Daniel's Pizza Parties

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Next morning, I watched as CJ crawled on the floor. It is too cute! The living room was a bit messy due to her toys on the floor. She loves those teddy bears. Zack left today to see the Dean at CALU. Hopefully, he's now free to go after his new job. The best part; we have nine gifts under the trees. I snapped out of my thoughts when my daughter crawled to my lap. She made a few sounds. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. She smiled. Bryana and Maria were on the couch watching another Christmas movie. A big thump was heard. We jumped and shared confusion. "Ow!" Daniel yelled. I huffed. He must've tripped over CJ's toys. He walked in, rubbing his back in pain. "What is going on here?" He asked. Maria playfully rolled her eyes. "You happened to trip on toys and we're watching movies." She sassed. I nodded in agreement. He ignored her comment and smiled excitingly. "Guess what? I convinced Mom and Dad to let me cook dinner!" He told us. Our eyes widened. Excuse me, what? He convinced them to let him make dinner? Bryana fake smiled. "There must be a mistake. For instance, our parents are smart." She said. "And Maya, William and me are always cooking dinner." I added. Maria smirked. "Technically, then. You got baby duties." She reminded. I laughed and handed CJ another teddy bear. She threw the first one aside. Daniel scoffed. "Time for a new change. I already know what to make." He said. We looked at each other worriedly. Daniel might make food mixed with caterpillars or possums altogether. He makes terrible dinners especially if they're pranks. Maria gulped. "What is it?" She asked. I can tell she regretted asking already. He shushed her with his finger. "Can't tell. It's a secret. Dinner will be served at 6:30 tonight!" He whispered/yelled. He ran out of the room. Bryana face-palmed her forehead. "Should I get 911 on dial?" She asked. I scoffed. "Only if we're gasping for air." I said sarcastically. Maria excused herself and made a beeline to the closest bathroom.
We all know she must be throwing up now. Bryana groaned. "What are we gonna do?! Daniel will send us in an ambulance around 6:30!" She panicked. CJ let out a tiny cute scream. I looked at her in awe. "Why you're screaming, baby?" I asked. She made another sound and swinging the bear around. I giggled. "CJ already knows Uncle Daniel's a bad cook." She sassed, getting off the couch. Daniel has grown mature and isn't the wide-eyed wildebeest fifteen year old anymore. Maybe he's really taking this seriously. I just hope nobody's puking before dessert. CJ seemed very tired and yawned. Aww! I picked her up and walked upstairs to the nursery. I rocked her repeatedly and she fell in a deep slumber. I carefully laid her in the crib. My phone buzzed so I walked out before it could wake her up. Zack was calling. I answered. "Hello?" I said. "Hey, sweet! How's my princess?" He asked. I smiled. "She's asleep. Did you talk to the Dean? How did it go?" I asked. Zack cleared his throat. I waited patiently for his answer. "I'll explain once I get back." He told me. Damn it! Did anything go wrong? Correction, did he accidentally did something wrong? I took a deep breath. "Everything ok?" I asked. He scoffed. "Perfect! See you soon, Bels." He said and hung up. I breathed a breath of relief.

