Gender Reveal of Little Morris

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(Up top is the decorated room)

Two Months Later.

We made plans for our little family in the past two months. Unfortunately, I had to finish school at home most of the time. Zack needed to keep up at CALU and when he's not doing school, he'd come visit and take care of me. My family took the news really well. Of course, any family would freak about one eighteen year old relative being pregnant but things were going to be fine because I have money, school and future job to consider. The girls and my sisters were happy to plan my first baby shower. The gang will decorate the dorm room with Mike's permission and bring food and drinks. I wondered if Kelly invited Jason from Mykonos. They seemed to hit off good last time. Zack and I were happier than ever to announce our baby's gender. Everybody betted that it could be a boy or a girl. Honestly, I wouldn't care as long as we love him or her. Mike made it a private celebration so nobody interrupts or show up unannounced. My parents couldn't make it so they sent a few gifts. They're not sure if it's a girl or boy so the gifts are different. Bryana invited a few of her best friends from high school and Maya invited her boyfriend, Wilmer. William befriended someone from his online college so everyone's questionable of who could it be. Just me, my friends and siblings celebrating our beautiful unborn child. It's just how I wanted it. "Wake up! Wake up, Bella!" Alex told me. I groaned and clutched my blankets closer. I hate when she does this. She doesn't do it much but today's an important day. I huffed. "Ever heard of don't wake up a pregnant woman?" I asked. She nodded her head no. "DON'T!" I yelled. She jumped and fell off my bed. I laughed quietly. Kelly rose up and rubbed her eyes. "Guys, what are you doing?" She asked. Leslie wrapped her hair in a ponytail. "Yeah. It's 8am in the morning." She said sleepily. Alex quickly got off the floor and brushed herself. "Exactly! I was waking up the crazy pregnant lady who burned my ears." She growled sarcastically. I smiled innocently. Kelly giggled in her morning voice. Leslie's brain clicked. "Oh yeah! Cmon! We need to get ready!" She said, rolling out of bed. "We bought pink and blue decorations so we can hang them up." Alex added. I yawned and stretched. Kelly smiled. "The guys are in charge of food and drinks and invitations sent out already." She said. Wow, these girls are party planners. I carefully got out of bed and took a deep breath. Leslie smirked. "And the guest of honor should focus on opening presents and enjoying herself." She said. I breathed a breath of relief. Great! Just me, food and presents. I smiled warmly. "Thanks guys." I said. Kelly nodded. "No prob!" She quickly said. "Chop chop!" Alex shouted. In a second, we prepared ourselves and waking up the guys to start the day.

The shower begins at 1pm so the gang's already left for party shopping. I stayed with Zack and watched TV. His arm was wrapped around my neck. He smiled. "You look gorgeous today." He said. My cheeks burned red. I giggled. "Thank you. You're looking handsome as always." I sassed. Zack hummed in response. "Should we kiss?" He asked. I smirked. "Let's find out." I whispered. He caressed my cheek as we kissed passionately. We parted and I rubbed my baby bump. He looked at it in awe. "I been thinking...since they're not here, maybe we can talk about the- I cut him off. "No! Nice try. We're not discussing the gender before we tell everybody. The walls can hear too." I told him. He rolled his eyes. "Cmon! After all, it's a Morris baby." He said, smirking. I crossed my arms and smiled. "One time. Don't mention he or she! Just say it." I said. He nodded and cleared his throat. "Imagine how it's gonna be like when it's older?" He asked, using air quotes. I sighed happily. "All I could say is it'll be very pretty, smart and confident. Our baby will have everything." I joked. He nodded, chuckling. It's true! Our daughter or son will be bright someday. Zack kissed my bump. "They'll love whoever it'll be." He said, winking at the last part. I playfully rolled my eyes. I understand why Bryana said she hopes our son will have my genes. I rubbed his hair. "Babe, is it ok if I get back to my show?" I asked. He nodded and laid his head on my shoulder. We didn't notice the door flung open. Everybody came with decorations. "Hello?" They said in unison. We groaned and got off the couch. Two hours of alone time sadly ended. Kelly cheered excitingly. "We got everything! Let's decorate!" She squealed. Alex pulled my arm to our room. "What are you doing?" I asked. She sighed. "Getting dressed for the shower, duh!" She told me. I chuckled. Oh man.

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