Big Game of Nickelodeon

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Last Night...

Daniel's dinner was really good. At the same time, I'm proud of how he's growing up. It's not easy being the youngest of five siblings. Maria included and cleaned herself up from CJ's puke. Our parents got home a little late but enjoyed the dinner. Everyone went upstairs to bed. CJ fell asleep and I put her in the crib. Me and Zack changed into our PJs and climbed under the blankets. He took a deep breath from laughing. "That was too funny." He said. I nodded in agreement and giggled. "I noticed." I mumbled. He smiled, kissing my cheek. "I had so much fun tonight." He said. Thoughts reflected about my boy cousins. They shouldn't miss one more year with us since Aunt Lana's passing. She would've wanted to see Mom and all of us. Honestly, Dad was only concerned about our safety because Uncle Jared abused them. That's why our grandparents didn't trust him or inviting their kids means their parents come. Our cousins are super innocent, having to live differently from us. "Are you ok babe?" Zack asked. I snapped out of my thoughts. "What? Oh, yes I'm fine. Just thinking." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "About what?" He asked. I fiddled with my fingers. "My six cousins. You're right, they should come for Christmas and hopefully our grandparents will accept it. They can't miss another year without ever calling or visiting. I think Mom would love this a lot.
After all, they're the piece of Aunt Lana and her nephews. I don't know what to do." I said. He rubbed my hand and smiled. "Have you called them? Do you have their numbers?" He asked. My brain clicked. I smiled. "I don't but I'm sure William do. He still talks to Brad, their eldest son till today. I'll sneak into his phone and pick up his number." I told him. He nodded, smirking. "Good idea. Need help?" He said. I returned the gesture. "Yup." I said.
We smiled, snuggling to each other. "You know what I can't stop thinking about?" He asked. I shrugged. "What?" I asked. Zack smiled dreamily. "Neverland." He told me. Aww, honestly me too. A very beautiful place full of nature and fun altogether. I hated when these evil money-seekers made a false documentary about Michael molesting them as children in Neverland. Such crappy people. I smiled warmly. "Yeah I know. After Michael died, I promised to someday buy the home and bring back all the wonderful things he had there. I'm so disgusted by these idiots who claimed he raped them." I said, growling at the last part. He nodded in agreement. "I think it's stupid actually. He literally gave them an unforgettable childhood and now tries to take all his fortune?" He said. I nodded in agreement. Imagining CJ playing on the rides or watching movies in the theatre made me smile. I kissed his cheek. Zack smirked at me. "Hm, was I good in bed?" He teased. I playfully rolled my eyes. "I'm just happy for CJ. She'll have a beautiful childhood." I said. He looked at me in awe and kissed my lips. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Sweet dreams, babe." I whispered. He smiled and rubbed my arm comfortably. "Sweet dreams." He whispered. We finally fell asleep.


It's 10am in the morning. We ate breakfast and I breastfed CJ. Everyone except our parents were in the living room. She burped, making me pat her back softly. I kissed her forehead. We sat in the kitchen with Mom and Dad to discuss moving to Neverland. "So, you'll bring back everything he had there?" Mom asked, referring to Michael. I smiled and nodded. Dad returned the gesture. "That's cool, sweet! Is it true you got six bedrooms?" He asked. Zack chuckled. I giggled. "Yes! You guys can even use the guest houses." I told them. They laughed. "Thanks Bels!" They said. Zack played around with CJ. She made a few sounds, throwing her bottle on the floor. Our eyes widened. "Wow, that's unexpected." He muttered. It made us laugh more. "She's so much like you when you were a baby." Mom added. I picked up the bottle and set it on the counter. Zack smiled, pulling out a teddy bear from his pocket. "Here's your bear!" He said. She smiled and took it from his grasp. I chuckled. "GUYS, COME HERE!" Bryana yelled. We rushed into the living room out of panic. Zack picked up CJ from the high chair. "Is everything ok?" Mom asked worriedly. The gang was crowded in a circle, watching Bryana on her phone. Not exactly anything bad. She looked up and smiled. "Yup! We're just playing a game of Nickelodeon." She told her. We shared total confusion. Exactly what is that game? "Um, what?" Zack asked. William laughed. "It's a game to test your knowledge of Nickelodeon shows or games. Bryana found a video online called guess the theme song and we're about to start." He explained. Maya smirked. "Wanna play? We all know Bella got more knowledge of Nick and Disney." She sassed. Everyone chatted in disagreement. Zack hummed in response. "Is that true?" He asked, smirking. I smiled innocently. My history of watching these legend shows is true. I'm obsessed by them a lot. Daniel smiled. "It's true! She's team everything!" He agreed. I laughed and shrugged. "I'm in!" I said, grabbing a spot near Maya. Zack sat beside me and distracted CJ with the teddy bear. We quieted down for Bryana to speak. "Ok! Guess the song challenge! You guess which show the song came from before time runs out. It starts now." She said, turning up the volume on her phone. It instantly played iCarly theme song. "ICARLY!" We quickly said in unison. Bryana laughed and nodded. The next song played which left some of them confused. Daniel and I smirked. "Bella and the bulldogs." We answered. "Correct!" She cheered. William groaned. "How do you know?" He asked. I scoffed. "Who doesn't love that show?" I sassed. Daniel smiled dreamily. "I crushed on the girl quarterback." He muttered. We laughed. Another song played. We smiled instantly, getting off the couch. "Ned's de-classified School survival guide!" We said. We cheered and high five. A familiar song I remembered started. I smiled and begin singing. "If you wanna play, we can dance all day and just get away. Yeah." I sung. Bryana chuckled. "What is it, Bels?" She asked. "Zoey 101!" I cheered. We listened to another and heard the words 'haunted house.' Zack smirked playfully. "I used to love Zoey 101." He teased. I punched his arm, figuring out she was his crush. We shared confusion over this different theme song. Daniel rolled his eyes. "The haunted Hathaways." He said. William playfully rolled his eyes. "Never heard of it." He mumbled. Maya face-palmed and giggled. Another one sounded silly and crazy. I smiled widely. "Ooh!- I was cut off by the boys. "Fanboy and Chum Chum." We said in unison. Zack laughed. "Screech and I loved that show!" He told them. I giggled, seeing CJ looking entertained by everybody's energy. We listened to one more song. It sounded not too familiar. "Damn, what is this?" Maya muttered. My brain clicked. "100 things to do before high school!" I answered. Daniel snapped his fingers in remembrance. "I knew it!" He said. We high five, leaving the rest frustrated. "Ok guys, two more songs." Bryana said. Another familiar song played. "True Jackson VP!" We answered. Bryana cheered. "Yes! I love Keke Palmer!" She squealed.
We calmed down and prepared to hear. It sounded very danceable. This involved two characters from Victorious and iCarly. I smirked. "Would this be Sam and Cat?" I asked. "Sam and Cat!" Maria added. We smiled, high-fiving. One very last song came out. Me and girls giggled and sang the BTR theme song. The boys seemed annoyed and irritated. Zack playfully rolled his eyes. I smiled innocently. "I used to love Big Time Rush." I teased. He huffed. "Yeah, whatever." He mumbled. Bryana smiled. "That finishes the game! You all earned an 97%!" She announced. William breathed a breath of relief. "I could never live an 80% down." He said. Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Dude, get a life." He sassed. They stuck tongues at each other.

