Hottest Day of the Year

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"Ugh! So hot!" Leslie whined. Everyone was in the living room watching TV and enjoying least tried. The weather forecast said today would be extremely hot. Extreme means burning heat. I sighed and drank my water bottle. All our water bottles were on the end table. Slater bought literally seven so we could beat the heat. Zack sat beside me, rubbing my arm soothingly. "You ok?" He whispered. I nodded and wiped the sweatiness off my neck. Kelly fanned herself with a magazine. "There's got to be some way to beat this heat." She said. I shrugged. "Yeah but it's now- I stopped to check my iPad. It's officially 86* degrees now. I huffed. "86 degrees." I told her. We groaned. Zack unbuttoned his shirt which shown his muscled chest and abs. Slater did the same. My cheeks burned red. I licked my lips. This day just got warmer. Leslie looked at me and giggled. He breathed a breath of relief. "Phew! That's better!" He said. Alex hummed in response. "Much better." She mumbled. Kelly covered her mouth to giggle. I playfully rolled my eyes. The door opened, revealing Johnny. He smiled. "Sup guys!" He said. "What's up Johnny?" Slater asked. "Hanging at the beach! You didn't know? We still have a day off thanks to Halloween! Everyone's at the beach to beat this crappy heat!" He told us. Our eyes widened. Beach? Day off? Hell yeah. Zack smiled happily. "Cool! Let's hit the beach!" He said. We cheered and got off the couch. "Hm, what am I gonna wear?" I wondered. Kelly scoffed. "I know right." She agreed. Leslie laughed. "Who cares?" She said. We looked at her weirdly. She looked down shyly. "I should." She said. We raced to our rooms to get dressed. Being pregnant won't stop me from looking sexy in a bikini. I raided my gore, pulling out a cute swimsuit.

I smiled, applying lipstick and brushing my hair

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I smiled, applying lipstick and brushing my hair. The girls's jaw dropped. "Wow! You look great!" Kelly said, smiling. Leslie nodded in agreement. "It's true! It reminds me of that movie." She said. Alex smirked. "Baywatch?" She guessed. They nodded. I laughed. "Thanks girls." I told them. We gathered our swim bags and walked out of the room. The guys wore swim trunks and sunglasses. Screech carried a beach chair and sunscreen. Hm, I need one too. Too much sun might be unhealthy for the baby. "Everyone ready?" Slater asked. "Yup!" We said. Zack grabbed the chair from Screech. "This is for you. It's our princess's first day at the beach." He said, smirking. I chuckled. "Overprotective huh?" I teased. He raised an eyebrow. "Over? I read too much sun gives people skin cancer. No way our child's getting sick." He said in a serious tone. I pulled out my bottle of sunscreen and poured some in my hand. I rubbed my arms and legs. I rubbed my chest. He stared in a trance while licking his lips. I looked up and sighed. "Happy now?" I asked sarcastically. Zack smiled lustfully. "Very." He whispered. I chuckled as we grabbed our stuff to leave. The girls got in my car and the guys got in Slater's. Leslie took the wheel as I settled in the backseat with Alex. We rode on the way to the beach.

Students from CALU were here. Of course, there's beers, food and regular drinks. DJ blasting music along with party lights. I'm really craving those crab cakes and chocolate bars they have. Alex cheered excitingly. "Yess! Beach life!" She cheered. We laughed and parked in the sand. Slater parked beside us. We got out with our bags. Zack took a deep breath. "Need anything?" He asked. I smiled. "Cravings. Crab cakes and chocolate bars." I told him. He nodded. Screech looked at me confusedly. "That's an odd combination of foods." He said. Kelly rolled her eyes. "It's called cravings, dummy." Alex told him. We settled our blankets on the sand. He sat my beach chair next to mine. I carefully sat and wore sunglasses. Zack sighed happily. I chuckled. "What?" I asked. "You're glowing like a goddess." He flirted. My cheeks burned red. Ugh, he's such a cutie. Kelly patted my shoulder. "Are you gonna be fine? We're going to play volleyball with Slater!" She said. Leslie sighed. "I feel bad you can't play because of the baby." She added. I nodded. "I know. But this baby won't be inside forever. I'll just listen to music or watch Disney+ on my phone. I'll be good." I assured. They nodded in understanding and joined them. Zack came back, holding a cup of crab cakes and a chocolate bar. He smiled. "For you, my lady." He joked. I laughed and grabbed the food. "Thanks babe." I said. He kissed my cheek softly. "I'm gonna play volleyball! Sure you'll be ok?" He asked. I quickly nodded. He smiled and walked away. I made myself comfortable. I pulled out my headphones and turned on my playlist. I began eating while listening to music. The whole world disappears as I dazed off.


