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You- Where are you?

*No response*

You- I was wondering if you wanted to have a movie night with me and Luke tonight, it's an outdoor movie they are having, anyone is welcomed

*No response*

You- Okay then.. just text me when you read this..


You looked up from your C.C.P as Luke walked over to you

"Where's your hat?" You asked noticing Luke without his usual headwear

"Took it off, didn't want it to fall off while helping, it would get in the way" Luke answered

"Lucifer isn't responding to my texts" you spoke

"He's with Simeon" Luke answered

"What? Why? He's been acting a bit jealous over him and now he's hanging out with him? And what about Simeon? I thought he said that he had to do something alone?" You questioned

"They.. uh.. they are both talking about some problems that they don't want anyone to know" Luke responded

"That's still weird" you commented

"If you want I could try and call Simeon, maybe he'll pick up" Luke suggested as you just nodded silently while Luke pulled out his C.C.P and started dialing Simeon's number

Within a couple rings, the ringing stopped as Simeon's voice followed soon after causing Luke to turn around and walk a few feet away

"Well, this place seems about done here, all we needa' do is place some more tables stocked with food and beverages and we're all set to go" A man spoke from a couple feet away behind you to another one of his fellow team mates

What exactly did Xiya mean by catching up on things?

"Simeon said that they would try to make it here, but no promises" Luke announced as he walked back towards you breaking you from your thoughts

"Oh, that's a surprise" you admitted

"Even if they don't make it, it'll still be fun, and if you want, we can have a sleepover later tonight" Luke said cheerfully

"That would be fun" you replied as you just displayed a smile

"I'm going to help them with setting up the tables, wanna help?" Luke asked

"Sure, lets go"


"Hello, missed me?" Simeon asked as he dropped to the ground on the blanket beside you that night during the outdoor public movie

"I knew that you would make it" you spoke giving him a sideways hug

"But where's Lucifer?" You questioned noticing that Lucifer wasn't there

"He's not coming, he said that he had other things to do back at the Purgatory hall" Simeon answered causing him to frown once he seen the sadness that had spreaded across your face

"Oh" you managed to say before silently looking back at the projected movie trying to ease your mind while Simeon just stared at you silently before looking down at the blankets

"Simeon! I almost thought you weren't going to make it!" Luke whisper shouted as he walked up to you two holding two cups of punch for you and him

"I would never purposedly try to miss a good hang out with my friends" Simeon replied finally looking away from you and up at Luke

"In that case, wait here, I'll go grab another cup of punch" Luke said as he placed the cups on the blanket before heading back over to the tables

Silence fell between you and Simeon as you both just awkwardly tried to focus on the movie but failed miserably

"Hello you two lovebirds" a voice said as you and Simeon looked up to see Xiya

"You're here for the movie too?" Simeon asked

"I helped them set up and invited Luke and them to join" she spoke

"Oh, that makes sense, you're always helping around the place" Simeon replied nodding slowly

"Where's Luke? He was super excited for tonight" Xiya asked

"He went to grab another cup of punch" you answered

"Such a sweet kid" she commented

"And Lucifer? Has he came?" Xiya asked

"..no.." you answered looking down at the blankets causing Xiya to notice your actions

"That sounds like him, he's all business and no fun" she said scoffing

"Well, who needs him anyways? You have these two young men and boys who are your friends and are willing to spend quality time with you, Luke seems to love you half to death" Xiya continued trying to cheer you up

"Weren't you the one who wanted him to come just to catch up on things?" You asked now looking back up at her as she just stared at you silently before sighing and looking away when Luke came back

"Here you all go- hey Xiya" Luke waved as he placed the cup on the blanket with the other two

"Hello, Luke, enjoying the movie? We got it from the human world" Xiya explained

"I love movies from the human world, we rarely get to see any" Luke said happily with a smile

"Do you want to join us for the movie?" Luke asked

"Sure" Xiya answered

"In that case, be right back, I'll grab another cup!" Luke whisper shouted before running off again to get another drink

"Poor Luke, coming back in forth just to get more drinks for everyone" Simeon spoke up with a little laugh

"He seems to be enjoying it either way" Xiya explained before looking back over at you and sighed once more before she took a seat on the other side of you

"Look, (y/n), is it?" She asked as you looked over at her and gave a silent nod

"This is going to be a long story" she warned

Obey me Lucifer x Female reader - I Promise You SequalWhere stories live. Discover now