Celebrating the King of Pop

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Morning assignments were done and I done a few stretch poses. The gang was in the classrooms while I studied in the dorm. My phone buzzed. I checked my reminder. 'Happy birthday, Michael❤️🎂🎤.' I smiled excitingly and pulled out my headphones. Every June 25th and August 29th, I celebrate the life of an incredible icon that changed my life. When I was sixteen and fifteen, I went through a terrible phase. The worst part was being depressed. I rested in bed after fighting with my parents about everyone looking at my exposed pictures. Then, I put on my headphones and played You Are Not Alone. It brought me to peace, knowing I'm not really alone through this. Listening to Man in the Mirror encouraged me to make the world a better place by cleaning our oceans. Today isn't his birthday because I missed it due to managing my assignments plus helping Zack find a future job after college. A happy memory clicked in my brain.

August 29th, 2014

Yay! Today is Michael's birthday! I rolled out of bed with excitement and got prepared for the day. My sisters and William woke up and did the same. We ate breakfast, playfully doing his famous dancing. Especially Moonwalk. We played Beat It, Smooth Criminal and Thriller on our living room TV. We watched the films, sang the lyrics and danced many times. Bryana used the remote to scroll down to more videos of Michael. William kept practicing the moonwalk yet almost tripped. I chuckled. "Will, it's clear your feet isn't how MJ moves his." I joked. We laughed. He scoffed and crossed his arms. "And yours are?" He asked. I hummed in response. "If I can do Beat It and Thriller, what chance you got?" I sassed. He smirked. "Ok, show me. Do the moonwalk." He said. They oohed in shock. Well, I practiced the moonwalk a few times but...I don't know. Maya cheered excitingly. "Yeah Bels! Do it! Show what you got!" She cheered. I got up and took a deep breath. I smoothly moved my feet around and backwards. Their jaws dropped, even Bryana's. I covered my face and laughed. She smiled widely. "That was awesome!" She said. Daniel came from the kitchen, holding a box of pancakes and box of oatmeal. We forgot to cook breakfast for him and Maria who was still in bed. William smiled sheepishly. He smiled innocently. "You know? If you're gonna cook breakfast and blast MJ, you could've called me." He said. Bryana giggled. William nodded, making his way to the kitchen. Daniel followed behind. Bryana pressed on another video to play. His performance in Munich 1994.

The video shown himself about to sing You Are Not Alone. I made myself comfortable and paid attention to the supportive fans and their beloved idol. "I'm gonna wake up Maria." Bryana told us. Maya nodded as she went in the hallway to our bedrooms. "Another day has gone, I'm still all alone. How could this be? That you're not here with me? You never said goodbye, someone tell me why. Did you have to go? And leave my world so cold? Every day I sit and ask myself, how did love slip away? Something whispers in my ear and says that you are not alone, I am here with you. Though you're far away, I am here to stay. You are not alone, I am here with you. Though we're far apart, you're always in my heart." He sung beautifully. Sudden tears fell from my eyes. His voice and heartfelt lyrics touched me. Maya smiled and patted my shoulder. "It's ok. It's all good." She said in a soothing voice. I sighed. "He literally touched my life. I miss him so much." I muttered. She hugged me. I hugged back.


I'll never forget the day we found out he passed. It felt like an actual friend left me behind. I turned on my playlist and played Dirty Diana. I sang the lyrics and did air guitar. I pretended to have a mic to sing. I carefully jumped on the couch and done air guitar with my fingers. "Whoo!" I shouted. Little did I know the gang came back and saw my performance in amusement. Someone tapped my shoulder. I snapped and looked up to see everybody. Zack smiled, crossing his arms. "Hm, Dirty Diana's really bad news." He joked. I took off the headphones and sat on the couch. Slater chuckled. "What are you doing?" He asked. I smiled. "I was listening to MJ." I told him. Screech looked confused. Zack rolled his eyes. "Michael Jackson." We said in unison. He nodded in understanding. Kelly smirked. "I didn't know you love Michael." She said. I laughed. "He's one of my inspirations throughout my life. He's the reason I got through depression and rebellious stages plus cleaning the oceans to help the world." I explained. Alex oohed. "Have your parents ever met him?" She asked. I nodded my head no. "He was like the friend I bonded through music. Today's the day I celebrate him since I missed his birthday." I said. Slater gave a thumbs up. "Aye, that's cool Bels! MJ is really the legend." He said. I giggled. "True! That's why we're gonna celebrate too. Michael to me was like a risk-taker who took on the world. He never let anyone get in his way, especially haters." Zack agreed. I smiled warmly. He returned the gesture. Kelly nodded. "I'd love to join! We obviously grew up with him and just like him, I wanna make a difference in the world." She said. Leslie cheered. "Me too! I used to be so obsessed with Thriller when I was younger." She told her. Ugh, I should've dressed as him for Halloween...but maybe next year. Slater checked his wristwatch. "Oh sorry guys, I have my shift at the cafe." He said. Screech's phone buzzed, playing Human Nature as a ringtone. They looked at him weirdly while he answered. I tried to hide my chuckles. "Ok, babe. Remember we promised to search for houses right?" Zack asked. I quickly nodded. He smiled. "Great! We can start looking online during lunch." He said. We said bye as Slater left for work. Alex followed behind. Leslie wrapped her arm around Kelly's. "Let's go find something worth honoring Michael." She said. Kelly smiled brightly. "Yay! Like volunteering to help pets or children." She said. Screech knew the places so the three went searching.

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