An hour passed and I ate. The girls returned and tanned themselves in the sun. I would've did the same but I was watching Disney+ on my phone. We wore sunglasses and chilled. Kelly and Leslie read magazines, Alex fell asleep. The guys talked while grabbing drinks. "Hey, Bels! What are you planning to do after college?" Kelly asked. "Yeah. You said before you wanted to sing and make a difference musically." Leslie mentioned. I nodded. It's true! I dreamt of doing this since I was a little girl. Growing up wealthy would mean I could've became a star quickly. I didn't want my whole life to be based on getting everything because I'm fortunate. That's why I volunteered in the 4Ocean movement because one, I love oceans and two I wanted to help. Beside music, I needed to have a spot in my parents's company like all my siblings do. "True. For a head start, I need to have a spot in my parents company. We talked and discussed after college, I'll work in my family business for a long while." I explained. Leslie smiled. "That's really amazing. You're a true role model to your daughter." She said. I smiled warmly. Alex looked confused. "What about your music?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. "I said a while, Alex. And before you know it, I'll be taking you to meet Ariana Grande." I said. They smiled dreamily. I watched Zack laugh with the guys. I can tell he'll be more happier in a few years. Just me, him, our daughter and more kids we'll have someday. I rubbed my baby bump as thoughts left my brain. The first role in business is getting our house though. Screams and music was blasting. We turned to a few drunk girls dancing around the DJ. They kissed him, twerked and mumbled slurred words. Kelly sighed. "Honestly, I feel bad for those girls." She said. I nodded in agreement. I felt sudden embarrassment because that used to be me. The only difference is guys touched me all the time. Alex scoffed. "Yeah. Who acts classy like that?" She said. Leslie giggled. I rolled my eyes and an arm grabbed me gently. I looked up to see Zack. He smiled. "Cmon." He whispered. I carefully got up and walked with him to the ocean. Waves flow back and forth. It seemed really beautiful in the sunlight. Our hands intertwined as we faced each other. I smirked. "I enjoy this view." I said. He smirked lustfully. "You do? Like what you see?" He teased. I laughed. We leaned and kissed passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He rubbed my baby bump repeatedly. It made me feel good. I felt another kick and jumped a bit. We parted. He smiled widely. "She kicked!" He said. I playfully rolled my eyes. "Zack, she does it everyday." I said. We chuckled. He bent and kissed the bump. I looked at him in awe. "You know? After this, we have a lot to discuss when she's born." I told him. He nodded in agreement. "I know. Buying a house and jobs too." He said. I chuckled. "I don't care what happens as long as we're in this together." I said. Zack smiled and kissed me. I melted in the kiss. "Ahem!" A voice said. We turned to see Alex with her phone. "Smile, hotties!" She joked. We laughed. She snapped a picture and sent it to me. I smiled warmly, saving it to my gallery. We walked back on the sand and Zack pulled out his phone. My cheeks burned red. "Zack, no." I said shyly. He smirked. "You look absolute hot baby mama." He joked. I sighed and posed for the camera.


My two princesses

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My two princesses.❤️
👥 bellabeckham

He kissed my cheek before catching up to the guys. I returned to my chair, watching Disney+. "This is so perfect." Leslie said in a relaxing voice. Kelly hummed in response. "Yeah." She agreed. I playfully rolled my eyes. My brain clicked. Queen of Pranks made a plan. I smirked and noticed a bucket Screech held. A big one. I carefully got up and walked away. "Screech!" I called. He saw me and smiled. "Yeah, Bels?" He said. I began whispering in his ear. He nodded and ran to the ocean. Slater looked at me confusedly. "What did you say to him?" He asked. I almost spoke until he returned with the bucket filled of water. I smiled. "Thanks!" I told him. I carried the bucket to where the girls were chilling. In a second, they was now soaking wet. Their jaws dropped and took off their sunglasses. Zack and the guys laughed. I laughed a little hard. Awesome! "Best prank ever!" I cheered. They couldn't stop laughing. The girls smirked deviously. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. I studied their faces. Uh oh! I turned to Zack. "I NEED HELP!" I shouted. He nodded and the water fights began.


We were really wet after that battle. They carefully poured water over me. I sighed happily. I dream we'd take our princess to the beach someday. Johnny told everyone the Dean of Students was here so we had to go. We came and took showers. I dressed in my PJs and checked my feed. Zack's post almost made me cry. My life is amazing than the one I had when I was younger.

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