A Mom? Part 1

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Two weeks later.

Never thought about going to a college party. I did and it was so much fun. Drinking? Hell no. Thankfully, Mike didn't know and Zack and I recovered from passing out. This morning I rolled out of bed. I yawned groggily. The girls were still sleep but they'll wake up soon. I did my morning routine and took a shower. My stomach growled. I'm so freaking hungry. I walked to the kitchen and cooked bacon and eggs. I saved the rest for the gang. I sat on the couch and began eating. I ate half the food but my stomach began to feel funny. The food was coming back to my mouth. Oh shit! I got up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up in the toilet. Every ounce of food came out of me. I felt disgusted. What did I eat? Bacon and eggs but it never makes me puke. I flushed the toilet and washed my face. I took a deep breath. "Bella, you ok?" I heard Kelly. She was wearing her pjs and watch me leave the toilet. I fake smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's just bad tummy ache from the bacon and eggs." I said. She nodded, pulling out her toothbrush and mouth rinse. Alex and Leslie walked in as well. Leslie smirked. "You're quite a morning person, Bels." She said. I playfully rolled my eyes. Alex giggled. "She's not wrong." She muttered. I shrugged. "By the way, I made bacon and eggs for you." I said. "Thanks." They said, smiling. I laughed and left the bathroom. I returned back to our dorm. Zack was eating the breakfast. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. He saw and smiled. "Hi princess!" He said. I chuckled. "Hungry, huh? Save some for the girls." I joked. He smirked. "Guess they'll eat from the cafe." He joked. I sighed and sat beside him on the couch. He kissed my cheek. He huffed. "That party was wild." He said. I nodded in agreement. "I know. Another reason why I don't drink." I said. He looked at me confusedly. "What's the first reason?" He asked. I sighed sadly. The dark memory filled my brain. Mom's right on focusing on the future than the past. But sometimes you gotta go through your past to get to your future. He rubbed my hand. "What happened? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. I squeezed his hand softly. "It happened when I was sixteen. I went to a party and got really drunk. I was dancing around guys who'd grope me because they thought I was the dumb hot rich girl who likes to be touched all the time. Next day I went on my feed and there was a bunch of photos of them touching me and people calling me a slut or whore." I said. Tears wetted my face as I told him. He hugged me. I hugged back. We parted. He angrily clenched his fists. "I'd murder those guys. You don't deserve to be treated like that." He growled. I wiped my eyes. "That's why I don't drink at all. Anyone would wanna take advantage of some rich girl to get online famous or popular on campus." I said. He kissed my forehead softly. "I should've never took you there." He said. I nodded in disagreement. "No, it's fine. We needed to have a night out together and I didn't want to take that away from you guys. I'm happy I had fun...even with you." I said. He smiled and rubbed my arms comfortably. His big arms gave a warm sensation. I laughed, feeling tickled. Zack looked at me weirdly. "What?" He said. I giggled. "Your arms tickled me a bit." I told him. He smirked deviously. "Really? Does this tickle?" He asked. He began tickling me. I bursted into laughter. He moved to my neck which is worse. I laughed a little hard. My stomach started feeling funny again. I clutched it as I felt the growing pain. He stopped and looked at me. "You ok? Do your stomach hurt?" He asked. I took a deep breath. "Seem so." I muttered. The pain got stronger which meant nauseousness. I got up and ran to the bathroom. The girls weren't there so they must be going back to the dorm. What's wrong with my belly? It's probably a stomach bug.

Later, I left the bathroom and got ready for class. The gang ate breakfast in the cafe thanks to Zack. I thankfully didn't eat so my stomach won't bug out. English period struck and I settled in my seat. The whole morning I've been nauseous, tired and actually relieved we'll have lunch after. Leslie nudged my shoulder. "Are you ok?" She whispered. I nodded and clutched my feet together. I'm beginning to have food cravings. I waited impatiently for class to be over. One painfullest hour was all it took. Phew! We grabbed our backpacks and began to leave. I anxiously raced out with my bag. An arm pulled me gently. Zack. "Bella, wait! Are you ok? You seem a little off." He said. I smiled. "I'm ok. It's just a stomach bug I'm having." I quickly said. The pain rolled in again.  I clutched my belly with one arm. Ugh, I need food. He smirked. "I can walk you to lunch." He said. I pouted. "Yes please." I whined. He chuckled and held my hand. We walked together to the cafe.

After eating everything, I rested in my bed for the day. I'm feeling tired and I don't even know why. Someone knocked on my bedroom door. The gang believed I'm getting sick. Maybe I am. "Come in." I said. The door opened, revealing Mike. He smiled. "Hey Bels! Kelly told me you haven't been feeling well lately so I brought you remedies." He said. He handed me a bottle of Sprite and packet of pizza. Weird but cool! I sighed sadly. "Thanks. What if I'm getting sick? My body doesn't usually act like this." I said. He shrugged. "Maybe you should go see a doctor. I'll talk to Professor Lasky about your assignments because you're not feeling good." He told me. I nodded. "If you need anything else, I'm here." He said. I smiled. "Thanks Mike." I said. He left and closed the door. I opened the packet and ate two slices. I finished drinking the soda. My phone buzzed. Kelly was texting me.

Kellbelle😩💓: hey r u ok? Zack said u seem sick

Belele💋👑: I am and thinking of seeing the doctor

Kellbelle😩💓: aww! Feel better!❤️

Belele💋👑: thanks!!❤️

My stomach was feeling funny again. A lot of food building up in my mouth. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom stall. I threw up a couple times in the toilet. I flushed and washed my hands. I rewashed my face and looked in the mirror. Seriously, what's wrong with me? I need to find out. I walked back in the dorm and immediately greeted with confetti. "Surprise!" The gang yelled. I smiled yet filled with confusion. I thought they're going out? "Why you guys here? I thought you were- Kelly cut me off. "We didn't wanna spend the night without you and felt bad you were sick. So, surprise!" She said. She hugged me. I hugged back. "Group hug!" Slater said. Everyone else joined the hug. Zack smiled at me. I returned the gesture. "Alright, does anyone wanna binge-watch After?" Alex asked. We laughed. "Sure!" I said. I'm happy I'm not spending a night alone without them.

The night was lit! We ate popcorn and cuddled with our partner. Kelly brought Clay to watch the movie too. I really hope they're dating. I couldn't eat more because I might throw up again. 11pm struck and we went to bed. I still insist on finding out what's wrong with me. My brain clicked. I pulled out my laptop and opened the page. I typed the symptoms I'm having on Google and the page refreshed. Many links opened with the word 'Pregnant or Pregnancy.' Oh my god. Is this happening? I pressed the link and it shown the exact symptoms I've been having.

1: nauseousness
2: tiredness
3: extreme food cravings
4: throwing up

I covered my mouth in shock. Tears formed in my eyes. This can't be true. I'm pregnant?

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