Cleaning up CJ's toys and taking a well-deserved nap is what I needed. Especially showering and catching up with the gang on groupchat. She was still sleep after a long morning. Smells of delicious ingredients fulfilled the air. Mmm! Where was it coming from? I got off the bed and came downstairs. The smell's coming from the kitchen. Dare I say Daniel's cooking? Surprisingly, the doors were closed yet the smell kept lingering. His dinner smelled like something really familiar. I snapped out of my thoughts when the front door opened. William. I shushed him with my finger. He looked at me confusedly. "CJ's asleep!" I whispered. He playfully rolled his eyes. "I know. You sent a text on groupchat for everyone to be quiet." He said. Oh. I now remember that. I smiled sheepishly. William smelt the food and smirked. "You're cooking?" He asked. I nodded my head no. This will be funny. "Daniel." I told him. He stopped smelling and made a beeline to the bathroom. Sounds of puking agonized my ears. At the same time, I laughed quietly. It feels good messing with Will like old times. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and noticed it's Mom. She's out gift shopping with Dad. I answered. "Hey, mommy." I said. She giggled. "Hi sweet! How's everyone?" She asked. I flunked myself on the couch and fiddled with my fingers. "Great! Daniel's surprisingly making dinner, CJ's asleep and William puked from knowing he's cooking." I told her. "I know you guys aren't fond of him cooking but he learned so much now. Good grades, karate lessons, cooking class too. Let him do things on his own without his big sisters and brother handling it." She said softly. I nodded in understanding. "By the way, when's dinner?" She asked. I realized it's 5pm now. "6:30. Are you almost home from shopping?" I asked. "Yup! How's Zack?" She said. I almost spoke until the door bell ringed. Damn! CJ could wake up! I got up and opened the door. My boyfriend himself is there. "He just got home a second ago. Hopefully, the door bell won't wake up CJ." I said, raising an eyebrow. He smiled innocently and kissed my cheek. Mom hummed in response. "Same thing I dealt raising six children." She joked. I chuckled. "I'll let you shop and see you home." I said. "K, bye sweet!" She said and hung up. Zack sighed happily. "I'm excited to give you some news!" He said. I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Did you get in trouble with the Dean?" I asked. He nodded his head no, inhaling a deep breath. I waited impatiently. "Looks like daddy's staying home before Christmas." He said, smirking. Wait, what?! He got out of CALU?! Yay! "Yay! Yay!" I cheered and hugged him. He hugged back. He playfully spin me around. I laughed. We parted. "This is amazing! I don't mean to ask but have you found a job?" I said. Zack chuckled. "Yeah. It's why I was on the phone." He said in a Duh-tone. I cupped his face and kissed him. He melted in the kiss. On Home Alone, Kevin says Christmas brings miracles. This is definitely true. We were still kissing and didn't notice Daniel opened the doors. He stuck out his tongue disgustedly. "Don't mean to break the kissy fest but dinner's ready." He told us. We parted and madly blushed.


We gathered on the dinner table and I put CJ in her high chair beside mine. I warmed up her milk bottle as food. William cleared his throat. "Is anyone afraid of dying? I am." He whined. Zack was confused. "Nope." He said. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Guys, have faith in our little brother. He knows what he's doing." I said. Maya sighed. "You're right." She agreed, smiling. Bryana fake smiled. "Oh, Bels. That's cute." She said sarcastically. CJ made a few sounds. Two waiters walked to the table with big plates. Daniel came in the middle and smiled. "Family, I give you my first dinner to enjoy and get obsessed with. My best version of..." he trailed off. They took the sheet off the plates. Our jaws dropped. The familiar smell finally gave out the answer.

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Pizza! That's exactly what it smelt like! I licked my lips, attempting to eat both plates

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Pizza! That's exactly what it smelt like! I licked my lips, attempting to eat both plates. Their eyes widened. Maria almost fainted but stayed awake. "You made pizza?" William asked. He nodded. "First came to mind when Mom said yes to me cooking dinner." He said. Zack smiled widely. "Wow! You're really good, Daniel!" He said. He scoffed, smirking.
"Won't love it until you try it." He teased. We looked at each other and readied ourselves. Zack believed he'll taste the same flavor all pizzas taste. I carefully sucked the nuzzle onto CJ's mouth to drink the milk. Two more of our waiters served slices around. I received a slice of cheese pizza and a slice with pepperoni. Everyone had the same except Maria. She only took two pepperoni slices. It was only a matter of time until William took a bite. We waited for his reaction. He chewed and suddenly smiled in delight. "So good! Delicious!" He said. "Really?" Maya asked. Daniel chuckled. "It's pizza with my good touches!" He bragged. Zack already start eating his cheesy slice. We immediately began eating. Mmm! This is freaking good! I motioned the waiter to give me another pepperoni slice. He nodded, dropping it on my plate with a spoon. CJ finished her milk. I smiled and picked her up from the chair. Maya sighed sadly. "Daniel, we're sorry we didn't believe in you. You indeed are growing up and we're proud. I say you become the second chef for family dinners." She said. Daniel smiled widely. "Really?! Thanks!" He said. William laughed. "You whip up something nice, bro." He agreed. I patted CJ's back repeatedly. She made a soft sound. Maria looked at her in awe. "Can I hold that cutie?" She asked. I nodded and carefully gave her into her arms. We now focused on this tiny moment between our little sister and their niece. She patted her back repeatedly, holding her close. "So cute!" She squealed. Maya laughed. "I wonder if she'll start making—she was cut off when CJ barfed milk on Maria. All our jaws dropped. Her eyes widened. It splatted on her shirt and strands of her hair. I quickly grabbed CJ, heading for my seat. Everyone teared up from laughing including Daniel more. Zack still couldn't stop looking shocked. I grabbed napkins and cleaned her mouth. Maria covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom. Again, sounds of bad puking filled the room.

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