Zack Morris's Past Revealed

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A week later...

Receiving a call from the police was slightly disturbing. The very relief is they caught Nate and arrested him for a whole month. My restraining order will keep him from me when he gets out. Everything's back to normal once we continued classes. The gang were in the classrooms while I finished on textbook and in our room. The cravings returned. I grabbed my phone and texted Zack to bring me McDonald's. I walked out and came to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, huffing. Nothing but ingredients to make salads. I pulled out a cup and poured orange juice. At least I'll have drinks. I sat on the couch to watch Victorious. My phone buzzed.

Zack🥰❤️: on my way!😉

I smiled and raised an eyebrow when I received a reminder.

Reminder; Spa Appointment at 2pm.

Oh! My spa appointment! I almost forgot between the Nate situation and scheduling what day we move to Neverland next year. I snapped out of my thoughts when someone opened the front door. I thought it was Zack until the guy had brown hair, blue eyes with a dazzling smile. He looked exactly like him without blonde hair. He smiled nicely at me. "Hello? I'm looking for Zack Morris. He's my cousin!" He said. My eyes widened. Cousin? Zack has a cousin? All this time I thought he was an only child. His cousin wasn't even at my house for Thanksgiving. I cleared my throat and smiled. "Hey, he's in class. I'm his girlfriend Bella. Nice to meet you..." I trailed off. "Jack! Nice to meet you too! Whoa. My aunt told me a lot about you but I never seen pictures. Long hair, pretty smile, nice body. Zack's type." He joked, smirking. I chuckled. He saw my baby bump and smiled happily. "Congrats! Can't believe my cousin will be a father!" He said, hugging me. I hugged back. We parted. "Thank you so much. Um, he just went to McDonald's for my cravings so I guess you could sit and wait for him." I said. He nodded and sat beside me on the couch. I made myself comfortable. "How are you? I heard you both are buying Michael Jackson's home! I'd do anything to live in there!" He said, smiling. Wow, he's very much related to Zack. I shrugged. "You're family so duh." I told him. He cheered crazily. I giggled. "How come he never talk about you?" I asked. Jack took a deep breath. "We used to be very close when we were little. One day, I sat together with him at lunch with Screech. Our uncle Rick used to always drop us off to school. I have hated him so much. I used to think he was a great person and he was always there for Zack when his Dad weren't. We stopped talking after we turned eight years old." He explained. His uncle Rick? Why he never liked him? I raised an eyebrow. "Why you hated him? What happened?" I asked. He almost spoke until the door opened. Zack with my bag of McDonald's. His eyes widened, seeing Jack. He returned the gesture. "Jack?!" He said. I smiled nervously.

He huffed. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Jack scoffed. "I came to visit you and congratulating on your kid plus moving to Neverland! Congrats." He said, half-smiling. Zack rolled his eyes. "You could've showed up on thanksgiving to say congrats." He growled. He sighed. "I'm sorry and it's very nice to meet you Bella." He said. I smiled warmly. Jack got off the chair and walk passed him. He handed me the bag. "Well, it would've been nice to get a call about his visit." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "Zack, why are you being a sourpuss? He wanted to come see you! You two were very close when you were little. Not to mention he hated your uncle Rick- he cut me off. "That's why we stopped talking!" He growled. I cleared my throat. "What?" I asked. Zack nodded. "We stopped talking after we turned eight because all of a sudden, he hated Uncle Rick and I never knew why. He never told me. He just said it and I never believed him. When my Dad wasn't here, he was all the time. Jack thinks he knows what he truly is but guess what? He don't." He growled. I playfully rolled my eyes. "What if there's a reason? There's always a reason." I said. He shrugged. "If there was, he would've told me." He mumbled. Alright, I can't take his rudeness. I finished eating and took my bag. "Where are you going?" He asked. I sighed. "I have a spa appointment." I told him. Zack hugged me softly. I couldn't help but hug back. His family must've gone through a lot that Jack wouldn't dare to speak of. It doesn't matter because our family is the priority.


