No More Diapers!

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(CJ up top sleeping)

A cry was heard. I yawned, stretching. The baby monitor went beeping which meant CJ was awake now. I rolled out of bed, heading for the nursery.
Tears fell from her eyes. Aww baby! I carefully picked her up and rubbed her back soothingly. She calmed down after two rubs. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I recognized those hands. Zack smiled and kissed my cheek. "Good morning." He said in his morning voice. I chuckled and rocked CJ. "Morning, hon." I said. He played with her fingers and smiled happily. "How's daddy's little girl?" He asked. She opened her mouth to chew his thumb. So cute! Zack chuckled. "She's chewing my finger." He fake whined. He took it out of her mouth. I giggled. "I think she's hungry." I told him. He snapped his fingers in remembrance. "Milk bottle. Got it." He said. He made a beeline out of the room. I sat on the chair and playfully bounced her on my lap. She smiled a little. My heart melted, seeing her toothless grin. This may feel weird but now I wanna have a son with Zack. A little brother she can watch, do silly pranks and trade insults with. CJ placed her hand on my lips. Her bright eyes stared into mine. I looked at her in awe. She made a sound, touching it so much. I kissed her forehead. I softly nuzzled against her nose. She smiled. Zack came back with her bottle of milk. "Here's the milk bottle! Sorry, it took long because I accidentally spilled it." He said. I grabbed the bottle and she sucked the nuzzle. I held her in his arms. CJ drank while staring at Zack. He smirked. "Daddy's princess." He whispered. Daddy's princess? I scoffed. "No way, this is mommy's girl." I said. Zack nodded in disagreement and caressed her cheek. She mumbled, making me take the bottle out of her mouth. "Let me hold her." Zack said. I nodded and handed her into his arms. He smiled happily toward her. She began making sounds. I chuckled. "Wow, I can't believe how loud she could be." I said. He nodded in agreement. The loud persona definitely came from me. I'm loud whenever I wanna be. She let out a soft burp. Our eyes widened. "Whoa! That's the first burp I heard from a baby!" Zack said, chuckling. I laughed quietly. "Me too. It sounds cute." I agreed. "Ugh, you guys act like a married couple." A voice joked. Bryana stood beside the door. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Morning, Bri." I said. She smiled. "Hey! How is she?" She asked. CJ burped again. Our jaws dropped. We laughed. "My daughter's just like me!" He said and snuggled her to his chest. Bryana raised an eyebrow. "I hope she reaches boarding school." She mumbled. More likely, Zack would want her to attend Bayside High. He's been mentioning it throughout the nine months. I watched as he playfully showed her a teddy bear. She didn't cry nor whine. Bryana handed me my phone. "You got four missed calls and five texts. Especially one from the police station." She said, confusedly. My heart skipped a beat and remembered the problem with Nate. Zack looked up from playing with CJ. He looked at me worriedly. I excused myself and went back to our room. I recalled the police and waited patiently. Someone answered. "Hello, this is the police station." The operator said. I cleared my throat. "Hi, this is Bella Beckham. I'm the one who reported an abuse case happened at CALU. An officer called me today." I told them. "Of course! Hang on a sec." She said. I took a deep breath. "This is officer Reid, is this Ms. Beckham?" He asked. "Yes, sir." I answered politely. "Nate Robinson was found trying to escape prison but we caught him. He said he figured about seeing you again, hint with a knife. The good news is he won't come after you." He told me. I breathed a breath of relief. Thank Lord! I feared for my daughter's safety if he gets out. "Thank you so much, officer." I said. "You're welcome!" He said and hung up. Someone cleared their throat. I turned to see Zack standing beside the door. He seemed very worried. "Who was that?" He asked. I sighed. "The police. Nate tried to escape but they caught him and I still have the restraining order so everything's ok." I told him. He breathed a breath of relief and hugged me. I hugged back. "I'm glad everything's ok." He agreed. We parted. God, I feel like it's my fault for welcoming Nate after what he done. It's my fault I should've told him to leave when he came. He sure acted like he changed. Guess we all cover up our feelings and secrets. Tears fell from my eyes. "What's wrong? You scare me whenever you cry." He asked worriedly. "I'm so sorry this happened! I should've told you earlier about Nate but he came, I didn't know what to do and he told me CJ was the biggest mistake- he cut me off by cupping my face. "She is not a mistake. I made a lot of mistakes but her? The best one. Falling in love with you was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't care about that guy, only about what he did to you and almost killed both of you. We all make mistakes, Bella but we have to forgive and forget. Remember? As long as I'm with you both, I'll always protect and take care of you. I love you so much." He said softly. He wiped my eyes. We kissed passionately. Our moment lasted a second due to CJ's cries.

