say I promise you but the cover would show different but mean the same thing


Fortunately for you, the potion that Diavolo and Barbatos had given you really did help with the pain

Although, it was still extremely painful in general

Especially with the scar onto your back, adding a bottle of rubbing alcohol and lighting a match on top of that is an understatement to what it really feels like

"Thanks Barbatos" you spoke after he had just handed you another potion for the day to help

"Lord Diavolo had said that everything is going smoothly, and within a few days, you will be allowed to leave back to the house of Lamentation with the others"

Before you could say anything else there was a knock on the door before it opened

"Hi-hello, just wanted to check up on you" Levi then said as he made his way into the room with Beel and Belphie following behind

"But you guys already have.. literally ten minutes ago"

"What? So we can't care about you now? Rude" Levi huffed

"You know what I mean" you sighed

"Honestly, why don't you all just stay in here if you guys are just going to keep coming back every other minute"

"We can?" Belphie asked

"But what about Lucifer?" Beel questioned

"He can get over it, his temper has really gotten bad nowadays"

"You just noticed?" Belphie scoffed

"And the others?" Levi asked

"If they come in and wanna stay then I don't care"

"I will leave you all alone then" Barbatos spoke up as he made his way to the door and left

"So, does it hurt?" Belphie asked, about the wing transformation

"It's hard to explain"

"Then explain anyways"


"By explaining"

"Okay then- try having a period and go through cramping where it hurts one minute, then slowly fades away just for it to come back again a couple seconds to minutes later, but instead of it being a stomach cramp, make it on your back and replace the cramping with the feeling of burning fire"

"That sounds enjoyable to watch" Belphie commented

"Lucifer would enjoy it more" Beel commented

"Of course he would" you scoffed

"I don't think he would when it comes to you" Levi then said, sitting onto the edge of the bed

"After all, he did have a heart attack when you died during the exchange program" he continued

"And another one when you lost your memory" Beel added

"Don't forget the time when he was all emotional when you two met again after you were sent to the Celestial Realm" Belphie spoke up

"L-O-L, he was being overdramatic then" Levi said, laughing

"Satan told us all about it" he continued

"Oh what a connection we had, it was like love at first sight all~ over again" he added, clasping his hands together like a kid would begging for candy as he teased about Lucifer

"He wouldn't do that" you then said, defending him

"Oh he did" Belphie reassured

"But he's- he's- Lucifer"

"Yeah, a simp, L-M-A-O" Levi exclaimed, laughing even more

"He loves her, who blames him?" Beel then asked when there was a knock on the door once more

"Come in!"

"Hey, I was just- GAH! What are ya' doin' here?!" Mammon exclaimed as he froze in the doorway after seeing his younger brothers

"We're here for the same reason you are" Belphie answered, rolling his eyes

"I'm only here to see if she took some more of that potion, not in here to fool around" Mammon said, trying to correct his brothers

"Barbatos just gave me another one to help" you answered as he just slowly nodded before he closed the door

"Well, since they are in here then I can be in here too" he then said

"Awww~ do you have to?" Levi whined

"Yeah, you suck" Belphie added

"Well that's just mean" Beel said softly to his younger brother

"Too bad, sharing is caring" Mammon retorted

"But- this is Devildom" Belphie stated

"Yeah- with demons-" Levi added

"Shuddup, You know what I mean" Mammon scoffed

"Knock knock" someone spoke from behind the door

"Who's there?" Levi asked making Belphie snort with laughter

"It's me, Diavolo" Diavolo answered as he opened it slowly and peeked in to see everyone inside

"Well- me and everyone else, that is" he corrected as he opened the door all the way to see everyone else behind him, except Barbatos

"Are we having another pillow fight again?" Levi asked, confused

"No no, I just wanted to make an announcement, and therefore wanted everyone together, I couldn't find everyone else until now since y'all are already together" he then said as everyone walked into the room before settling down to hear the announcement

"So~ what is it?" Satan asked, confused as well

"Yeah, please hurry it up, I want to sleep" Asmo yawned

"It's not really an announcement" he started

"It's more of a surprise, for (y/n)" he continued as everyone looked over at you silently

"What is it?" You asked, even more confused then everyone else

"I have a visitor for you" Diavolo then said when Barbatos entered the room

"Barbatos?" Satan questioned as Barbatos shook his head and stepped out the way as a figure came into the doorframe

"Missed me?"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now