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You never thought the Celestial Realm could ever change so drastically from the beautiful golden aura that it holds to a dark, Shady gray sky on a sad pouring afternoon right before it starts to rain

"(Y/n), stay behind me" Beel said aloud as one by one, many of angels came up from behind Michael, all holding weapons as if they already knew what was going to happen

"It doesn't have to be this way you know.." Michael said hesitantly

"I never asked for it to be.." Lucifer spoke softly

"Just give me back my angel and leave, never come back here and everything will just end" Michael reasoned

"Not without her" Satan commented, crossing his arms

"We would never be the same without her" Levi spoke

"The exchange program should have never happened, all of Diavolo's idea's are a waste of space, I don't know what came over me when I agreed to all this to begin with" Michael sighed


You turned around towards the direction of the voice and seen Simeon standing there

"What's going on?" He asked visibly unaware of what's happening

"Simeon- I-" you stopped when Michael cut you off

"Simeon, come, it is time to ban these demons from the Celestial Realm once more"

"What? But what about the tria-"

"The trial has expired.."

"And (y/n)?"

"She will be staying"

"But the portal.."

"It will be demolished.."

"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted in unison

"But- my friends-" Simeon started

"They will be friends no more"

Simeon fell silent due to those words and looked over at you with sad eyes


"Simeon, now" Michael demanded calmly

"Simeon, don't, you know how much this means to all of us" you then said towards him

He stood there for a moment as if thinking to himself before looking down at his shoes silently

When he looked back up he had tears in his eyes

"I'm- so sorry.." he said faintly in a cracked whisper as you just looked at him in a bit of a shock, surprise and disbelief

"Simeon, you can't-"

"I have no choice.."

"But you do, you can join us"

"What about Luke? What about Xiya? What about everyone else here that I care about? I've known them for thousands of years, I just can't turn on them now- not now.."

"Wow.. and I thought you were my best friend here.."

"But I am.."

"Not anymore"

"Ooh~ drama~" Asmo sang softly to his brothers

"(Y/n), I care for you as much as I do everyone else, but you can't just expect me to leave everyone and everything that I know behind just for you, that's one against a million"

"But she's our million" Mammon said aloud, boldly with a blush

"Then that's your luck.. (y/n), I love you, like Love Love you but I can't choose that over everything else, not now.."

"You, what?.."

"This is getting spicy" Asmo teased

"I can make it spicier by adding some Hell-Sauce" Mammon spoke

"Oh lord you are so dumb" Satan sighed into his palm

"Simeon, I-"

"No need, I don't need an answer from you, I already know it, there's no need to show otherwise, just needed to tell you"

"Are we done yet?" Lucifer asked, annoyed

"Things are only getting started" Michael answered

"Guys! Come here!" Mammon exclaimed as everyone looked at him like he's stupid but reluctantly followed

Once everyone walked up to him, he got everyone in the circle as he started whispering

"I have a plan" he started

"Which is?" Levi asked

"We can't have another Celestial War, we can't risk losing someone again, especially if it's (y/n)" he continued

"I agree.." Belphie spoke

"Aww you guys are too cute"

"I- err- so uhh, my plan was, if Michael wants a war then we trick him back acting like we are going to fight but we find some way to get them closer to the portal so we can escape and go back home"

"But Mammon, you Dimwit, don't forget, they are allowed to go into the portals, only thing that's going to do is change it from the Celestial War to Devildom's War" Satan replied

"He's right" Asmo nodded

"..Then we break it" Lucifer spoke up when everyone looked at him

"But what about Simeon and Luke?" You asked

"They have a choice, if they don't want to join us then that's on them" he stated

"And how are we supposed to break a magic dimensional teleportation portal?" Satan asked

"Potions?" Belphie suggested

"Taking it down with weapons" Levi added

"Throwing as much stuff inside of there to keep them from going in" Asmo spoke

"Wait.. that's actually a good idea" Mammon said aloud

"If we can-"

"If we can block them from coming into the portal for a period of time, we can have Diavolo destroy the portal forever before any of them could get to it" Lucifer finished

"..Jerk" Mammon coughed when Satan slapped him upside the head

"Just be lucky my mind is on other things right now" Lucifer warned, glaring at him, making him scared

"So is that our plan?"

"It's the best that we got so far"

"Are we really about to do this?" Belphie asked

"Hell yeah, I'm totally ready" Levi said, pumped up

"Then let's get to it"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now