Christmas Songs & Proposals

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Birds chirping from outside surfaced while I slept with blankets covering my body. I felt extreme warmth as Zack's arm intertwined with mine. His hands stroked my hair repeatedly. He gently rubbed my arm. "Good morning, princess. Merry Christmas." He whispered. I yawned and kissed his lips. He kissed back. We parted, stretching our bodies out. I inhaled a deep breath. "Well..." I trailed off. On cue, I got up on my feet and cheered wildly. "Merry Christmas!" I said, smiling. Zack chuckled and grabbed me with his full strength. He playfully spin me around. I laughed and hung onto his neck. He put me down. We almost leaned for a kiss until the baby monitor went off. I giggled and left the room. He followed behind to the nursery. CJ was crying in the crib. I picked her up to start rocking her. Zack wiped her small tears. She immediately calmed down. Her brown-sparkling eyes is too pretty. He smiled happily. "Baby's first Christmas!You excited babygirl?" He asked. She smiled because his finger intertwined with her hand. The peaceful-cute moment stopped when someone's loud voice echoed through the house. "Get up! It's Christmas! Get up!" Daniel shouted. I rolled my eyes. Zack hid a chuckle. "I'm sorry you had to see that." I muttered. He scoffed. "No worries! You know she'll act the same every Christmas." He said, referring to CJ. I laughed and nodded in agreement. Daniel rushed in but quietly. "Merry Christmas, guys!" He said, smiling. We returned the gesture. "Merry Christmas." We said in unison. He motioned us to follow him. "Cmon, Mom said the chefs are ready to serve and we need to get dressed for the whole family visits." He said. I quickly nodded. Zack smelt CJ's diaper and groaned. Uh oh, she need changing now. "I'll give her a bath and change the diaper." I told him. He nodded, pecking my lips. "If you need my help, just call me...not because I'll be taking a shower." He said. I playfully rolled my eyes and walked to the nearest bathroom. Zack cleared his throat. "By the way, I invited Jack and my parents." He told me. Excuse me, what?! Yay! I smiled excitingly. "Really? That's amazing! I can't wait for them to come see CJ!" I said. He smiled and caressed my hair. We went back to getting ready.

Phew! Being a mother is twice as much work. I showered and got dressed. Mom's helping out with CJ as well. We came downstairs to see everyone on the couch while Daniel's holding his gift. It reminded me we used to be the first ones to open presents. We were so ecstatic and practically wanted to be first, second, third to open them. They chatted until they saw me, Mom and Zack. I took her from her arms and sat next to Maya. He sat beside me. Dad smiled excitingly. "Alright! I say we open gifts now!" He said. Daniel cheered. "I'll go first!" He quickly said, tearing the wrapping papers. Mom shrugged and smiled. "How about we all go first?" She suggested. William raised an eyebrow. "You're sure?" He asked. She nodded. "Yes!" We cheered happily. Within a second, we grabbed presents from both trees. Zack has four, Bryana's got five, Maya got four and Daniel surprisingly got six presents, Maria has five, William's got four. Me? Most of them could be CJ's presents but the last two are from Lisa. I opened my first gift in blue and red colors. My eyes widened. "Oh. My. God." I muttered. Zack smiled widely, seeing the present. "That's so cool!" He said. His comment brought their attention on me. "What is it?" Mom asked. CJ was crawling around while being watched by her. I pulled out the red JBL Bluetooth speaker. Their jaws dropped. Daniel smiled. "Awesome!" He said. I returned the gesture. It truly is. That way, I'll blast everything on my playlist. Including Michael. "You can listen to anything without headphones." William said, smirking. CJ playfully tapped the stereo with her hand. "Thanks M!" I said, smiling. Maya chuckled. "No prob." She said. This giant present makes me very questionable. What could it be? Is it a big notepad for my paintbrushes? I teared the wrappings off and covered my mouth in shock. Tears fell from my eyes. Zack looked at me worriedly. "Are you ok Bels? What's up?" He asked. Daniel smirked. "It's tears of joy." He told him. Maria patted my shoulder. I picked up the signed poster of Michael and shown them. All their jaws dropped. I chuckled, wiping a few tears. Zack smiled and hugged me. I hugged back. Maria smiled. "Wow! He signed it!" She said. Dad winked. "It's all for his #1 fan." He said, referring to me.

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