Storytime pt 6

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Hey guys..

Things just got worse..

I was doing my online classes and finished them at 11:30 AM due to early relase and when I left my room my grandma was shouting to call the fire department and when I went to check what was going on a huge fire spreaded all over the kitchen.. We all managed to put the fire out and run everybody out when I realized that all the animals were still inside


3 cat

Tiger- Jason's

Angel- my grandma's

and mousey- my grandma's

2 dogs-

Sophie- my mom's

and coco- mine

Me and Jason both went back inside to try and get as many animals as we can while the fire was still happening but the smoke was too dark and covered the entire house keeping us from seeing as clearly

After about 5 minutes of us searching all we managed to find was our 9 year dog sophie which is my mom's making us all worried about all the other animals since we couldn't find them at all

I went walking with Jason to calm down after the fire department came and when I came back they ended up finding and getting my dog coco and my grandma's cat Mousey which is perfectly fine (all the animals are perfectly fine and healthy)

At the point in time my mom told us that the fire department said that the rest of the animals might not make it because they are still in the house full of smoke which made me upset and worried again forcing me to go walking again and so Jason followed to help calm me down.

After I came back again they finally cleared out the smoke and opened all the windows but told us that we can't turn on any power or wifi

(I'm writing all this right now on my notepad in my phone since wattpad needs wifi and my data is out)

We ended up having to be forced to move out because the fire burned the entire kitchen, put a huge hole in our ceiling and floor, melted the stove and microwave (yes we have nothing to eat so we went to the store to bought snacks, drinks, candles and stuff to make our own sandwiches)

All day today (october 7th) we've been throwing literally everything out because of the fire and us being forced to move with literally no money at all

Here I am at 10:03 PM writing this in the dark with no wifi on my notepad in my phone with my family discussing all our situations

(The fire started because my grandma got distracted with cooking to help my little brother Tristen with the online schooling)

After we went back inside we immediately went through everything and packed up, meanwhile we found Angel and Tiger aka my grandma's and Jason's cat which are also perfectly fine.

We called Redcross and section8 to tell them about our problem and they are helping us find a place.

Yes we will still be here at the house for tonight, tomorrow we are putting the things we are wanting to take with us and put them into a storage room, we are going to finish packing up and going through things and go out and find a house.

Everybody and animal are safe now, nobody was harmed, so yes we are safe

We made calls to programs, family and friends and we do have alot of help because of them.

I am a bit still shooken up because I've never been into a fire before, this is my first time ever moving even by force (I was born and raised here), worried about our next step of where we're gonna go, worried over the animals during that time and stressed over all this.

I will definetly keep y'all updated as the time continues even if I still have to use the notepad because of no wifi but it may take awhile due to the wifi, stress and moving

Thanks for all the support, love you all 😊

P.S while walking I found the most cutest little baby fork ever 😂

October 8th-

The day after the fire, CPS (child protective services) came over and said that jason's dad never abandoned him which he did and now he was fored to leave to go back with him, so he left at 2:30 PM, I'm still messaging him whenever I get wifi and him and his dad will be discussing about him coming over and visit at least 3 times a week so at least that's good

I'll update the next time I get wifi and if something else major happens, thanks for the support!

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