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"(Y/n)!" I shouted over the screaming humans in tears as they both go falling down from the Eiffel Tower due to the occuring accident

"No no no no no this can't be!" I shouted as I dropped to the floor pressing my forehead against the icy cold railings that once killed my lover

"No! Stop! I can't be thinking this!" I shouted aloud gripping my hair

"This can't be real!" I shouted crying aloud even more

I cannot bare to look down from these thin rails to the murderous actions down below..

I hear a loud thud as everyone screams even louder

"(Y/n)!" I shouted scrambling up to my two feet as I could barely stand due to my legs giving in to what I just witnessed

I hear the distant siren's get louder over each passing second as I just stayed there on all four, clenching the barren walkway of the tower in misery


I Looked up to see the last thing I would think of, Arisa

"Oh my gosh! Come here!" Arisa said clearly also in a state of shock and fear as we just hugged tightly afraid of what's gonna come next

"Let's go, we need to find something positive to think about" Arisa said trying to calm me down which didn't work a bit

"I can't go down there.." I said softly into her grasp

"Please.. Tell me if she's okay.." I whispered breaking free from the hug

"I will.." Arisa nodded sternly as she got up and made her way down

What am I thinking.. It's over a hundred feet down.. Jumping from a four story building would break a few bones but a hundred feet? Not a chance.. If only..

If only there was something to break the fall.. Like a magical pool appearing out of no where to save her.. Such a stupid thought

Of course no pool would appear out of no where.. And there aren't anything around the tower to even try to break the fall..

I'm such a fucking failure, I should've went with her when she went up here in the first place

I should've grabbed her before she broke her grasp

I should've just never came here in the first place..


It's been over an hour now and here I sat on the steps of the tower collecting and calming my thoughts

Where is Arisa?.. Is this more worst than it seems..? No.. Think positive.. She's fine, they're fine, Nothing is wrong, everything is okay.. This is all a dream.. Scratch that, A nightmare

My worst fears are taking it's place.. Why here?..Why now?.. Out of all things that could've happened, Why this?

Even bandaid's won't be able to fix this..

I heard someone walking up towards the steps as I whipped around

"Aris-" I stopped when I noticed that it wasn't her but in fact a Policemen

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else" I apologized as the Policemen nodded and headed up the flight of stairs to the top to investigate the crime scene

I sat there once more in thought


"Woah really? Oh shoot I wanna see!"


I have to get out there.. To confirm if (y/n) is really...


Falling from fourty eight feet is a fifty percent chance to survive..


falling from a hundred feet are highly...Lethal..



We were a hundred feet above the ground.. If he is dead then (y/n) is also..

My body is frozen still

I can't go out there..

If he is dead then (y/n) is also.....


I looked up to see Arisa standing there still shaking in fear from the last time I saw her

How did we go from (y/n) smiling, getting jealous like a child.. Seconds ago..

To us standing a hundred feet below a grim verdict

Strangled by suffocating silence..

We keep on hoping...

Foolishly hoping..

We both know the dark answer laying steps ahead..

There's no doubt..

She fell a hundred feet

And that night, I bargained my soul to the god's I highly can't stand...

for a miracle

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now