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"What are you all doing here?!"

"Seems like you really are having fun here, huh?" Satan scoffed as he shook his head in dismay

"You forgot about us?" Asmo asked

"I- wha- Lucifer- WHY ARE THEY HERE?!" Xiya shouted aloud

"HOW DID YOU ALL EVEN MANAGE TO WALK IN AND OUT THE PORTAL WITH NO ONE SEEING YOU?!" She continued as she jumped up from her seat and started pacing around

"Oh no no no no no no no.. you're dead, y'all dead, oh god, I'M DEAD!" She exclaimed grabbing her hair

"You just realized that?" Satan asked crossing his arms

"Now isn't the time for jokes" Lucifer then said aloud, standing up as well

"You all shouldn't be here, NONE of you all should be here, I don't know how you all managed to walk through and out those portals without being caught but you HAVE to go back!"

"Hey Luke, Look! That looks like Lucifers brothers, Hey you guys!" Simeon greeted, waving excitedly as Luke just silently gulped as he sat near Simeon

"I-I think we should g-go now.." he then said, holding onto Simeons arm

"Oh my gosh guys! Do you all know how much trouble we'll all be in?!" You shouted

"Well it isn't our fault!" Mammon then shouted at you

"Yeah!" Levi shouted as well, agreeing with Mammon

"If it weren't for Beel and Belphie seeing Simeon and Xiya with the alcohol and spying, we wouldn't have thought that he is more happier here then he was with us.." Asmo then said with a look of sadness upon his face

"Yeah.. I thought we all would stick together.. I already lost one sibling and I didn't want to lose another.." Beel added on as he rubbed his arm sadly

"I could care less" Belphie shrugged

"You say that but everyone knows how much you look up to him" Asmo said placing his hands on his hips when Belphie shot him a glare

"Looked" he corrected

"Guys.." you spoke softly, feeling sad for them for what they thought when Lucifer picked up a clear shot-glass and smashed it onto the table with his bare hands pressed into the broken glass shards surprising everyone in the room

"You all have done enough! It was only for a week! Just ONE week! I can never rely on you all do to anything right! No one told you all to spy! No one told you all to think that! And especially, no one told you all TO COME HERE!" He then shouted aloud creating silence in the room as everyone listened to every word being shouted out creating Mammon to flinch as he took a few steps behind the other demon brothers

"Hehe, you heard that Luke? I was spied on, hehe" Simeon giggled softly while Luke was gripping onto his arm extremely tight, probably turned his arm red

"Well it seems like you are enjoying your time here.." Beel then said softly, looking down

"If not, then Simeon and Xiya wouldn't be sneaking alcohol in from a realm that is highly against it, it's not like them to do so, well- minus Simeon since he drank some during his stay during the exchange program but not sneaking it in the Celestial Realm" Satan said, adding proving Beels point

"Plus, even if you had to stay here for a week to do a trial, you still had rights to go back to Devildom and visit us, at least once, but you never did" Levi added on

"And also, why wouldn't you be having fun here if (y/n) is here with you?" Belphie asked

"Yeah!" Mammon shouted from behind the group

"IT DOES NOT MATTER WHO IS HERE AND IS NOT, I MADE IT CLEAR FROM THE START THAT I DID NOT WANT TO BE HERE!" Lucifer shouted, finally lifting his bare hand from the broken shards that is scattered across the table as blood started trickling out from his palm

"You guys had literally a day or two left! You all could have just waited and the trial would've been over!" Xiya shouted as well

"Geez Lucifer, I know that you're mad and all but you didn't have to smash your hand into broken-" you stopped as you went to try and help him with his hands when he shoved you back with his other hand

"Get away from me" he stated, glaring at you when you noticed his eyes, with a more darker red color than you had ever seen before


"Lucifer?!" You shouted trying to run out of belphie's grip when lucifer grabbed Diavolo's wrist before it touched his face

"I think not" Lucifer said sternly throwing Diavolo's arm down

"Belphie, Take (y/n) away from here" Lucifer spoke still looking at Diavolo to be aware of his movements

"(Y/n) I need you to go...please?"


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