We had breakfast on the table and Christmas music played in the background. CJ made a couple sounds which had us laughing. Zack was making funny faces to make her giggle. "Does anyone got holiday plans?" William asked. I hummed in response. "Why you ask?" I said. He took a deep breath. "Mine is getting Kelly a Christmas gift. I'm not sure what it could be." He said. "Promise ring?" Maya asked. "Red bottoms?" Bryana said. "Necklace?" Maria asked. "New Beats headphones?" Daniel asked. We looked at him weirdly. He shrugged. "What? I broke my last ones." He said. I playfully rolled her eyes. "Everyone, stop guessing. Kelly will love whatever you'll get her. She doesn't care about valuable gifts or getting her an entire closet. Just get what you think she'll like." I advised. His brain suddenly clicked. It's obvious because he's the brainiac sibling. "I got it! I got it!" He said, smiling and running upstairs. Zack raised an eyebrow. "He must be the brainiac, right?" He asked. I laughed and nodded. Daniel played around with CJ. She smiled a bit. Maya smelt the air and stuck her tongue out. "What's that smell?" She asked. We begin to smell the air contaminated by stink. Daniel covered his nose and pointed at CJ. My eyes widened. "Uh oh, somebody's got a dirty diaper." Mom giggled. I nodded and picked her up. Zack covered his nose. "Looks like she needs diaper changing." He said. I raised an eyebrow. "You do know I'm not the only one who should change her diaper?" I said, smirking. He cleared his throat awkwardly. "Me? Me?" He repeated. I smiled and nodded. He gulped, drinking his water. Daniel giggled. I carried her upstairs and back to the nursery.

After taking off the diaper, she was now taking her bath. Zack watched from the door. I cleaned her body and washed her little hair. She was whining a little. "I don't know how I'm supposed to be prepared for this." He said. I looked at him confusedly. "For what?" I asked. He scoffed. "Changing diapers! I always thought it was gross when my Mom talked about changing...mine. I don't know if I'm ready." He said. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Babe, it's gonna happen when you have kids whatsoever. It's ok if you feel nervous. We both have equal parts in parenting so it can't just be one of us. Besides, she's fine." I told him. Suddenly, she cried once I left to find some towels. I groaned softly. Zack inhaled a deep breath and walked up to her tub in the bathroom. He smiled softly. "Don't cry, princess. Daddy's here." He said in a soothing voice. She seemed to calm as he rubbed her wet hair and held her hand. I came back with a towel, noticing Zack calming CJ from crying. "You're my cover, cover girl, I think you're a superstar. Yeah you are, why don't you know? You're so pretty that it hurts. It's what's underneath your skin, the beauty that shines within. You're the only one that rocks my world, my cover girl." He sung quietly. My heart fluttered by his cute voice. I handed him the towel. He smiled. I returned the gesture. "You're right. She is daddy's girl." I agreed. I carefully picked her up and wrapped the towel around her body. We left the bathroom and walked in the room. I laid her on the dresser with towel spread behind. She made small sounds as I rubbed lotion over her body. I smiled. "You sure love daddy, huh?" I said. She moved around and smiled a bit. "Guess it's yes." Zack said, chuckling. I pulled out another diaper and turned to him. He smiled sheepishly. I giggled and left the room. I ran downstairs and walked in the living room. Mom, Bryana and Maria was there. "Where's Maya and Daniel?" I asked. Mom didn't look up from her laptop. "At work and playing video games." She told me. I playfully rolled my eyes. Same old with Daniel. "Where's Zack?" Bryana asked. I smirked. "Two words. Changing diapers." I told her. Maria laughed. "She tricked him!" She told them. Mom laughed. "Bels!" She said. I kept laughing and shrugged. "Sorry! We got equal parts in parenthood so I'm not the only one." I said. She nodded in agreement. I hummed in response. "I'll go check on him." I said. Bryana nodded as I walked upstairs. Zack came out of the room, breathing heavily. His hands were full of powder and smells from the wipes. "I. Hate. This." He mumbled before collapsing on the floor. I smiled nervously. Ok, he clearly wasn't prepared.

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