story time

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I have been getting messages asking if I'm alright and stuff so I decided to talk/text it out

So clearly I'm a kid ofc (but a older teen)

My mom recently got into a relationship and her boyfriend has three kids, two girls and one boy, i have two brothers and i'm the only female, coincidence right?

My older brother is 18 while their oldest child which is a girl is 19

I'm the middle child, 16 and their middle child which is the boy is also 16

And my youngest brother, 8 and their youngest child which is a girl 10

Very close in age right?

Well they got kicked out of their own family/cousin house and so we let them live with us

After they moved in, I had to take time to get to know them a little which is one reason why I haven't been able to upload much

Then the next thing you knew the two sisters starting fighting over who gets to hang out with me...

I started hanging out with the middle child (boy) instead since i've known him a bit longer and because we have a prank war going on 😂

Anyways, me and him are close, extremely close, BUT we only think of each other as friends, we found out that we have the same family problems etc, (can't tell you what because I promised not to tell)

My grandma noticed how close we were and made up lies saying that we are...yeah

And that we were basically acting like a couple 😒

My mom and his dad ofc didnt want to listen to her complain so they seperated us to the point where we cant talk to each other, not allowed in each others room, can't walk together, there has to be an adult around and even can't be in the same room together

And ofc if you were close to your best friend it hurts when you're forced to stay away from them over a lie

So.. We've been having to text constantly, find ways to hang out without them knowing etc only getting us in more trouble but it's worth it

It's been happening for about a week now and four times have my grandma made lies saying that we were acting like a couple when we have proof by our siblings that we aren't

The situation keeps getting more worse you know the story, I might continue this story time if something else comes up

Sorry once again for the little uploads, i've been too upset and mad to do anything

Thank you 😔

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