Shout Out to My Ex

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"Uh oh! Contraction!" I whined. Everybody in the living room pushed Screech beside me on the couch. He was confused. "What are you guys doing?" He asked. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it harshly. He let out a big shriek, feeling the hurt sensation. Phew! Thank goodness! I let go of his hand and took a deep breath. Slater huffed.
"Just when we thought this was over." He said.
Zack handed me a water bottle. I smiled and drank while rubbing the baby. Screech breathed heavily, holding his injured hand. "I. Need. A. Doctor." He whispered and passed out on the floor. I smiled sheepishly. This was only temporary until our daughter arrives on the 5th. I'm still excited for Neverland. It'll probably be heard on the news that somebody bought the home but who cares? It's for our new family. "How are you doing Bels?" Alex asked and sat on the chair. I sighed happily. "Great! Except for contractions! For now it's temporary which is a relief and I'm excited for Christmas." I told her. Kelly cheered excitingly. "Me too! My favorite holiday!" She said. I swear nothing tops Kelly's super perkiness. Zack cleared his throat. "Guys, remember that once we buy Neverland? We'll be moving next year to start our new jobs and raise our princess." He told them. I slowly nodded. I surely hope they won't be sad or upset once we leave. Leslie smiled warmly. "Aww, guys! We're not mad! It's your decision for your little family." She said. Alex nodded in agreement. Slater scoffed. "We got your back! I'd look out for that little one whenever she needs me." He assured. Kelly giggled. "And me. I bet you're excited to watch her grow up in that home." She added. I laughed. "Too much excitement for me." I joked. Zack smiled, holding my hand. "Thanks guys. Your support means a lot." He said. I couldn't help but think of how my life got far from just being a post on Instagram to being an actual independent mother. The door knocked. Slater opened, revealing the person I haven't seen since senior year. My ex-boyfriend Nate.

 My ex-boyfriend Nate

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My eyes widened. "Nate?" I said. He looked at me and smiled. "Bella!" He said. I carefully got up and he hugged me. I awkwardly hugged back. Can't believe he's here. It's been a long while. We parted. He smiled at everyone."Hey guys, I'm Nate." He introduced. Zack cleared his throat. "Hi. How do you know each other?" He asked. I smiled sheepishly. "We used back in high school." I told him. Nate nodded, smirking. "Memories." He mumbled. All their jaws dropped, including Screech awakened to hear the news. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He laughed. "Maya told me you're here so I came to surprise you..." he trailed off. He noticed my baby bump and raised an eyebrow. Oh, he knows I'm pregnant? Whatever. I fake smiled. "Yeah, I'm pregnant." I said confidently. Zack wrapped his arm around my neck. "And the baby's mine. Hi I'm Zack, her boyfriend." He said, fake smiling. Nate smiled. "Sup! Aye man, you should treat this girl like a Queen because she is." He low-key flirted. My cheeks burned red. The girls smirked at each other. "These are my best friends. Kelly, Slater, Leslie and Alex." I introduced. Screech looked at him in shock. "So, you're Bella's ex-boyfriend?" He asked. Nate chuckled. "Yeah I am." He said. His eyes widened at his features. "You're very handsome than other guys." He said. The girls covered their mouths to giggle. I face-palmed and giggled. Zack and Slater rolled their eyes. Nate clapped his hands. "I gotta go but I'll be back. I might be thinking of transferring here. I'll see you Bels." He said and winked. I madly blushed. Why am I blushing? We're not even together anymore. Kelly smirked. "You know Bels, I think he was flirting with you." She said. I scoffed. "No, no way." I said. Zack nodded in agreement. "Yup. No freaking way." He agreed. I sighed and walked back to our room.

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