Mykonos Break Weekend Part 2

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This early sleep is so better. I'm thankful Zack isn't worrying about me right now. He's out doing whatever he wants. I yawned and woken up from the couch. I felt somebody wrap blankets around my body. I rubbed my eyes and looked up. Zack. He smiled sweetly. "Get some sleep, hon. I'm right here." He whispered. He laid on the couch beside me and putting the blankets over himself. My stomach suddenly growled. Why is this happening? I'm not- my brain clicked. Exactly. The nurse told me I'll be having midnight cravings as part of the pregnancy. I sighed. "Everything ok?" He asked. I rubbed my belly. "Cravings again." I muttered. He nodded and rolled out of the couch. "Anything you need?" He asked. I smiled sleepily. "A sliced sandwich and Hint water." I told him. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Got it." He whispered. Two lights flickered on from the kitchen. I laid on the couch with thoughts in my brain. I'm really guilty and worried once everyone knows I'm pregnant. The guilt is being dishonest with Kelly and everybody about my health. I've had dreams of being a mother. There's nothing more beautiful than bringing another life to the world. What if Zack doesn't want it? What if none of our closest friends or family support it? Right now, we have a whole week with everyone in Mykonos tomorrow. Zack came back with my plate of sliced sandwich and a bottle of Hint water. He sat next to me and rubbed my hair. I sighed sadly. "Thanks." I said. He raised an eyebrow. "You ok? You feel ok?" He asked. I nodded as I took bites. He sighed happily. "I can't wait for Mykonos! That way, I'd see you in that bikini." He said, muttering the last part. I playfully rolled my eyes and smirked. "Don't jinx it." I flirted. He smirked lustfully. I set the plate down and drank the bottle. He laid beside me. I immediately felt relaxed and finished my sandwich. I smiled. "I'm excited for Mykonos too. I've wanted this trip for Kelly because she's been having guy issues lately. I wanna make her feel much better." I said. He looked at me in awe. "That's so sweet! We're gonna have the time of our lives." He said, smiling. I kissed his lips. He melted in the kiss and wrapped his arm around my neck. I snuggled onto his chest. I drank the bottle and pulled the blankets on my body. Zack kissed my forehead. "Goodnight babe." He said, smiling. I felt myself drift off to sleep. He laid beside me and wrapped his arm around my neck. I surely hope nothing goes wrong tomorrow.

Morning struck and it turned into a morning rush now. Everyone rolled out of bed in time to prepare for the trip. I smiled and finished my morning routine, took a shower and got dressed. Kelly walked up to me while brushing her hair. "Hey, Bels! Can we talk?" She asked. I nodded. "Sure! What's up?" I said. She took a deep breath. "Um, are you sure you're ok?" She asked. I looked at her confusedly. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why you ask?" I said. Kelly sighed. "Because you and Zack haven't been present lately, you run out of class because you need to puke and obviously you're not in class often." She told me. Everything she said is exactly true. This is regular pregnancy symptoms so I don't know what to say. Obviously Bella, you can tell the truth. I can't before the break trip. I wouldn't handle when everybody's angry at me. I fiddled with my fingers. "I understand you're probably concerned but I'm seriously better. I promise." I said in a serious tone. She smiled a bit. "Yeah. Sure! That's good!" She said. I chuckled as she stuffed her clothes in the suitcase. Through to my core, I established tremendous guilt. It's ridiculous my friends and boyfriend don't know about the baby. Am I wrong for waiting for the right time? "Guys!" We heard Slater's voice. We finished packing and grabbed our suitcases. We came out of the room to the living room. The guys held their suitcases and smiled. "Let's hit Mykonos!" Zack cheered. We cheered and laughed. My phone buzzed. I pulled out my phone to see Dr. Reynolds calling. She's the doctor I see every other week for checkups on the baby. I hesitatingly ignored the call. "Who was that?" Leslie asked. I shrugged. "An unknown number." I lied. "Alright, we need to be at the airport around 8:30." Screech added. I nodded in agreement. "Whoo hoo! I can't wait!" Alex cheered. We left the dorm with Zack turning off the lights. He raised an eyebrow. "You ok? Was it just a fake number?" He asked. I sighed. "Yup. Nothing new." I said. He fake pouted. "It better not be a boy." He said. I laughed and kissed my cheek. "You're too cute, Zack." I said. He smiled dashingly. "My favorite words." He flirted. We talked as we got in me and Slater's cars. I backed away from the parking space and onto the road, following the guys.

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