Welcome to Neverland

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The news stunned the whole gang. They deserve to know because they knew Zack since he was twelve years old. We respectfully wanted peace to ourselves after a long yesterday. Zack flunked himself on the couch. I finished my lunch and watched him. He said nothing while the TV played. My heart broke into pieces. He just discovered he was raped by one of his relatives. It affected him as he grew up. Child molestation is seriously an issue and the whole population needs to do something. I cleared my throat. "Babe, you hungry?" I asked. He sighed. "Nope, I'm good." He told me. I should be in a happy mood for him and our child mentally because stress is unhealthy during pregnancy. I smiled and sat beside him. He rubbed his hair, sighing. I looked at him in awe and kissed his cheek. Zack smiled warmly. I returned the gesture. "There's the smile I love." I joked. He chuckled and massaged my bump repeatedly. It really soothed me and I felt extreme calmness. I sighed happily. "Your hands are masters of massaging." I muttered. He laughed. Four days passed and finally he's smiling. We haven't forgotten our daughter's due date and going to see Neverland tomorrow. "Bella, do you think I'm a bad person? Because of uncle Rick, I do these things and end up hurting somebody in the end. I take advantage of my friends whenever I like to...all because somebody done that to me. Why? What did I do? What did I do to deserve this?" He cried. Tears fell from his eyes. I cupped his face and stared into them. "Zack, you're far from a bad person. You're loyal, kind, sweet and helps out your friends whenever they need you. Your uncle made a mistake that he has to live with forever. None of this is your fault. You were young and helpless and Jack felt the same. The most important thing is forgiveness. Forgive him for yourself. If you don't, it still has power over you." I told him. He huffed. "I don't how to forgive him. He took away my innocence and I loved him like a father. I blamed Jack for nothing and didn't bother to listen or talk to him. I hate myself for being an asshole." He said. I chuckled. "You're my asshole." I joked. Zack playfully rolled his eyes. "Very funny." He mumbled. "All you can do is forgive and forget. Especially apologize to Jack. That's how you can move forward. Besides we're going to Neverland tomorrow!" I said, cheering the last part. He smiled and hugged me. I hugged back. "This is why I love you." He whispered. We parted. We kissed passionately. "Love you more." I said. My phone buzzed. Mom was calling. "Who's that?" Zack asked. "My mom." I told him and answered. "Hello?" I said. She chuckled. "Hey babygirl! How are you? Excited for seeing Neverland?" She said. I smirked at Zack, remembering our secret about our child's birth. He returned the gesture. "Yup. I really can't wait and to go home for the holidays. Zack and his family wants to come." I told her. "Duh! He's practically our family." She said. I smiled. "Thanks! See you home!" I said. "You too! Love you." She said, hanging up. Zack snapped his fingers in remembrance. "Shit, shit, shit. I got Chemistry at 1." He told me. I nodded and caressed his cheek. "Go ahead, I'll be fine." I said. He groaned softly. "You can't be alone when you're pregnant! What if there's more cravings? Morning sickness? Or the baby comes—I cut him off by giggling. "Zack, I'm perfectly fine. Mike checks on me every two hours since Nate's shit. I'll be good and call if my water breaks. You can't miss class because of me." I assured. He smiled and kissed my lips. I kissed back as he got off the couch to leave.

Finally! Time to workout! I walked back in my room and change into a workout outfit. Nobody was in the hallway due to class hours. I came in the classroom where many girls were doing yoga poses. I sat on a mat and stretched for the minute. Ms. Ellis arrived, starting the meditate lessons. I inhaled a deep breath and remembered to breathe through the stress. Thinking about Zack and how happy we are, the lesson relaxed me so much.


December 2nd, 11:00pm.

"Babe, we're gonna be late!" Zack said from outside our room. Kelly and Alex helped find me an outfit for the biggest day of our lives. Don't get me wrong, our baby is more important. Leslie curled my hair and applied makeup. I was wearing this outfit;

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