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(I know that a lot of readers are kids/teens that read my stories go to school, so I don't really know what time to post these chapters because either it can cause trouble with phone notifications going off while in school (if you leave them on), some can still be asleep and have to sleep for school and it can interrupt their sleep, different timezone etc, so I'm just trying to post at a more convenient time)


"Are you sure that you are fine?" Lucifer asked for the hundredth time

"Yes, You've asked that too many times"

"I just need to know" he simply spoke before looking away, stuffing his hands into his pockets as the group walked down the streets to eat somewhere

"It feels nice to be outside for some air, been trapped in that castle for days" you sighed happily

"You're our princess, we need to make sure you're healthy and safe" Asmo spoke up

"We don't want the hunters to be coming after you now do we?" Satan added jokingly

"I guess not.."

"Exactly, so, as your knight and shining armor, it's our duty to protect you" he then said

"Can I be a knight as well?" Solomon asked

"Everyone is" Satan answered

"Remember (y/n), if you feel the slightest bit of discomfort, take the potion, it will help" Diavolo then said, looking back at you as you nodded

"I will"

"Are we there yet?" Belphie asked, trudging alongside Beel

"Almost" Levi answered, his eyes glued onto the D.D.D

"Can't wait for the transformation to be done with, we can finally go home then, together" Mammon then said

"So.. why are we going through the park?" Mammon asked, looking around

"Taking a little shortcut" Diavolo answered

"But isn't this the longest way?" Beel asked

"Not for me, besides, let (y/n) have some time outside for awhile" Diavolo stated

"I agree, I wouldn't want to be stuck up in a building for days just to be in pain" Solomon agreed

"Luckily I'm not paying, because then Beel would be ordering the restaurant out of business" Satan then said, with a little relief on his face

"Well unfortunately, we'll have to limit what we want as for we having to share due to only a limited amount of food" Diavolo commented

"And why's that?" Asmo asked

"Wait, I thought Barbatos was coming with us" you finally said aloud, noticing that he wasn't around

"He'll be there, he had something to do first" Diavolo answered when Lucifer just looked over at him silently before looking away once more

"You're awfully quiet" you stated towards him

"I am not, I just have some things on my mind"

"That literally means that you are being quiet" Satan commented

"Be quiet"

"Just saying"

"You two are just- Barbatos?" Belphie said before for he stopped in his tracks

"Thought you all would never make it" Barbatos then  said, standing by a tree waiting for everyone

"But- Diavolo just said that you had something to do and that you will meet us"

"Yes, and now I am here"

"But- then why are you ahead of us? Shouldn't you be catching up with us instead of us catching up with you?"

"I had something to do, never said where" Barbatos simply spoke before he changed the subject

"Besides, I did meet up with you all"

"Yeah, here, not where we are going" Mammon commented

"But we are here, where we are going" Barbatos stated

"I never specified where we are going to eat" Diavolo laughed

"But you said a restaurant" Asmo pointed out

"I never made it a decision"

"So we are having a picnic? That seems.. odd" Solomon spoke up, looking around the park

"What's so odd about it?" Diavolo asked

"It's not everyday that someone just goes out for a picnic with a whole bunch of friends and family, besides, would we even have enough for everyone?" Solomon asked

"Yeah, especially with beel" Belphie added

"Trust me, we have enough" Barbatos laughed when Diavolo joined in

"Let's just head to the picnic area before anyone tries taking it" he continued before leading the group


"That was delicious" Beel spoke, satisfied with his food, yet yearning for more

"Why thank you, if you want, I could make some more for you all whenever (y/n) is allowed to go to the house of Lamentation"

"Will you? Please do, thank you"

"No problem"

"Hey (y/n), up for a swim?" Satan asked, taking off his shirt

"Out here? We don't even have proper clothing to do so"

"So? It'll get dry eventually"

"Mind if I join?" Solomon asked, standing up

"Sure, the more the better"

"Or worse" Lucifer muttered

"Lucifer's Jelly" Levi exclaimed, getting everyone's attention

"I am not!" Lucifer protested

"No need to be so jealous, just sit back and watch (y/n) with all of us half naked men" Asmo joked making you flush with embarrassment

"What about you Levi? You going to join?" Solomon asked

"I- no"

"Why not?"

"It's.. weird"

"Nothing is weird unless you make it that way" Satan commented while Levi started getting flustered alongside you

"I'll join if Belphie does" Beel spoke up

"After eating all that? I'd prefer to stay here" Belphie then said

"Not even for five minutes?" Beel asked

"Not even for four"

"It's okay Beel, if you'd like, I'd join you all" you said, touching his shoulder when Belphie sat up

"In that case, I'm in"

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