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You slowly took a step back silently when Xiya walked up to you, holding onto your shoulders

"It's for the best" She then whispered as she made you take a few more steps back

"Simeon, Luke, Let's go, I'll take you both back before things get more out of hand than it already is" She then said, turning to face the two boys, one of which probably already made a mess in their pants while the other most likely forgot half of the alphabet

"Who?.. me?" Simeon asked aloud looking around before pointing at himself making Xiya facepalm herself before sighing

"Men.." she sighed aloud before walking over there, grabbing both of their hands and leading them to the door as she stopped and looked back at everyone

"I am coming back, I'm definitely not done with y'all" She spoke, directly towards the brothers before opening the door and leaving, closing it from behind

"Man.. she's scary.." Mammon muttered

"In that case, look in front of you.." Satan spoke up towards Mammon as a very pissed of Lucifer with a bleeding hand is standing amongst them, looking like he can physically murder someone within a single touch



"I.. rather not.." Mammon whispered with a bit of fear in his voice

You just stood there silently not knowing what to do or say, yes you were happy to see the other demon brothers but at the same time, worried for them to get caught, if not, drag you into it, although, some part of you actually wanted to see the results and join them

"You all only had to do is wait just a day or two and he would've been back.." you finally spoke up making all the boys look over at you

"Yes, we've already heard" Satan then said

"THEN WHY ARE YOU ALL STILL HERE?!" Lucifer then shouted aloud, startling the group, including you

"W-we just explained" Levi stuttered

"OKAY!? AND I HAVE HEARD YOUR EXPLANATION, NOW LEAVE!" He demanded, turning into his demon form

"L-Lucifer! N-now isn't a g-good time!" You then shouted, now even more worried about the situation, especially with the trial in general

"SHUT IT" He then demanded at you, gritting his teeth making you go silent before looking back at his younger brothers

"W-we only did this b-because we thought y-you were never going to c-come back!" Mammon explained

"Yet this is coming from the one demon who supposedly doesn't like his oldest brother?" Satan then asked, as calm as ever

"S-shuddup!" Mammon shouted towards Satan as he just shrugged it off

"Scumbag.." he muttered

"YOU ALL BETTER LEAVE NOW BEFORE I KILL-" Lucifer stopped when you reluctantly grabbed him by his wrist

"Just stop it! You know that you will only make things worse by doing this!" You then shouted when he looked at you silently, still pissed off before he yanked his hand away

"Shut that ugly disgusting face of yours before I-"

"HEY YOU!" Someone shouted stopping Lucifer from finishing his sentence when Xiya came running in with a bowl of hot spaghetti and threw it straight in his face

"AND THAT JUST IMPROVED YOURS!, YOU WITCH!" she then shouted as she ran and grabbed you by the hand and ran

"RUN EVERYONE!" She then shouted over her shoulder towards the boys as they all jumped and ran out with you and Xiya

"Man I wish I recorded that!" Satan exclaimed happily while running alongside his brothers

"Now isn't the time for that! We bought ourselves some time to run so let's do it!" Xiya shouted over her shoulders as you all ran the corner of the hall and down the flight of stairs

"W-where did you even get a bowl of spaghetti from?!" You asked aloud

"When I ran to drop off Simeon and Luke, Luke had some leftovers from when Simeon made him some and offered me a bowl and warmed it up, but when I came back, I had no choice!" She exclaimed back

"T-this reminds me of that time the cake went into his face!" Mammon shouted when you all ran out the Purgatory hall

"Where to now?!" You exclaimed once you all stopped outside the door

"The portals! First thing first is to bring you guys back before anyone see's y'all or before he catches up!" Xiya answered before running off towards the portals, leaving you and the brothers to follow behind

"I-I'm too tired to run.." Belphie hissed, out of breath

"And that spaghetti looked too good to be wasted.." Beel responded

"We have no choice, you all can eat and sleep once you all go back! Lucifer isn't allowed back there until after the trial, that is your only safe zone for now!" You shouted before grabbing Beel's and Belphie's hand and running off to catch up with Xiya

"Hey! What about my hand!" Mammon shouted, now running after you as everyone else starts running too

"Now isn't the time for this, Mammon!" You shouted, almost tripping a few times due to you running as fast as you can to the portals, seeing Xiya ahead

"Be careful! Damn you're so clumsy you dumb Angel!" He shouted at you, making you a bit irritated

"Oh just shut it!" You shouted, looking back, almost to the portals when you ran smack into someone

"Well, well, who do we have here?"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now