We played 20 questions of how well you known each show. Especially for Disney. William got so frustrated over Daniel answering them quickly. I got most of all right and went to the next round. We decided to take a break, hanging out in different parts of the house. Our chefs were cooking and baking Christmas dinner for Christmas Day. Mom was wrapping up the last of gifts. Dad's busy at work today. My phone buzzed. I sat on the counter, snacking on one more grape. I checked and couldn't help but smile happily.


Love of my life

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Love of my life.😍👅🔥
👥 bellabeckham

I laughed and covered my mouth. My own boyfriend can't get enough of me. I found it hilarious. Footsteps were heard. I then realized Maya was spending time with CJ in the nursery. She walked, holding her alongside a diaper. "Everything good?" I asked. She smiled happily and nodded. "She's so cute! Myself wanna have a baby with my man." She said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Then have one with Wilmer." I joked. Maya groaned. "I'm adjusting time. You should try it." She sassed. I smiled innocently and put up the middle finger. She laughed, leaving the room.


It's now 5pm. We gathered around in the living room and CJ was playing on the floor. Dad smiled happily. "Everyone, I can't think of another way to celebrate Christmas with my loving wife and beautiful kids." He said. Bryana scoffed. "Got that right." She agreed, sipping on a champagne fluid. We laughed quietly. Mom smirked. "Anyways, we have a big day tomorrow. Opening gifts, dinner with your grandparents, aunts and uncles besides- she was cut off by the door bell ringing. Dad went to open the door. I raised an eyebrow at Zack. He knew I called Brad about coming here for Christmas. "Wait, can we watch Home Alone and Rise of the Guardians?" Daniel asked, smiling. Maya chuckled. "Home alone, yes. Rise of the guardians? You watch with our cousins." She joked. They giggled. We quieted down once Dad came in with seven familiar cousins. They were all boys and one girl. Our eyes widened. He cleared his throat. "Guys, you remember your cousins. Aunt Lana's children." He said. The girl smiled, waving. "I'm Winona. I know you don't remember me but I'm her daughter." She introduced herself. Mom was even more surprised yet hugged her. "Hello, Winona. I'm your Aunt Victoria." She said, smiling happily. Zack hid a wink at me. I smiled and shifted. "How'd you get here?" William asked. Brad raised an eyebrow. "Someone called me from your phone, asking us to come for Christmas." He said. I didn't have time to hide my smile because everyone turned their attention to me. I smiled sheepishly. One of the boys chuckled.
"Yup. That was me. I invited them and you deserve to celebrate the holidays with us. We all know we couldn't meet up due to reasons I won't say. It doesn't matter anymore because family is forever. So, Merry Christmas!" I said, smiling. Leo shrugged. "Is that fine with you?" He asked, referring to Dad. Mom and Dad excused themselves to talk alone. Winona noticed CJ and bent down. "Aww, who is this?" She cooed. I smiled and put her on my lap. "My daughter CJ." I introduced. She smiled and tickled her belly. CJ smiled a bit. "Ahem!" Dad called. Silence filled the air again once he spoke. He locked hands with Mom. They smiled at each other then back at them. "We'd love to have you every year for Christmas and come tomorrow for Christmas dinner." He told them. Their jaws dropped in shock. "Really? You're sure?" Cole asked. I nodded. William smiled, hugging Brad. He hugged back. Everyone began talking like we never missed eighteen years together. I handed CJ to Maya. Mom motioned me to speak to her. I got off the couch and walked up to them. Dad smirked. "I knew you had something to do with this." He said. I scoffed and hugged Mom. "They all mean so much to you. They're the only piece of Aunt Lana." I whispered. Mom sighed happily. "I'm more excited to get to know her daughter." She told me. I nodded in agreement.

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