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"Ah, old times, brother" Simeon laughed alongside everyone else while Lucifer just sat there silently recalling the memory


"That's.. a story for later" he then said when Simeon looked over at him

"How's your stay here so far? I know it's been awhile with everything that has happened with everyone, alongside you just not liking it here in general but your aura seems different today"

"Aura?" You questioned

"His atmosphere? energy? You know, his vibe?"

"I have to agree with Simeon over here, you've been a bit more happier today" Xiya added on

"Not from what I've seen earlier" You mumbled under your breathe when Simeon looked over at you, obviously hearing what you had said but decided not to ask

"I don't know what you're talking about" Lucifer simply answered getting looks from across the room

"I don't see him being happy here again" Luke then said aloud, pretty much recalling the same memory that have occurred earlier as well

"Ah, such a headache" Simeon spoke to himself softly as he pressed his hand against his forehead

"Are you THAT drunk?" You asked noticing his actions causing him to have a faint blush across his nose and cheeks

"I don't usually get like this.." he spoke before resting his forehead onto his hands as he leaned forward to rest his arm onto his leg

"It's been awhile since we had a good drink or two" Lucifer added on

"Make it three" Xiya corrected, holding up a shot as she took another sip

"Or four.." Lucifer sighed counting her sip as the fourth one making her laugh a little

"Don't drink too much than you already have Simeon, if anyone finds out, we're all in trouble" Xiya then said calming down

"I think he already has.." you then said aloud

"Poor Simeon, he's such an angel but so full of Sin" you added on

"Very full of Sin.." Xiya dragged out in thought getting attention from everyone including Simeon himself

"you're extremely quiet for a chihuahua like you" Lucifer then said as everyone looked over at Luke as he was just quietly listening in on the entire conversation chewing on a handful of Cheetos

"He's being occupied by chips, leave that poor bean alone" you scoffed as you turned back towards Lucifer

"Yes, he's our sweet little baby angel" Xiya then said agreeing with you

"I can hear you all, you know" Luke said aloud with a little pout as he doesn't like to be called little, or a chihuahua for that matter

"Ah, I think that I've had enough to drink, and someone has to walk Luke back to his room, I think it's about time to call this a day, what do you guys think?" Simeon asked changing the subject

"I could agree with that, it's getting a little late and on top of that, you should really sober up a bit, if someone finds you like this, we'll all be in huge trouble" you replied looking over at him as he silently nodded before looking over at Luke

"...what?" He asked as everyone just stared at Luke silently in thought

"If you want.. Xiya can walk with you to drop of Luke, and possibly walk you to your room to prevent getting caught by anyone else" you spoke up out of your thoughts getting the attention between Xiya and Simeon

"I guess that could work.." he simply spoke while Xiya just blushed furiously due to your suggestion as you just gave a simple wink to tease

"And I should go do some tasks here for the trial since I'm being forced to.." Lucifer added

"It's not that bad, in the end, you'll get to go back to Devildom and be with your brothers once more" you replied reassuringly

"It's so dark and spooky down there" Xiya explained with a little shudder

"It's hell, what did you expect?" Lucifer then said getting a fake cough from you

"You know, this is actually more fun than I thought" you then said changing the subject and got everyones attention

"I can agree with that" Xiya added on, changing the subject as well

"Me, you, these maniacs, and of course, our precious Luke, all together and just laughing, playing games, talking, what could be better?"

"If we joined"

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now