Another depressing A/N

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Would could get worse?

Being in a fire back in my old home (the house I grew up in my entire life) making us live in 2 hotels for 3 months, almost being taken away from my family by DSS (as a 16 yr old back then), then moving to a different state to live with my aunt, and lastly finally getting a small place good enough to live in for awhile until we save, then literally a year later, 3 days before the big house fire, our neighbor beside us (literally connected to our place since we have a house split it half kinda) their place caught on fire making us have to leave again until our rent man renovates the place

After that, 2 months later, I got sick to the point where I couldn't eat for 3 days straight, couldn't hold anything down, was always in pain (physically) to the point that if I move an inch, sharp pain immediately happens and last for about an hour depending on how well I can stay still, took medicine and everything else and it didn't work

Finally got sent to the hospital where they made me wait in the waiting room from 6PM to 2AM, DIDN'T even try to help, they left me literally on the floor in pain that entire time, took 5 containers of blood from me (it was pointless since it showed up that I was okay)

had a temperature of 103.2, blood pressure was extremely high (because of too much white blood cells), finally they did a CT scan where they finally found out that I had appendicitis YET they still made me wait back out in the waiting room for another hour before they finally decided to actually do something (they had to call a lot of hospitals because of me still being a Minor at that time)

ended up getting transferred to a hospital in another state, that itself was about a 45 minute through an hour drive, arrived at that hospital about 3:30-4AM

Doctors came in and said what had happened and that it had already ruptured (like a balloon bursting in my stomach area) and because of that had to have IMMEDIATE surgery

They left, came back and then said that we had to wait until later that day (11AM) to get the surgery making me in pain the entire night (yes I had an IV, and they gave me medicine through it to help with the pain but they had to come back throughout the night every 30 minutes or so to give me another one since the pain was that bad)

Finally 11AM came and they finally did the surgery

Woke up and found out by the doctors that my own mother left me at the hospital DURING the surgery, so they called her to come back

After the surgery when I had to stay in the hospital for another 5 days for recovery, that's when I finally found out how bad it really was

The doctors said that I only had a 10% chance of living

They said that when my appendix basically exploded, it also blew a part of my intestines in half (so it was like, floating around in my body 💀) which is why I couldn't hold anything down

AND they think that it didn't rupture UNTIL after we got to the first hospital when my pain got worse and they just left me there on the floor in pain for hours

Anyways, I survived, left after five days, went back within a week for a checkup, went through a lot of pain due to recovery, shots, bandages, medicine that made me slept 80% of the day etc

After I started getting better to where I could walk again, less pain etc, I got dumped, over text with them calling me "bro"

Then went through a lot of bad/negative thoughts and emotions which lead to a little more harm then it should've done

Found someone better that I've known for awhile (or at least I thought)

They ended up taking too many breaks without an explanation (today makes the 4th break within 3 months which is why I'm making this chapter crying once again ✌🏻)  but this time they had an excuse of 'a feeling in their stomach'

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