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"Wake up, (y/n)"

"Wake up"

"Is she dead?"



"She's still breathing, fortunately"

"Just got knocked out due to the hit"


"Augh, what happened?" You groaned, sitting up, rubbing your head

"You passed out for a while there" a voice answered as you looked around the blurry room, waiting for your eyesight to go back to normal

When it did, you noticed that you were in the castle, in Devildom

"Wh-what? Why am I here?" You asked

"They brung you here, Silly" another voice answered as well as two male figures walked up to you

"Don't tell me that you forgot who I am" one spoke frowning

You just gave a small smile as you looked over at them

"I remember clearly, Lord Diavolo" You spoke when his face lit up before coming closer to you

"Just address me as Diavolo" he then laughed

"May I assist you in an icepack?" Barbatos asked

"Icepack? Didn't think they have Ice in Devildom"

"Well we aren't that bad when it comes to letting everyone suffer when it comes to injuries" Diavolo joked, still laughing

"Where's everyone else?" You asked

"Don't mind them right now, you just need to stay here and rest for a bit, they will come soon" Barbatos then said

"But- the portal- Simeon and Luke- what about Xiya? and Michael.. what about the war?"

"You ask too many questions" Diavolo commented nervously, rubbing the back of his neck

"Let's- let's just say that they are all okay, and you must stay here in order for everything to be okay" he then said


"Because- you just have to"

"Is this all about the plan?"


"What if they need help?"

"They will get help"

"You're not letting me out, are you?" You asked

"Nope, not until everything is clear" he replied

"Just continue to rest here, you're safe" Barbatos added before he walked out

"For how long?" You asked

"Eh, a few hours maybe? Even so, when you do leave, you'll be immediately sent to the house of Lamentation where you will be forced to stay in there for awhile as well"

"So.. does this mean that I am no longer going back?"


"Really? So does this mean I'm like a demon now?"

Basically" he shrugged

"Your angel form will slowly turn dark and your wings will slowly burn to a crisp before growing new wings, if you end up getting wings in your demon form that is"

"Awesome" you whispered allowed making him laugh again

"Never knew anyone exited about becoming a demon before"

"The only thing that I feel bad about is that I can't see Luke, Simeon and Xiya ever again"

"You have them in your contacts, right?" He asked

"Well.. yeah"

"The you should be okay, you all can face-time and see each other that way"

"But I meant in person.."

"Oh.. sad"

"Here is some water, for whenever you need it" Barbatos spoke, entering the room as he placed a glass of water onto the nightstand beside the bed


"Everything will be okay, no need to worry about anything, the plan is going according to plan" Barbatos then said, noticing your reactions

"Honestly, they don't even have a plan, it keeps changing constantly"

"Sounds like them" Diavolo joked

"Either way, nothing has gone wrong so far, no one has gotten injured" Barbatos commented, giving you a warm genuine smile for comfort before he turned to walk towards the door, leaving the room

"If you want to wander around the castle, then feel free, just stay out of Cerberus's room, he doesn't like company very well, outsides me, Barbatos and Lucifer, also- it might be best to stay out of the labyrinth, unless you want to face a giant snake"Diavolo said as he made his way to the door

"I- thanks for telling me.."

"Oh!-" he then said, stopping in the door frame as he looked back over his shoulders at you

"And Welcome back"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now