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Just wanted to note that today, our dog graduated from training 😂🥳

Just wanted to note that today, our dog graduated from training 😂🥳

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Okay back to the story 😅





"Damn, do you have to do that in my ear? I can hear you, you know" you grumbled as you turned over to face Mammon

"Oh Lord not you" you whined

"Hey! I'm the best thing you could ever wake up to" he protested, obviously offended

"Wouldn't put it past you buddy" you mumbled as you sat up and looked around

"Where's everyone at?"

"Either minding their business or asleep"

"Are you insulting me?"

"Will you get Lucifer?"

"Depends on the answer"

"Then no, no I wasn't"

"Right.." you muttered when you got out of the bed

"Where are you going?" He asked

"I'm going to make you take me to them" you answered

"And why should I?"

"Don't make me tell Lucifer about you waking me up, it was the whole point of making y'all leave to begin with" you threatened making him sigh

"Fine! BUT only if we make it a deal, I bring you to them and you keep it a secret, deal?"

"Yeah, sure, deal" you spoke when you two shook hands


"(Y/n)!" Asmo exclaimed happily when you walked into one of the rooms Mammon showed you to

"Hey Asmo, where's everyone else?" You asked looking around the large room

"Well me, Beel and Belphie are sharing rooms, Beel is down in the kitchen eating to fuel up after today, Mammon, Levi and Satan are sharing rooms beside us and Lucifer is with Diavolo and Barbatos" he answered

"Sharing rooms?"

"Oh no, those three are doing high and mighty things like they always do"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now