House Party Drinking

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Me and Leslie was on the couch working on an assignment our Chemistry teacher gave us. Kelly was reading a book. Not the type of stuff you'd think college girls would do, huh? True for the ones who aren't wet t-shirt. I don't know where Alex went. Me and Zack's relationship is going much well. Honestly, I love him so much. Sure he's the cute troublemaker but I don't care. The gang are really true friends to me. Not like the squad in my old school who was popular and didn't mind if 'the rich girl' join their squad. Soon our phones buzzed on the end table. We shared weird looks and looked up from our homework. I picked it up and read Alex's message.

Alex🤪😘: there's a house party tonight at 7pm!🥂 coming?

We looked at each other in shock. A house party? For real? "There's a house party in one of the dorms?" Leslie asked. I shrugged. "Seem so. I never been to college." I said. Kelly and I laughed. She once told me a story of them throwing a house party at Screech's. Now there's one happening in CALU? Cool! Zack and the guys walked in from their room. He smiled. "Guys, didn't you hear? There's a house party tonight!" He said. I nodded. "Seems lit! Let's go!" I said, smiling. Kelly nodded in agreement. "But we should finish studying before tonight." Leslie said. Slater raised an eyebrow. "You guys studying on a Saturday? That's insane." He said. I smirked. "You can thank our strict chemistry teacher for this three-paged essay." She said sarcastically. Zack scoffed and sat between me and Leslie. "Cmon, let loose! This is our first college party ever! Let's make it memorable." He said. Kelly giggled. "I remembered when we went to the Attic in high school." She said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "I could easily get in the Attic." I said. They looked at me. "How?" Kelly asked. I sighed. "Perks of being a rich girl." I said. They chuckled. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Leslie shrugged. "I guess it would be ok to let loose for a while." She said. Zack smiled. "Alright, that's what I'm talking about. What about you babe?" He said. I laughed. "Sure!" I said. Kelly nodded. "Me too!" She said. Slater smiled. "Let's party!" He said.
"We also need to find what to wear." I whispered in Kelly's ear. She nodded and got off the couch. Leslie followed behind. I smiled. "I'll see you." I whispered. Zack smirked. "I'll see you at 7." He said. We kissed passionately. I got up and followed the girls to our bedroom. Been here for four months and I'm already going to parties.


Me and Alex laughed as we returned back to our dorm room. We shopped for outfits for the party. Leslie and Kelly were trying on different outfits and was least impressed. "This is sad." Alex muttered. Leslie rolled her eyes. "Oh sweet, you guys shopped for outfits." She said sarcastically. I chuckled. "Not just for us." I said, swinging the two bags on my wrist. Alex smiled. "Bella also got you outfits for tonight!" She cheered. Their eyes widened. "Really?!" They said, smiling. I quickly nodded. "You'd think this girl would waste money on herself?" I joked. Alex shrugged. "You are rich." She said. I rolled my eyes and handed them the two bags. Kelly smiled. "Thanks, Bels!" She said, hugging me. I hugged back. We began to try out our new outfits.



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