~ 𝐸𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 ~

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"Say something already, damn" Mammon spoke up, obviously impatient

"Shut the hell up" Belphie warned

"Lucifer, yes, of course!" You exclaimed when he stood back up and slipped the ring onto your finger before giving a hug

"As much as I would normally hate to say this, congratulations, brother" Belphie spoke as he started clapping

"I still won't say it, congratulations (y/n)" Satan said, also clapping as everyone else started to do so

"So romantic~" Levi squealed

"And who say's demons can't fall in love hmm?" Simeon asked

"Who says we can't?" Xiya added, elbowing Simeon causing him to blush

"Well- I uh-" Simeon stammered, scratching his cheek nervously

"Congratulations to you both!" Diavolo exclaimed happily

"It's a pleasure being here to see this happening" Barbatos added, clapping

"Thank you guys, I wouldn't want to have it any other way" you replied

"Group hug!" Beel exclaimed as he scooped you into a hug as everyone followed behind, even Lucifer after being dragged in

"So now that's out of the way, when am I an uncle?" Asmo asked


"Just saying.."

"Haha soon enough, soon enough" Barbatos laughed

"Does that mean I'll be a god father?" Diavolo asked

"Of course" Lucifer answered with a tint of blush due to the topic

"Oh, and y'all too" you spoke up towards Luke, Simeon and Xiya

"Aww that's sweet" Xiya awed

"Speaking of us, It's about time we leave now.." Simeon announced, breaking the hug

"So soon? Y'all just got here"

"I know, but at the same time, we shouldn't be here, but we came just for you"

"Don't worry, we won't miss out on the wedding or even the baby, it's not like it'll be the last time seeing us" Luke joked trying to cheer up the situation

"I agree, you can't get rid of us so easily" Xiya said with a little chuckle

"I'll miss y'all" you said towards them

"We won't" Satan spoke when you immediately glared at him

"I was just kidding~ take a joke" he immediately said

"Well, we better be off then" Xiya said, going back onto the subject

"It was nice seeing you all again, really" she continued

"Don't forget us" Luke spoke up

"We can never forget you, chihuahua" Mammon laughed immediately ticking Luke off

"Hey! You can't call me that anymore!"

"I can and I will" Mammon stated

"Enough you two" Lucifer said, shutting them both up

"Alright, let's head back before anyone realize that we're missing" Simeon spoke as they turned to leave and out of sight

"(Y/n) I have somewhere I want to take you" Lucifer immediately said once they left


"I know it's a but sudden but you'll enjoy it"

"Bet she enjoy a lot of things too" Asmo started


"You wanted to bring me here?" You asked, a bit confused

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"You wanted to bring me here?" You asked, a bit confused

"Indeed" he simply answered

"Why?" You asked, looking around


"Hmm?" You hummed, turning back to face him when he bowed and held out his hand

"Will you have this dance with me?" He asked gently and gracefully

"Of course" you spoke, accepting his hand as he pulled you close to him, starting to slow dance with the sound of nature surrounding you both

"You know, this reminds me of when I first fell for you" you said aloud

"I know" he answered with a little laugh

"Horrible night really but I don't regret it"

"Neither do I" he stated

"Remember how Levi was stuck on his D.D.D all night?" You asked, starting to laugh as well

"Ah yes, how about Beel eating everything edible available, leaving no crumbs behind" Lucifer added making you laugh even more

"Oh! What about Beel and his tricycle" you exclaimed, laughing as Lucifer gave you a twirl

"Or what about the apple incident"

"Good times" he said, laughing alongside you, as he waltzed with you alongside the water around the area

As you two laughed and danced under the stars, you knew that your life was only going to get better and better, even if it's in a place that most would deem inappropriate, but what can you say? You can't judge a book by it's cover


"Yes my love?"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"Forever and ever?"

"Yes my love, forever and ever"


"I promise you"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now