At the spa, I undressed myself and took a very warm tea bath. The employees helped me out of the tub and wrapped myself in a white robe. I sat on the chair as they done manicures and pedicures on my hands and feet. I felt immediate relaxation. My face were covered by a facial and my hair wrapped in a bun. Thoughts focused on Jack and Zack's confrontation. Jack believes his uncle is horrible but he doesn't know why. What could've happened? Is he keeping something from him? It should be my business because we're obviously family. Right? I explained this to Kelly on the phone and she believed Jack might have a secret. Whatever it may be, I'm hopeful it's nothing serious. "All done!" One of them told me. I smiled and carefully took the cucumbers off my eyes. I sighed happily. I miss going to the spa so much. Besides meditation, this relieves my stress. I put on sandals and changed back to my outfit. I paid for my nails and feet before leaving. A photographer snapped a few pictures while I got in the limo. Obviously, they think a celebrity's here so they followed me. It drove off and he was out of sight. The gang was in the living room while I slept peacefully in bed. Zack wasn't there suddenly. It's clear he's still upset about Jack coming over. I felt two kicks. I jumped a bit, rubbing my belly and taking deep breaths. Excuse my hormones because I can't wait to get this thing out of me! There they are. My phone buzzed. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Zack was calling. I answered.
"Hello?" I said. "Bella? It's me Jack." He said. I was totally confused. "Jack? Why you have Zack's phone? Where is he?" I asked. He sighed. "He went to the house where I was talking with his mom. We had an argument about Uncle Rick and things went crazy real fast." He told me. I mentally prayed he isn't in a bad state. I took a deep breath. "Hang on, I'm coming." I said. "K! Hurry!" He said and hung up. Thankfully, I still wore my comfiest outfit and walked out. The gang shared confusion. "Bella, are you ok?" Kelly asked. I sighed. "Zack and his cousin Jack had an argument and things are probably bad." I told them. They expressed sympathy over his situation. Screech sighed sadly. "I'll go. I know them longer than you guys." He said. I nodded and we stepped out. I called my driver, having the limo arrive in three minutes. All my thoughts on is if Zack's ok.

We came to his house and closed the doors. Screech cautiously ringed the door bell. It opened, revealing Mrs. Morris. She look completely worried and scared altogether. Now I'm really concerned. She breathed a breath of relief. "Thank goodness! Come here!" She told us. Yelling was heard and Screech ran upstairs. Mrs. Morris carefully helped me get there quickly. We followed the noise to Zack's bedroom. He growled angrily at Jack. "The fuck is wrong with you?! Uncle Rick is a real father to me! He's been there for me before he had to move away! You're the only one who's horrible!" He shouted. Jack scoffed and huffed. "Zack, I never been horrible to you! I'm just trying to help you! He was never to be trusted since that night of your 7th birthday party! You don't remember and it's not ok! This is why you're acting like the person you aren't! Believe me, it's his fault- Screech cut him off. "Guys, stop fighting!" He begged. Zack ignored and raised an eyebrow. "What do you think he done? He never done anything to me!" He growled. Jack took a deep breath and grabbed his shoulders. "HE RAPED YOU!" He yelled.


Silence fell throughout the whole room. Tears were stained on his mom's face. Screech was very speechless. A tear fell from Zack's eye. "What?" He whispered. "Remember he said he wanted to tuck you in bed? A medicine bottle was on the dresser and you were unconscious. I watched from the door as he stripped you down. Scared and I didn't know what to do. The only person who knew was my Mom. I've tried telling you but you stopped talking to me." He explained. Tears fell from my eyes. Zack literally was taken advantage of from a younger age. It explain why he does the things he do. This was the whole reason. He plopped down on his knees, crying silently. "Jack, just go! Please!" Mrs. Morris begged. He shed a tear and left the room. I hugged Zack tightly. He hugged back. He sobbed on my shoulder. Screech patted his shoulder and comforted him. His mom was in shock over everything. I kissed his tear stained cheek. "I love you so much. It's ok." I whispered.

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